Grease_monkeys garbage can

Especially if they are big they get a bit bedraggled looking. As long as you’re not using hot water, they’ll be good. I seen someone dip their plants in hot water, they died.


They’ve recovered pretty good! I’ll take a pic if one later it looks like it developed a bunch of crystal since on the leaves


If they’re still struggling some, you’ve gotten your ph where you want to be, and you’ve exhausted all resources, give them a tad bit of Superthrive. That stuff can work wonders and has resurrected plants I had all but written off. Not sure what the sentiment is on Superthrive with most members here, but it was the tits MANY moons ago.


They all recovrecovered well from their shower day, but unfortunaly i found a few more mites… At what point do you say fuckit and just let em live till the plants are done? I don’t really want to kill them cause this is just a small yield hunt for the best of each strain. Id rather get em finished and fightvem through veg.

This is the one that seems to have gone on turbo crystal mode. So far its looking like tge best gods green crack


They’re hard to get rid of in flower for sure. I’d just try to keep them under control until you get your test buds.

Stinking mites can be frustrating for sure.


I may dunk them in water one more time before leaving it be. Then just squish them as I find them


Hit them with safer or something every few days. Then just bud wash it at least give them a good rinse before you dry them. That should keep them at bay long enough for the plants to do their job.


I have found over this last year the only things that slow them down is removing the worst affected leaves and not letting the veg tent get above 74f. As soon as the plants get into the flower room the mites go crazy in that heat.

Fans at full blast don’t slow them, tried it.

I found its just easier to ignore them and give the buds a good wash at harvest time as I don’t like to spray anything after week 2 from flip. Once you have no more plants for them to jump on, have a good clean up, crank the heat up to get as many to hatch as possible and do a thorough scrub down with bleach and then a week later a sulphur burn to get any stragglers, I will be doing a sulphur burn a week, for 4 weeks before I re start again in the flower room.

Its worked for my veg tent with just 2 sulphur burns now not seeing any more activity in there but my temps are only occasionally hitting 75f in there on warm days, mostly around 73f atm.

Your problem will be aggravated by your partner’s house plants if they are on those as well.


Yeaa the houseplants will be the death of me… she argues about how easy spudermites are to get rid of, and insists she got em all…

After these are done I’ll may just keep my mothers going and hold off for a month or so to make sure hers are under control… or ill RAID them when she’s not home lol


Best light some incense to cover the Raid smell! :laughing:



Don’t they have scented raid now? Find the kind that smells like flowers. :joy:


I don’t allow any outside plants in the house. I don’t care if it’s a gift from your grandmother it doesn’t come inside.

I’m very serious about this and Mrs Foreigner makes jokes but she knows the deal.

The one exception is the aloe plant that pre dates my tent and even that gets the stink eye.

The most dangerous vector I can’t control is my dog


The houseplants allow my tent lol I’m stuck with em

She does quarantine any new ones… in our bedroom lol

Plus I’m in the woods all the time so there’s a good chance they just came in with us


5 weeks from flip. I cleaned up the yellow leaves after the pics

The super frosty ggc is looking kind of weird. Its also got tiny pistils compared to the others. But its leaves are just covered in trichs

The bogglegum freaks are still freaky too… one of them has started producing more normal pistils but only on 1 top lol. I dunno wtf is going on with this grow…


Yo greasy, hook a brother up, you need room for any males, I would be more than happy to keep a few in my tent of dudes, lol


I’ve killed all the males this time lol. Once I get my mites under control, ill have some stuff for ya… I just put 2 cackleberru cuts into soil so as soon as their rooted I can turf the mom… cause its getting hammered


Don’t think I’ll be winning any auctions here any time soon :roll_eyes: so that’ll be much appreciated

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Hahahaha want some fries for your salt?


I prefer cheese with my whine


Those look like pollen sacks to anyone else?