Has anyone here defeated powdery mildew?

hey look, 900 disjointed, rambling paragraphs without a complete, coherent sentence in sight. SCIENCE!


Here you can meet the burden of proof for your magical dance. Go outside to where there is a mildew colony growing, for example on the cucumbers and use your protocol to wipe it out so it never comes back.

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i wiped out my 3 year ongoing powdery mildew problem already. i wrote about it in this thread in case, you know, anyone else was having similar problems and wanted to try it.

this is a weed growing forum, i have no clue why youre talking about cucumbers and ‘colonies’, but im sure youll be happy to share why lol


You are still parroting back dangerous old wives tales man. Like it’s blowing in the wind. Total BS.


So I had powdery mildew and fought that shit for over a year. I threw everything at but it kept coming back. Some products did SLOW it down better than others but nothing eradicated it. Then I used sulphur. Once. Haven’t seen it since. My second round indoor is now in its 30th day from flip no pm. These plants are cuts from plants that were infected and taken prior to sulphur treatment. My plants would not exhibit pm during veg. Pm would strike at approximately 30 days into flower. I also have a batch of the same clone stock outdoors in the same ground where I had the ongoing battle with pm last year outdoors. These plants had it during veg. So unless I am missing something in my thought process is this if my indoor stays pm free no way can it be systemic. If my outdoor gets it the pm overwintered through soil as I removed all plant material at time of harvest. I will report back as information becomes available but it’s looking like in my case not systemic.


Smart thinkin’! Definitely! If you go in the spring and spray the area around where the infection is, you can wipe it out, in the outdoors as well.


Wish I did in retrospect but this way will still prove a point

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It turns out, there is a good reason for the debate. Based on the available literature and the tests we have conducted at Medicinal Genomics, it’s not clear whether PM is systemic. The science is still out. But here is what we know so far.


You can easily prove it’s not systemic, that’s the hilarious part. Want to know just how you can p0wn Medicinal Genomics? Get some sulfur and slay the colony. Once it never comes back, you know the score:
Medicinal Genomics 0
You 1
Edit: after reading that page, they suck. Don’t buy into whatever the F they are selling.

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Also it takes 40 days for the colony to be visible to the human eye. Using UV light will show you exactly what’s going on, because the mildew glows bright and the plant doesn’t glow. It’s more of a dull red.mildew-UV01


I’m back to verbalize once again that silica is the best defense I have seen in an environment prone to PM. Once you have PM, it’s too late. But I have been using silica in my last three grows and have not been cursed by the dreaded PM. I’m not going to claim I’ve permanently defeated it because the shit is too nasty and I’m scared to death of it.
But silica gold added to my regimen. It seems to me PM is unable to take hold on the plant if the silica is there.
I will also say overall plant health is a major factor IMO. If your plant gets weak, it will be a PM magnet.
If you haven’t already, I say clean everything, start new stock and use a new regimen with silica.


You’re close bro, the powdery mildew does have trouble with plants containing loads of sillica. Bugbee agrees! He also warns it won’t get rid of it. You can break the cycle by tossing your plants and cleaning up and starting a new batch. It requires that all plant material be cleaned up though. Time will cycle the mildew down as well.
You can keep your plants and they will readily rebound from the ravages of mildew with a simple sulfur protocol.
Get 1 tbsp 90%+ sulfur and mix it in a liter of water. Half that concentration will work, though. Spray it on in veg then two weeks later spray it again. Then you can start bloom and never see mildew again. Never spray in bloom and also never use after an oil based application. Your plants will thank you once it’s dead :wink: By returning to health.
edit: Oh I forgot the “weak plant” thing is an old wives tale.


For sure I agree your best bet is get rid of everything and start over if thats’s practical. And I don’t use high levels of silica, just enough. I’ve read about growers using loads of silica but if you use too much it will be in the finished dry flower and it isn’t good to smoke.


I didn’t read it yet but I will tonight. My story coming to OG is based on PM found your thread did what you said and my problem is gone. So I gained 2 new friends @JoeCrowe and sulpher. :sunglasses:


Ditto :slight_smile:

And, for the systemicers. I had pm for over 2 years, in a humid crawlspace. After reading Joe’s take, I sprayed all my veggers with sulfur. No more pm on them, or the clones I’ve taken for myself, or sent out… matter of fact no pm anywhere :thinking:


@Kavman and @HorseBadorites you guys are taking it to new levels! It’s proof if you just take the time to understand what I’m laying down, you will be a mildew assassin. In the brightest day and the darkest night, no mildew will escape my sight! Uhh wait, that’s green lantern.


Powdery Mildew eradication so easy a Kavman can do it. @JoeCrowe i miss your cartoons though.

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lol! Ohh shit! Yah I forgot how funny that crap was, got to let out the inner cartoon character!


YES thanks for entertaining me

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I know it all too well. I’ve had to be very careful about checking my property for that stuff every spring. I can just walk down the block and spot it everywhere in peoples yards.