Greenhighlander grows

Pineapple pheno left Grapefruit pheno right from running them years ago.




Gorgeous! I’ve read a lot of people say Peak’s c99 is more representative of the original c99 than the re-release with a new parent that Bros Grimm did a few years back.


It is 100% . My search for c99 is how I found out about peakseedsbc . I had a friend who ran it for a few years in its hay day and I always really really liked it . Especially for fly fishing . But it didn’t yield enough for me to run compared to what I was at the time . If I remember right I was running Misty at the time .
Anyway I did a google search that brought up a thread on the mns forum. It mentioned how peak had obtained his c99 genetics and how it was the real deal from before bros grim shutdown.
I popped 15 seeds and ended up with 12 females. That pineapple pheno is 100% what my memory remembers of c99. It even had a rotten meat funk halfway through flowering that my buddy had mentioned years ago.
The smoke is undeniable and she deserves the rep .
From what I can tell most of the newer versions from various places including the bros remake seem to of gone the grapefruit pheno route. It def yields more and is really good weed . But is not the same as the pineapple.


Peaks C99 is excellent.

Anyone have any info on these?

I have some I’ll be growing soon.


I have no idea . But the first two things that stand out is that it is an f6 and states they are very stable yet seems to also state that there are phenos all over the place ?
Don’t know em until ya grow em . So plant em and let us know :slight_smile:


I agree. Very exciting, @anon60559124.

Yeah, whenever I read shit like that, it always cracks me up. Soooooo, what? These are f6’s, but they’re “all over the place,” which means you’ve bred for six generations but still never stabilized the line? Or, uh, something? I don’t even know how that’s possible.


Sadly only 3 of those Wolfpack F2 made it above ground. So clearly storage of seeds is important. Gonna germ some of the good ones out of the fridge next.



That is sad. And Mine were abuse with minimal problems I just figure the strong survive. Those are the ones I want.
:green_heart: :seedling:


Sorry for your loss. :confused:

Yeah, I feel bad for all the people dropping hundreds of dollars on seeds each month and then storing them in a cigar box in the back of a closet. Even an airtight container like a jar won’t help much at room temps. Sure, you can get lucky, but it’s just a fact that cold storage, the colder the better below 40F with no interruptions, slows their degredation and viability loss. There’s evidence that cold storage actually increases germ rates too, since it mimics the seasons.


Was no loss really . 14+ months sitting in a bowl in temps that probably didn’t go below 15c and reached upwards of 30c . Not to mention the very high humidity along with very low humidity. Exposed to light the entire time and not grade A to begin with .
A cold period after shucking absolutely improves germ rates . I imagine it mirrors what happens naturally.
I was just curious and figured I would share so people could see .
I have always stored my seeds in a jar in the fridge and have some pushing 20 years old that still show good germ rates.


Lots of rain and some decent winds lately . Koko is starting to lean and needs to be tied back and the seed from Wolfpack F2 #1 is looking hungry so will get some neptunes harvest .


Wolfpack F2 #1 seed

Everywhere I looked on SH I saw one of these guys . I counted 8 or so

Maybe the early frost is attracting them lol


So before this year I had only ever heard of sunshine mix . Something along the lines of it being the American version of pro mix . Well a vegetable farmer friend of mine who buys pallets worth each spring for his soil block starters was talked into buying it instead of the pro mix this year. He had terrible germination rates compared to what he usually has and noticed some big PH issues. He showed me it back in the spring and I thought it looked and felt like crap compared to pro mix . Was very muck like in comparison.
I had no non mixed soil to start seeds a couple weeks ago so I called him to ask if he had any pro mix laying around. He said he did and gave me some. It didn’t look right as soon as I put it in the plug tray but ignored that because it came out of a pro mix bale bag. Well it now has the same green carpet top as his seed starting blocks did and it turns out one of his workers just dumped some unused sunshine mix into the pro mix bag lol
So ya to keep a long story long , my germ rate with the wolfpack F2 wasn’t just from seed storage . Good news is I have finally been able to source some pro mix HP and will have it by Monday. I will then sprout more seeds.

These c99 are the first time I have ever not had 100% germ rate with peakseedsbc gear. Well they did in the towels but not made it above this shit soil.

This is the green carpet I mean


Koko when she went outside

Koko today

I don’t seem to have pictures of the other two when they went out . But they looked just as rough lol

Seed from Wolfpack F2 #1 . I was actually worried I over did it with the Neptunes harvest . But it actually barely greened it up lol This gal is a super heavy feeder .


Noticed this thing and have no idea wtf it is lol


Turns out that isn’t an alien but one of these


I hate those! Always all over my tomatos wrecking havoc. Sometimes there will be white eggs attached to them - I think its wasp or moth eggs and once they hatch they kill the worms hah.


Those things are amazing, they’ll eat half your plants in a matter of days. And, they are very hard to see.

A UV flashlight makes them easy to detect.



I had one eat almost a whole tobacco plant this season. First time seeing it this year. Here’s a pic of one I found.

The other one I found was HUGE! Looked like a big green Cohiba :joy: I didn’t know they can get that big.


Hate those things. Used to see them all the time in the garden. I haven’t seen one since I stopped gardening.



Beautiful pics, man. I love it. How much longer before you’ll be forced to chop? Four weeks? Five?