Has anyone here defeated powdery mildew?

I suspect water scale. Try to wipe it off with your finger, or look at it with magnification. A picture would be nice as well :slight_smile:


I’ve experimented with Ozone and my outdoor shed/grow room is a natural for PM every year. I run my ozone on a timer once a week. I get the ozone strong enough to kill the PM but only slightly damages the plants.

I simply have to ask… are you trying to sell something? What is your reasoning?

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Whole milk works like a charm. Be mindful of the environment otherwise.

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yawn got any more theories that haven’t been falsified? Went over the milk thing about a thousand posts ago. Good luck with that one! You’ll need it, lol!


Worked for me in the last year of experiments 100%, no falsification required. Keep using the chemical agents though.

Hey are you going to spend 2 days defending that theory? Cause I got questions about WHY you would defend something that has been proven incorrect already. That’s the part that fascinates me at this point to be honest. The human mind’s ability to believe in old wives tales.

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There’s nothing to defend, my experience has shown that it works. Period.

I offered my two cents.

If it doesn’t work for somebody else, c’est la vie.

Then they can proceed with an alternative course of action.

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is you entire existence arguing with strangers about powdery mildew on this stoner forum? why do you care lol


Where have you been for 2 years, man? Things have changed. It’s no joke, I’ll tell people when they are full of shit to make the world a better place. The influence I have is all positive, unless you believe in things that I can easily disprove.

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ok then!

ten chars…

no, they will waste time and money on nothing. I’ve been there man, don’t tell me that the debunked theories don’t cost you. They are especially demoralizing when it’s year 2 and the last 20 things you tried didn’t work and then they try theory number 21 that fails. Then toss their plants in the trash.
You know how I know that shit? I’ve dealt with it so many times over the years. Just 2 weeks ago was the last case. Sprayed his plants with fulvic acid and after it failed took a tiny clone then that failed then etc etc he tossed out his buddah cane plant. Fuck me. The nonsense you find online is never used by the professionals, because they need something that actually works.


I agree the milk baths did nothing but stress me out . Sorry to say it did not work in my case.


Wait the pros say it doesn’t work? Color me shocked :wink:

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Yeah, he’s been hacking this thread and Ad Hominem attacking anyone who contributes helpful info that doesn’t align with what he says.


Go whatever route works for you brother, I try to minimize the harsher remedies. My experience was not with full on PM infection across both leaves and buds, so I only used it selectively.

Caveat > I found that I had greater success with the (whole) milk when I used a Q-tip dipped in milk to rub the PM off the impacted leaves and then use a separate q tip or paper towel to remove the milky/PM residual.

(whole) milk works because of the lacto bacillus in it that microphages(eats) the spores.
You can make your own concentrated serum for better results. The plant and soil loves that stuff. I even use it to chelate minerals and foods to the soil

Nice logical fallacy there, but I never ad hominem. In order to do that I would have to call you names. Instead I stick to the truth, which will slay your old wives tales every time. Why do you cling to old wives tales that can be easily falsified? That’s what I want to know.


Face it, that’s a terrible idea. Yo, who wants to use a qtip and milk to eradicate an infestation?


You really make this whole thread unappealing

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