Has anyone here defeated powdery mildew?

You do realize that everyone here has used sulfur to finish it off in one or maybe two sprays and it never comes back?


i dont know why you always want to argue about this lol. im not lying dude i definitely tried sulfur, and it definitely didnt work

im not saying sulfur has never worked for anyone. im happy other people have had good results with it. hooray for sulfur…


As far as I know, PM only lives on living tissue. I grow in a crawl space w/ dirt floor, and block walls… a bazillion places for nasties to hide. I’d had pm for a while. 2x sulfur sprays on my veggers, 2 weeks apart, got rid of pm, just sprayed the plants, not the area. No fucked up plants, either.

I’m glad you’ve found something that works for you, but I’d say either you had something other than pm, you didn’t do it right, you kept bring in infected plants, or you were holding your mouth wrong when you sprayed :slight_smile:

Joe’s not arguing at all, just saying others haven’t had your results.

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Yeah but @beacher you need to spray it again


lol dude you can go to my thread and see in detail my literal months long battle with this. h202, lactobacillus, potassium metabisulfite, sulfur. sprayed over and over again on every plant week after week

again, im sure sulfur has solved many peoples pm problems. again, it didnt work for me. im not a particularly smart person, but i can definitely mix powder with water and spray it on a plant the proper way

do you guys work for a sulfur conglomerate or something?

@Foreigner apparently it was all those random plants i brought in off the street, which in hindsight was probably not the best move during an ongoing pm crisis. thats if the white fuzzy shit growing on my plants was even pm in the first place!


Picking up trash on the street corner is down right risky and contagious.

I really enjoyed “holding your mouth wrong.” Maybe you should try holding it right and this wouldn’t happen

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This thread’s not the same since the @vernal V @JoeCrowe back and forth ceased, it was very entertaining


Man, here’s the thing. I watched you and you didn’t do it properly. I knew it at the time that you didn’t do it right and I knew that you also would never accept that the mildew was finished off by sulfur. I also knew, that wasn’t good. Dude… you seriously made sure that it would fail. I saw you do that. In your thread.
The oil application you put on your plants, then applied sulfur ensured the plants would be chewed full of holes. It was nuts! I just hope the next time you get the mildew, that you will actually do the sulfur protocol, and see that it works.

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My room looked like snoop dog tripped and spilt his bag of coke all over my plants. 2 sulphur burns in a 10 day period and it has never returned.


These are events copied from beachers grow with the mildew.

march 24 2020 - JoeCrowe mentioned sulfur.
june 5 2020 - sprays in rotation sulfur, potassium bicarbonate and lacto(no mention of concentration or what kind)
june 15 2020 - lacto and potassium bicarbonate
june 26 2020 - sulfur spray. Says once more in a week. Then only potassium bicarbonate.5 grams of sulfur(unknown concentration) per 500ml
june 29 2020 - holes in leaves from sulfur? Who knows.
july 3 2020 - only sprayed one room with sulfur, not the other.
july 5 2020 - sprayed veg plants with sulfur.
july 10 2020 - more plant damage.
july 11 2020 - rinsed off the sulfur.
july 21 2020 - spraying potassium bicarbonate weekly, now harvest miracle.
august 1 2020 - no mildew.
august 16 2020 - no mildew. no spraying.
august 31 2020 - no mildew, outdoor plants have it? (questions about the origin of these outdoor plants)
sept 25 2020 - plants all cut down and nothing growing.

Where did it all go wrong hmmm?

yes, of course its because i dont know how to mix a spray bottle with powder and spray it on some plants lol. gotta be a real scientist to pull that off.

lets try this: youre saying that sulfur works 100% of the time for pm? its never failed anyone?

you might want to tell all those commercial farmers and scientists that, yet again, some stoner on a weed knows more than them…funny how that works

its also strange that we have an 800 post thread to discuss something that is infallibly cured for $5

im starting to remember why i stopped coming here. despite being one myself i cant fucking stand stoners


Im getting pushback too from a select few…hold the course. Our dialogue is for those that will benefit.

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to be frank i dont really give a fuck. i havent been here for months and added a simple post saying what worked for me, in the hopes that someone like me will find it and be helped

i dont care about burnouts who live to ‘win’ fake arguments that nobody started on a weed forum…


You should try telling people pollen cant magically go through a mile of trees and fences and houses…you got the easy assignment


This is not a normal thread.


lol no its a totally normal thread…sadly

Personally i wont/dont want to spray sulphur…over and over, for yrs in my outdoor patch…i would be worried about accumulation and contamination of all the surrounding area. No, im sure it works but its not an appropriate method for me

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well then you will have powdery mildew forever as ONLY sulfur works and it works 100% of the time!

all those multimillion dollar commercial farms that moved state or went out of business due to pm simply werent mixing it properly…

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Damn ur white hot brother…we cool

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It’s interesting you say that, because I used sulfur to eradicate mildew from the garden. IT was infesting the pumpkins and squash. The problem with your spraying all those things on the plant is the outcome you developed. A confirmation bias that sulfur doesn’t work. The evidence it works is contained in this thread, but you never read it. Did you see all the experts come in and recommend sulfur? People like SCJedi, who is a pro.

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