Greenhighlander grows

Looking great bro :grinning: that flower tent gonna be full in no time.

I had some Wolfpack F2s headed my way in August. Sadly, they never made it :sob:. I’ll have to experience it through your grow, again, lol. If only I had a smoke-o-vision app come harvest time to try the buds :joy:


I will only be transplanting the cuts first and only running one light until the seedlings sex and I can get cuts of them. I probably shouldn’t of popped all those other Wolfpack F2 and the 4 mystery seeds yet but oh well lol

I wouldn’t be surprised if someone out there has some more Wolfpack F2 for ya . Thousands were given away and I have only seen or heard of one person growing them to harvest yet, other then myself


Beautiful plants @anon60559124! Super frosty. I didn’t know you could grow such nice frosty plants with only a few hours of direct sunlight. Hope you don’t mind me using your pro mix recipe with the Gaia Green.


Not only do I not mind but I hope it works for you as well as it has for me.
Would have to be an asshole of enormous proportions to post my recipe and then mind someone using it haha


I actually chuckled out loud when I read that. “How DARE you use my soil recipe!” haha…

I have some of those. And I considered offering some to @Oldtimerunderground. But I’ve really been lagging on sending out seeds I’m supposed to send. I STILL haven’t sent out all of those GPS seeds that I told people they could have. And that was like, what? Two months ago? Six weeks, maybe. But yeah, @Oldtimerunderground, I have some of those seeds and could send you some. At some point…


3 c99 showing male quite early right around the 4 week mark.

The Wolfpack F2 with the split leaf is showing female right around the 5 week mark


As usual I have had to chop out a lot of mold from Koko. She just doesn’t do good in my fall conditions.

I am pretty sure the Wolfpack F2 #1 seed is officially the biggest plant I have ever grown. Even with running out of gas so early. It also sure branched out for only being topped once and those branches are nice and strong.

She stands up to mold much better then Koko also. This is only the second spot I have found after going over each and every bud.

I really hope it smokes as good as it smells lol


Too bad Koko is prone to mold late season where you are. That Wolfpack looking great though.

The way the leaf in center of the last pic is looking, can be a sign of potential botrytis forming. I’ve had to toss several colas so far from budrot.

You can see I’m having some septoria in the top right of the pic too.


Ya that is why I shared that picture. I have found the leaves dying like that to be one of the first signs. So adios to that whole cola lol


Lol, my bad :joy: that flew over my head. I swear I read it, but my brain didn’t make the connection :rofl:

Time for another cup of coffee


Another c99 showing male . It is also very stinky.

2 c99 are showing female . My memory is telling me the first I will call #1 looks like a possible Pineapple pheno and the second #2 looks Grapefruit like.

I also put one of the first 3 c99 males back in the tent because I am not 100% on it yet.


Got all of the cuts other then 1 of each transplanted . 3 Koko, 3 Wolfpack F2 #1 seed , and 1 SH
I also just decided that I am calling the Wolfpack F2 #1 seed , Coywolf . It is fitting as that is what we have where I live .

3 Coywolf . The first two Almost had to reveg and I believe that is because I took them from lower on the plant , that gets less light …

Only 2 of 4 SH cuts made it. I ran out of my usual rw cubes and tried some peat pucks or whatever tf they are called . As usual none of the peat cuts I took rooted lol Man I hate those things haha Anyway her is the one SH that got transplanted

3 Koko

Also I noticed this on the soil

I musta transferred it from outside somehow so now I have to throw out everything and start over …:stuck_out_tongue: hahaha


Looks like the fungal bloom I get when I mix a fresh pot of soil. Especially with some barely.

I don’t know that it’s harmful much at all, except to young plants and seedlings prone to damping off, I did seem to notice it kill them actually.


Ya I was totally joking about implying it was a bad thing. I could see it being possible with seedlings maybe but in any other context I see it as a good sign my soil is alive.


Nooooooo…. I loved the name “Seed from Wolfpack f2 #1” haha.

Those cuts look good and healthy. I really need to learn how to clone.


Coywolf is perfect.

Next time I take cuts I will share pics and explain the process. It is easy . I have only been using aloe from my aloe plant as the rooting hormone for a few years now with good success.


I am trimming up some outdoor Koko and have seen a few of these . Not sure what they are as I have never seen them before.


Are they still alive? I’ve never seen them before, but it definitely looks like some type of larvae. Scared to find out what it transforms into :joy: hope there’s not many and you can pick em off easy.


Ya they are alive and luckily they are super easy to spot. Especially when you are keeping your eyes peeled for mold .
I just have never seen them before. They look like an inch worm and have I think 3 little dots on their back.


Your high latitude outdoor looks better than most indoor I used to get, back before I started growing. Now that you’re trimming it, how do you think it turned out?