Has anyone here defeated powdery mildew?

You know that means you believe in old wives tales right? Exposing yourself to the truth on this thread is poison to your mind. I know if you just didn’t read anything I post online you will feel like you are in a safe space right? Free from truth, one might say? Reality…oh my, it’s a bitch.

“TRUTH IS BEAUTY, BEAUTY TRUTH, SIR!” “But the truth can be harsh and disturbing! How can that be considered beautiful?”
The Simpsons.

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Lay off the sativas for a while

why are you going to spend 2 years trying to gaslight me? Here’s some plutonium for your mind.
To get rid of powdery mildew it’s easy. Just mix 1 tbsp 90% sulfur in a liter of water… or half that will work. Spray it on your plants and then 2 weeks later spray them again. Mildew is toast. Never spray in bloom, and never use after an oil based application.
hah hah you probably never even spent the time to get to know who I am, and that’s hilarious!


Kinda like folks using horse meds for the Corona virus :rofl:

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Hey, you’re right! It’s exactly like that. How the Fuuuuuuck did they even come to the conclusion it works?


At this point, dont really care who you are. Your attitude lets me know I dont want you in my circle

Ive consulted for a number of farms who tried sulfur and needed additional help. A few needed help fixing their soil because the pure Ag sulfur fucked up their soil. Hence, why I advocate sulfates and not sulfur.

“Heres some plutonium for your mind” LOL. Delusions of grandeur are so much fun.


wow, they fucked up their soil with agricultural sulfur, they do need help. I use it all the time, or else the acid loving plants will die. Don’t forget to have fun with your mildew colonies! You’ll remember the treatment when disaster strikes. Only a tablespoon! Cost? probably 15 cents! Tell your friends, they’ll need it too!

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I think at this point I can say there are two distinct possibilities. They didn’t have mildew to begin with or did a “test” where the outcome wasn’t even measured. Like spray the plant with milk or LABS then get rid of them at the end of harvest. To make sure that the “problem” ends. Perhaps they can pipe up with the answer?
I didn’t mention the third and most bizarre option, of reality revision. brrr

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maybe theres more than one way to cure pm and it depends on someones situation/environment?

of all the inane things to be a blowhard about, you choose ‘powdery mildew on a stoner forum’?


yah i know you are bitter about it. I think it’s mostly because I call your “treatment” a superstitious magical dance. What you don’t realize is all those proposed treatments fail. In fact, I can even prove it with high speed microscopic photography. I don’t bother though because it would really waste my time to falsify sooooooo many fails by other people. So instead I keep a list. When someone comes in here and their “treatment” is in the list of things that will definitely fail, I call them out.
Now you want to be all bitter and call me a “stoner” on the “stoner” forums, and that’s ok you are human after all.


Yes this is how science works.

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Why which fail treatment do you want to see fail? I’ve tried 'em all hah hah! Then I write it down so you don’t have to. Actually YOU can try the fails yourself and see it fail. It’s actually really easy! But yes, if I were to go back and document all the fails it would take 6 months. You got 6 months for me to try it all? I know you have the mildew… so that’s a start heh heh

It’s not a question of whether sulphur works or not. I imagine it does.

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Actually that’s the beauty of it. Since I got the high speed camera you don’t have to imagine it, you can see the colony disintegrate with your own eyes. It actually takes very little sulfur to really hit it in the balls, so to speak.

I’m actually following the rules. When someone is making a “reality claim” the burden of proof lies on the shoulders of the person, or persons who claim it. I know what works, and I have the evidence. I met the burden. Those other claims, I don’t find any evidence to support it. Not in my trials, and not in the trials of people desperate to exterminate the parasite either. I never compare myself to outliers. That’s a fools game.

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My understanding of Pm is that it is systemic. Once a plant has it, it’s genetic, and cannot be “defeated” . NOT saying your incorrect, just stating what i have been taught about it. 5 years ago i took a cut of a cut of a cut…8 deep, trying to “lose” pm. The 9th generation still had it.

I did not use your methods. I would say i will in future, but after having PM once, i will never have it again. Set up to not see it, and if i do, that run is over in my books. Im a home grower, not selling any of it, so my quanity needs are low. PM bud not high on my list , lol.

BTW…nice hash/rosin you make. When i harvest, I’ll have to run your hash thread for tips


Hells yah! I’ve evolved since you first posted on my old thread about making hash. Definitely worth a read if you want to crank out some competition grade hash! As for the PM I eat that shit for breakfast. I wiped it out in the garden a couple of years back where it was infesting for a decade, and never looked back. Since then, I’ve been spreading the word about nuking mildew back to the stone age. It’s a process to figure out the hosts sometimes, but in your grow room there is only one host, the cannabis plant. The sulfur application dissolves the colony on contact, leaving only death in it’s wake.
People always come back with old wives tales, and it’s amusing in some ways.
Make sure any new plant material entering the grow has been checked over with ultra violet light to make sure it’s mildew free. I got me a 10$ UV flashlight for that purpose.


Thanks bro!

Wait a sec… that trophy doesn’t say loser on it… WTF!!! :smiley:

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wow, thats a very impressive bauble

i came back to this thread to give a quick update that my pm has not returned after like a year. this is supposed to be a nice informational thread for people having problems with their plants. instead its now 9000 posts of disjointed, rambling, argumentative blog posts

in your quest to be ‘right’ and make sure everyone knows how ‘right’, cool and smart you are, youve ironically obfuscated and ruined all the great information in this thread. way to be!

youre the smartest pm guy ever, and sulfur is not only the best way to cure pm, its literally the only way and works perfectly every time. happy? can you maybe tone it down a bit now?


no, I laid out a plan to eliminate the powdery mildew and if anyone comes and asks how to do it, I can provide answers, and explanations on how it works. If the application fails for some reason, I can point out why. I cut through all the trash, which is what this thread was full of. 21 different claims people had to attempt that will all fail. Then all the magic dances. It seems argumentative to you, but I’m just stating the truth. yes the truth pisses people off. I’ve parroted back the sulfur protocol until I’m blue in the face. Things are quiet for a bit then boom some other unsubstantiated claim.
Mixed with toxic old wives tales that you still believe in. That’s how damaging the misinformation IS here on this thread. Even Jetdro can quote the one about it being systemic. None of that shit is true. It’s toxic garbage I throw in the trash. I’m like your best friend. I remind you to check yourself before you wreck yourself. People don’t view it as such. Due to human psychology, I’m an asshole for telling the truth. Even you will go on a rampage against me, and why? Because you took that shit personally. Facts aren’t like that. They don’t care, but I do. Remember that man, I’m here to help.