Grow Your Own Laws

I’m in Montana and we technically have legal recreational and a four plant homegrow limit, but the real legality is up to individual towns and cities. Mine has already had medical without issue for quite a while, so we’ll likely go recreationally green lit by October. Unfortunately, my job gets federal funding, so even if you have a medical card and it’s legal recreationally, you can still lose you job over a piss test if it isn’t legal federally, so a lot of people are waiting for Biden to figure out where he is, and for congress to take a break from angry fisting each other/sucking each other off to legalize on the federal level. Until then, I can’t partake, but I’ll be able to grow and sell to a nearby dispensary. Yeah yeah, four plants isn’t a lot…I mean, unless you’re fucking with a high yielding tall photoperiod strain and scrog grow that bitch out one to a 4x4 tent.

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The last bill that the senate killed had drug testing for fed employees writting in it.

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I don’t care if they test federal employees…I’m not a federal employee, wouldn’t want to be one. Federal funding, however, requires a company or entity perform drug testing in line with federal drug laws and not state ones though, so that’s ultimately all I care about. I know it’s selfish.

I’m selfish :man_shrugging:t2: