Has anyone here defeated powdery mildew?

right. answer these questions:

does sulfur eradicate powdery mildew 100% of the time? do you think it has ever failed?

why do mutlimillion dollar greenhouses and other agricultural business shut down or move across the country due to powdery mildew?

Sulfur is not a/the miracle cure
Plus, it binds to resin and never comes out. Ive seen people wash their hash and its still toxic.

Growing in a basement can be tough - and is a common culprit for PM.
The trick is gas exchange - ensure the air flows and is replaced with fresh air. Just setting up can fans in the basement isnt enough - you need to exhaust the heavy moist air and intake fresh air that has the capacity to hold and release the moisture from the air in the basement.


definitely. my basement is like a mad scientists lab or something with all the weird things living down there

i put merv13 filter fabric over all my intakes. it should be too small for pm, mite eggs, and most of the shit we hate to get through. it was cheap for a big roll so ill always use it on intakes going forward

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You can easily make it fail, that was the point of posting the synopsis of your thread. I think it actually worked, that’s the ironic part.
The information posted in this thread has excruciating details about eradicating mildew and botrytis. It’s amazing, really! A whole encyclopedia of things that don’t work, and a very short list of things proven to work. Even advice on large scale eradication. Microscopic videos of sulfur colonies being nuked by sulfur. Hundreds of people who came in and eradicated it.
Then, there are posts containing all misinformation like:

You’d be in serious trouble if you try to cure your infestation with that post. Really now… Why do you think I spent all this time getting all these people to try it? Because I thought sulfur wouldn’t work for them? Or, I was completely certain it would cure their problem?


a rambling non answer to my very straightforward, simple questions??!? WEIRD

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ok hows this:

Nothing works if you do it wrong including sulfur application.

They don’t. They eradicate the mildew and move on.


those first two are yes or no questionsn lets try again here:

assuming it is mixed and applied correctly, does sulfur eradicate powdery mildew 100% of the time? do you think it has ever failed if mixed and applied correctly?

also tons of berry and other farms left the northeast due to endless, unsolveable pm issues. its discussed in many of the scientific papers and articles on the subject. note: 420dude69’s blog is not generally considered a scientific source

Oh shit but he taught me everything I know.


Ive consulted for farms that sprayed and burned sulfur, still had PM
There are farms in NorCal who have lost farmhands to unsafe greenhouses - including burning sulfur

IDK why you are being so adamant and oppositional on this topic. Its like you take it as a personal attack that people dont grow the way you do or are scientifically providing info that its not working.

Lemme ask, have you ever tried EM-1 ?




They should give me a call, I think I can really help.

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i know why lol

Misinformation/Disinformation will get challenged. If people had to rely on your information they would be lost and never get rid of mildew. I cut through that garbage with a simple cure that works every time.

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Funny, same reason I retort your remarks.

So, what about these lab results showing sulfur being sequestered in resin glands that can’t be washed out in extraction?

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That was handled hundreds of posts ago. The objective is to never get sulfur on your budding plants, I always say that. Spray in veg, never in bloom.

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But what if you had a powerful PM but only a weak solution of sulfur. Would it still work? Sulfuro is expensive where I am

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90%+ micronized(powder) sulfur does the trick. Probably costs 10 cents per treatment.

I can only get it in the foot powder not hydroponic store.

Don’t use tinactin on your plants. Head to crappy tire and get some sulfur powder. Not for internal use.

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But I heard it’s fast actin’


Sulfur might be the cheapest IPM part I’ve ever bought…