Has anyone here defeated powdery mildew?

I believe there is sulfur remediation tek for concentrates, but there’s no tek for determining whether a grower is lying about not using it in flower. Same w azamax etc

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I get it from my son who delivers semi truck loads to the uranium mines .
Have no clue what they call it other than it’s powder and large solid chunks once cooled but when loading it into trailers it’s hot liquid .

Using it in flower there is no lies one toke and it’s very obvious it was used too late in the plants life .


Uranium: kills PM dead.


On the other hand, not everyone smokes the trim and sugar leaves and larf before they make hash for their ‘buddy’. Just saying for conversations sake…

Also I have used the milk spongebath one time on one plant deep in flower. Pm seemed to stay and reappear only on the leaves. I caught it early because it was the only plant flowering at the time and was like 2 weeks till done, so I could give every leaf a milk wipe. After three days of twice daily leaf wipes, no more spots.

But had it been worse, I’d have been fucked. If it was more plants and still in veg I’d have nuked them w sulfur.

Tldr It’s good to have a couple tools, even if you use some more than others


Only problem is milk doesn’t work. I know it’s TLDR, but that’s on the list of debunked methods, along with LABS. The thing is, your infestation was already over 40 days old, if you could see it with the unaided human eye.


That sucks. 40 days old? So if I spot a spot on a leaf, it’s 40 days too late? Isolate it from everything and bin it? I’m a fan of sulfur, just that I’ve only used it once, (not even twice) in a situation. It worked too.:facepunch::+1:

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Nothing would settle this but lab test results. I think we’d all be stoked to see them I know botrytis an pm are plagues to every garden…especially in humid areas,

I’ve had a hard time in august especially, so sulfur might be out of the question then…

Leaf lab wipes appeared to the naked eye to eliminate the white spots which makes me wonder what if you see pm in last of flower…shits been there for 5 weeks already…which unfortunately means it’s technically on your whole life at that point

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Ipm>sulfur >manually wiping leaves w lactose bac.

Only two of those might meet flower criteria, in veg, if you have to, bomb away.

I’m still trying to wrap my heD around brix tho

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had a pm outbreak on some plants I took in and kinda panicked as it has been over 2 decades since i even saw pm on one of my plants.
I hit them with high ph baking soda and h202 spray down and followed up a few days later with Kelly’s Root n Leaf or RnL as it says on the bottle… formerly known as SM90 which was unavailable for a time due to a labelling issue with the governing bodies.

Gonna pick up some of that sulphur and start treating them with that. Luckily all my other plants are at a friends place a few km away while I mend up from my accident and they have not been exposed to these plants.
good thread minus all the weird shit and drama LOL


You have to break the infection cycle early with a spray on the plants that get infected with mildew in the spring long before you ever see it. That way it’s already dead. Then next year, as long as you aren’t bringing in more infected plants, the mildew colony won’t be back.


But the spores are ubiquitous


That’s not true at all, it’s misinformation. There is no evidence to support your claim.


ok! You see these images? We’ve got the large greenhouse, and the small greenhouse with 6 meters between them. The mildew infested all cucumbers, and squash! Raged for probably 6 to 10 years. And there are details, that will shock you.
The smaller greenhouse never got the mildew, even though it’s really close by. The large greenhouse was completely infested with mildew dripping off the plants. After 5 years, the mildew was unable to transfer into the small greenhouse. Even though I exercised absolutely no caution going from the big greenhouse where there was mildew into the smaller one, just 6 meters away. All windows and doors open.
Then I went into the big greenhouse and wiped out the mildew. Using 15 cents worth of sulfur! The good news? It never came back. It’s incredibly easy to wipe out, yet you can find an infinite list of junk articles online that think it’s forever. So, no, mildew is definitely not “blowing in the wind” and can easily be eradicated by following a few simple steps.

  1. mix a tablespoon of sulfur(90%+) in a liter of water, or half that dose will work even. It’s deadly to fungus.
  2. spray all plants that get the mildew
  3. dance on the grave of mildew fungus.

They ain’t really gone are they @JoeCrowe?

@vernal you still here?

That was edutainment at its finest.
You each deserve much more than I can give but I would like to forward some beans to each of you. Speak to your preferences and I will do my best.
Fwiw you are both right!!
Much love, gratitude and laughter.
Happy healthy harvests!!


I think vernal quit the forums, which is hilarious! I remember when he doubted that sulfur would kill the fungus… ahh, I still chuckle when I think of that. So many hilarious posts if I want a good laugh I go back and read.
Things really took a turn for the worst for “team vernal” when the first colony was wiped out using sulfur. The next hundred applications that worked… lol a nail in the coffin. When you summoned both of us to say you were treating your plants with sulfur… bah hah ohh the ironicals! So much humor!

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Dehumidifier in the tent. I keep my RH around 51% and dont have a problem with it. Before putting one in the tent I had problems with it all the time.


Unfortunately lower humidity actually contributes to the spread of the powdery mildew. Bringing in infected plant material is the only way to get the mildew. It’s really easy to finish off, just one spray of sulfur. I always recommend 2 sprays just to make sure it’s all dead and you didn’t miss a spot.


Interesting. I did not know that. Good stuff… I just thought the spores were floating in the air and when the conditions were right they started growing. I had zero problems with PM after bring down my humidity.


Yah I know, I did an entire grow where I let the humidity ride at 80-90%, and it only caused some bud mold. I couldn’t find any mildew chlamydospore or conidium anywhere with my research microscope. It used to grow on the pumpkins in the greenhouse, but I treated them with sulfur and it never came back.
Looooong ago when I had mildew on my cannabis crops(might even be 2 decades ago), I had read the thing about humidity and I turned my humidity down to 25%, which actually resulted in a larger production of conidium and a faster spread of mildew.


Just so everyone knows, that “mildew shit” ain’t coming back in the greenhouse. The plants are doing really good, I swear that “mildew shit” drains their energy while they are attempting to grow. The fact I can go outside and extinct the colony disproves 99% of lame articles written about mildew.