Greenhighlander grows

Noticed this on one of the Wolfpack F2


All 4 mystery beans are above ground


Large unsupported plants + strong winds =

She most likely could be taped back together and get some actual support and live . But I am not gonna put that effort in at this point. Bubble hash it is lol

Seed from Wolfpack F2 #1 smelling strong and delicious.

SH all blown over but not broken thanks to her flimsy stalks


So I grabbed some bubble bags locally and plan to make bubble hash for the first time. Sadly I didn’t realize they come in sizes other then 5 gal and managed to bring home only 1gal size bags lol

Also I will be transplanting some of the cuts into their 7 gal and firing up the big lights in the next day or two .


:thinking: I didn’t even know they made bubble bags that small, lol. Guess it’s gonna be quality over quantity. Any way you can exchange them for the bigger size?

I don’t make much bubble, but I can’t even imagine how many washes I would need to do in those 1 gal bags to get through the garbage bags worth of trim I’ll have at the end of harvest.


No chance of exchange . I bought them from someone who use to have a store and still has a buncha of their inventory. I didn’t even look in the bag of all the stuff I bought until I got home lol O well got bubble bags , new big light bulbs , and the cloning cubes I needed.
I figure I will put holes in the bottom of the smaller bag sized bucket , mix in a 5 gal bucket , then just pour from that through the bags in the smaller bucket with the holes . In my head that should work lol but I guess we shall see .


Back row left to right
4 Koko , 1 Seed from Wolfpack F2 #1 ( I desperately need to start calling this something shorter to type haha )

Next row
3 Wolfpack F2 #1 seed , 2 SH

Next row
3 Wolfpack F2 , 1 c99

Last brown tray row
5 c99

4 purple pots are the mystery seeds and the rest are Wolfpack F2


Anyone with bubble making experience want to chime in on this idea ? @ReikoX and anyone else reading this with experience?


That will work. I’ve seen people wash in brute trash cans and drain into 20 gallon bags on IG. So this would be similar.


That is SUCH a “Minitiger Move.” I do stuff like that all the time, which is why I have a garage full of shit I’m never, ever gonna use.

I like “Seed from Wolfpack f2 #1.” It sounds like a 50’s horror B-movie. Like Son of the Creature from the Black Lagoon or something.


I recommend eating the cost of those bags and getting some 5 gallon ones.

Bubblemaking is a lot of work and I’d have a hard time justifying the labour.


I figured they would be too small , but I did only pay $30 for them so not too big a loss. I’ll use them to make some with fresh frozen from my OD plants and see if I even like the final product or the process. If I do , then I will get some larger bags.


The small bags will work. It’s just gonna take longer, which is everyone’s complaint. If you had a trash can or five gallon bucket with a spigot would help. Mix in that and then drain into the gallon bags.


Ya my current plan is to mix in a 5 gal and pour that through the 1gal bags in a 1 or 2 gal bucket with holes in it.
I won’t know how much I can pour before doing a clean out until I do it. But that is the plan atm.

My main reason for trying this is because I won’t bring my outdoor inside to dry because of pests and such and it won’t dry in my uninsulated garage before going moldy. So I figured this could be a good use of it .


You should be able to empty the bucket. Just the catch bag 220 may fill up with material. With the water in the bag you can do a lift and drop technique and the water will flow out quicker.


Amazing. Never seen that before.




What is left of Koko

SH still flopped over lol

Wolfpack F2 #1 seed . I have been trying to think of the best way to describe her smell . It is almost like a skunky cleaner . The smell takes me back to 95-96 ish and weed we use to call little lungs weed because it made your lungs feel tiny and it was half hard to take a full breath for awhile after smoking. It was called chemo and or wheelchair weed in Halifax at the time.$15-$18 per tinfoil wrapped grams at the time lol Anyway it has been many years since I have smelled it but this sure reminds me of that.


Man your outdoor looks nearly done, maybe another week or two! I can’t believe you’ve made it this far. Looks fantastic, and FAT! Gotta be your best outdoor in years…

What’s the weather looking like for the next week or two?


I am guessing they are around week 5-6 ish . But at this point even on a sunny day they still only get maybe 2-3 hours of direct sun. I will let them go as long as I can without losing them to mold.

I did notice the first sign of mold earlier on the Wolfpack F2 #1 seed


Should soon be seeing some preflowers

Hoping to get the flowering tent vacuumed out and wiped down , both bulbs changed out , and start transplanting.