Grease_monkeys garbage can

got pictures of this white mold? Curious what it is.


This is the only one I took. It doesn’t cover everything lije PM… more so the type that envelops fallen leaves. I had lots of clean up needing to be done on the plants that were effected


huh wow it looks like white mold alright. Is that patch of white on the green leaf mold as well?? I wonder if that mold is really botrytis. Ahhh well can’t put it under the microscope and see.

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All the white webby looking parts you see are mold. Could be bud rot… minus the bud lol. There was a lot of dead leaves needing plucked. Instead I shoved them in the ground, blasted them with the hose as said figure your shit out… lol

When disturbed the mold kind of spored apart, which was strange. It didn’t look like a dry mold


Giver a spray of diluted peroxide or a 50/50 skim milk/water spray


I was thinking like 50/50 bleach water lol


Bleach is so harsh, peroxide will clean just as well

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50 50 bleach to water will kill your plants, the leaves will go crispy in 24 hours or less. Trying to remember what rhe ratio I used for mites was but I will have to look it up on my grow thread.


The plants are gone to the outside lol. Bleach is just for the tent cleaning before I put any others in

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I have used a 10% bleach solution for PM.

Knocked the PM back for awhile.

Didn’t hurt the plants.


Moving forward trying to get things back under control. I’m going back to promix HP with some added perlite and most likley fabric pots. Is it worth adding blood meal to the promix? Its tge only ammendment i really have. Or am I better off sticking to my liquid nutes and forgetting the bloodmeal


with the solid organics indoors you have to watch for fungus gnats.


Alright, that’s a no then lol. I’m tired of bugs


Hey, I’ve got some sweet bug dope, swing by sometime and grab a some, it will work, trust me. Also anything you put outside is gonna start flowering any day now, I’ve got prebuds in some of mine. August 15 is the magic date for where we live

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Promix is king, ive used pronix hp for the last decade woth great results… the hydro store in bell McKinnon just got some perlite…not much it will go quick, they won’t get any more till October. if your using liquid nutes I wouldn’t add amendments, I mean some are okay but they defeat the purpose of each other


I would just use the bottles but that’s me.

I don’t like soil amendments because it makes fert schedule more complicated (is the initial charge done yet), you know?

I use straight promix hp myco and botanicare liquid nutes most of the time.


I’m much the same way, with promix HP and a little perlite. For nutes I’ve used General Hydroponics for years but when they sold out to Scott’s I started replacing them with High Output Grow 3 part. Right now I’m doing my first run with Emerald Harvest line. I’m liking what I see.

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Sonoff timers are absolutely shit

That is all


Still having issues with yours? Which ones specifically? I have an occasional hiccup with mine, but its very rare.


Both the poww and basic. Today my basic was shut off when its set to be on 24 hrs. I think they’ve got me atleast once on every run lol