Has anyone here defeated powdery mildew?

Do you mix anything with the neem oil? Try dawn soap dish detergent and water… it’s worked for me.

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I wouldn’t put much stock in the neem thing, it’s already on the debunked list. How many sprays did you give the mildew before it was gone for good? Did you have to keep spraying it to keep the mildew away?

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Yes as soon as I get the slightest onset I blast the hell out of it… I’m talking all plants if I see it on just one leaf… heh

I do this pretty much once a month but after I see no signs for awhile

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ya, for sure. What we are looking for is a method that will eradicate the mildew once and for all! The sprays where you have to keep doing it or the mildew comes back aren’t acceptable. Once I eradicate that garbage, I want it to stay dead. So I recommend two sprays with sulfur in veg, two weeks apart. One spray will probably finish it off, but I recommend 2 as a guarantee that it’s dead. Sulfur is deadly to most fungus and once you mix a tablespoon, or at least half that of 90%+ sulfur in a liter of water, then spray that on your plants, the mildew is toast. Never mix with another product containing oil, and never spray in bloom.
Eradicate the mildew in veg when the plant is small, and it never shows up in bloom.


And, wait a while after spraying any oilish product, like a week or two, before spraying sulfur. Burning could ensue :frowning:


Sulfur was the solution that got rid of it for me for good. Haven’t seen a trace of it in months. Thanks @JoeCrowe
I used a Petra tools fogger at 2/3’s of the sulfur dose and fogged the room. I never did a second application because I flipped a few days later due to plant size an had a PM free harvest. I did have some dying pistils on some strains that flower quicker but corrected itself by the time they were q-tips. It did not effect yield or taste at all. Lesson learned!!!


Thank you for your report! I’m glad that parasite is dead. :slight_smile:


there is a reason for the bag…

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Where can I get me some???
Pros: Cukes will glow in the dark, making nighttime harvests a snap
Cons: Those damned black helicopters, again.


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Uranium banks are even less reliable than seed banks. But I ordered the 242 and this is the 424!

lol! I saved so many grows up at the unicorn, with the information I’ve posted here. Mildew can kiss my hairy ass! Yo… My question is how come people don’t know how to eradicate it?

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and my question is…which I believe you answered somewhere up ^^^^^^^^ in all that conversation…

I have cucumbers and squash growing outside. Cucumbers are pretty much done due to PM. I grow them in 50gal barrels, picklers, and they do great right up UNTIL the PM hits. So the plants are almost dead now, after 3 plants producing about 125 cukes, but there’s still plenty of time left.
If I understand this correctly, in early summer, I can spray my cukes, squash, AND my weed, twice…and I’m done?

AND…let’s say I do that, and the plants are great. Next year, I start cukes and squash from seed, put them outside in barrels, where does the PM come from?



Absolutely correct. In fact, you can spray them just after you plant them, or spray the entire area around where you plant them, before putting them in the ground.

It regenerates from the plant material laying around. That’s how spraying the area ahead of time can eradicate the problem as well.

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I’ll definitely give this a shot in the spring. Everyone I know that grows cukes always loses them to PM in August.
I haven’t had it on any of my cannabis, but cukes?..every year.


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It infested me for a decade on the cucumbers! Took me a while to get interested in fucking it up, but I do remember trying other strange things like washing the place down with bleach in between cucumber grows. Sprinkling around some sulfur powder. But after 5 years I got cracking, and started researching it. After I gathered all the data I needed, that’s when I pounced and destroyed the colony. My dad thought that shit was going to live forever with no end in sight. During the first year after I broke the cycle, he was astounded. That’s when I knew for certain, science gets you to the fucking top and keeps you there.
I had exterminated the mildew in my cannabis grow like 20 years ago, so I had an idea it was possible outdoors as well. Despite the university Ag professors telling me otherwise. Suckers. I hope they appreciate their mildew colony.


I have to agree with my buddy sulfur is very important. It is good preventive maintenance. That’s why I like to feed mine molasses.


Volatile organics in cannabis are constructed with sulfur as a component. It’s an important agricultural element. I still see the same debunked stuff trotted out again and again, though. Really strange subject where people will spend a couple of days defending something that’s been proven false. Fascinating!


Mold and bugs suck. It’s like a change in the oil in your car why wouldn’t you do it for your plants. Always respected what you have to say.


Hey Joe, I hound some stuff on one plant outside. It was so bright white I first thought it was bird crap which I have seen before and it may still be. I found it on a few limbs on the end and right under a flower.

I did notice a white leaf hopper on a few spots.

Any chance they create their own fungus?

I sprayed them top to bottom with Planet Therapy since flowers are present. It was cloudy and late afternoon. So, no burn the next day in full sun and that was good. I did see a spot still there yesterday morning but today nothing.

It looked like a liquid dropped on it, but how was it sort of under leaves? I have to research a fungus that grows on bindweed here but doesn’t seem to spread. It’s almost like PM but not powdery.

Just thought I’d ask since I came inside for a break from mowing. Peace


Bird crap is nasty. Pigeon is the worst.