Heady Bear's Den- "Choose Your Own Adventure" OG Style!

I can’t help it I swear. Lolz.


Hey everyone, nothing overly concerning here, but I do have a question.
@George I know you field these sometimes, but I’ll take any input from the fam.
What do you think of this:

21 days veg, BAS Ultra Clean, watered with JLF twice last week (1/2 C per gallon) Once with year old Dandelion JLF, and once with food scrap JLF. Issue is presenting on old growth first.
Nute burn?
The food scrap JLF got fed a couple weeks ago, and I’m feeling silly because @BeagleZ and I were just talking about how hot it can get!


If it’s only effecting the lower growth, I’d say look at potassium. But hey…what do I know?
Hopefully you can get a better answer pinned down. It’ll help us all! Lol.

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Looks like a little nitrogen burn, but most people will fertilize till they see that burn. It shows that you are at the upper level and don’t need any extra. At least hat’s how I used to know I had enough, lol.


You know, I actually just couldn’t believe that trash water could actually burn my plants!
But if it looks like a duck…


I say burned too. Aweful early for any deficiency.


What is the BAS ultra clean, haven’t heard of that? is it the light?
It is early for a deficiency but it doesn’t really look like what I’m used to as burning. I usually see just the tips crisp up and go a dark brown, are those tips crispy or soft? It happening at the bottom also leads me to the deficiency side

you got a whole plant shot?
whats in the food scrap JLF? any proteins?

Basically a mix to limit heavy metal presence in commercial grows in the US. The texture sucks compared to the 3.0, but the hydro shop had these for half price because a commercial order never showed up to pick it up, and they were out of 3.0.
Lesson learned.

*Over 25% Organic Malibu Compost for No Till

  1. Raw Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss
  2. Malibu Compost - Organic Non GMO and Biodynamic
  3. Pumice - 3/8" x 1/4"
  4. Karanja Seed Meal - Ultra Clean, Non GMO, Sustainable, No Metals
  5. Mustard Meal - High in sinigrin which can help clean soil
  6. Gypsum
  7. Oyster Shell Flour
  8. Pajaro Valley Gold Rice Bran - OMRI organic High Phosphate Low Heavy Metals
  9. Montana Grow Silica - Volcanic Rock dust to mitigate uptake of heavy metals
Ingredient Arsenic Cadmium
Peatmoss 0.59 0.052
Malibu 0.885 0.042
Pumice 0.3 0.1
Karanja Seed Meal 0 0
Mustard Seed Meal 0 0
Pajaro Valley Rice Bran 0.31 0.04
Montana Grow 0.004 0.002
Gypsum 0.378 0.034
Oyster Shell Flour 0.23 0.4

No Rice Hulls to eliminate batch metal variability

  • Clean Plant Based Phosphorous source. No Soft Rock Phosphate or Bone Meals

  • No Kelp Meal to eliminate Arsenic Fluctuations

  • 9 premium ingredients that we can test more often

Commercial Growers will want to supplement Amino Acids to kick start growth. The copious amounts of Montana Grow will help the Phosphate remain plant available as it can assist in the prevention of calcium binding with the phosphate.*


I might do a topdress of some good compost or EWC if it were me, then LITFA and see what happens.

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Yeah, I just got a new supply of litfa, so I’m gonna see how it works. Looks like a good batch.

I bottom water, so my top layer never gets wet, or else this would be a great idea


Pictures tomorrow, but some notes I want to preserve today:

Alpha is adding a ton of budsites, aaand some of them look like they may be making more seeds. Other than that, she is living life. Tons of trichome production, and when i brush up against her she smells of strawberry candy with an undercurrent of trash juice.
Y’all aren’t kidding when you say that pollen is a sneaky motherfucker! I sprayed down all the plants and the inside of the tent with water, because even Charlie has a couple frizzy (thanks for that word @Gpaw ) brown pistils. Again, this is fine with me, and I’ll still intentionally pollinate some lowers of both Charlie and Delta. But with a different method for sure.
Speaking of Charlie, she is very different from Alpha structurally speaking, as well as in terms of development. Alpha was fully mature, and visibly flowering at 30 days, where Charlie is almost 2 weeks in the flower tent without anything more than a few pistils. Sun leaf leaflets are narrower, and farther apart,as well as being wider. I’ll show them side by side tomorrow. A really beautiful plant. Gave her some KNF phosphoric acid to help with the flowering transition.
No water for Delta today, she drinks hella slow, and seems to only need water every 4 days at this point, compared to every other day for all the other plants. She keeps on putting out new vegetative growth, but I wouldn’t say she’s stretching. To paraphrase a certain @Pigeonman , she does what she wants.
Echo is a jungle in a pot. Leaves on leaves on leaves. Pure water and a half scoop of LITFA.
Nothing noteworthy regarding Fox, it’s fine and doing the boring seedling thing.
First set of leaves on all 3 Trainwreck…I may regret starting them so soon when I have 3 fucking TRAINWRECK plants in veg for 8 weeks :crazy_face::rofl::bear:


The people have spoken!
With 45 respondents, and so many options, a lot of those b-e-a-yootiful strains got votes; in the end one pack of beans rose to the top.

The VietBlackF3, Zamaldelica, Acapulco Gold, and Old Silver Thai made strong showings, each securing 4 votes, the 1970 Vietnam managed to snag 7…

But in the end, there was a clear winner… securing 9 votes (and every strain except one got at least 1 vote!)


You damn well better keep an eye on me! :crazy_face::bear::+1:

Still some time before planting, so anyone that wants to follow along, and maybe score some beans as I chuck pollen like a porn star who ate too much celery, hang around!

If you voted in the poll, you are eligible for any giveaways I do between now and the next one!


All sound like they would be rock stars.


You’ll really enjoy Oaxaca. Yesterday a tile guy offered to smoke me up ( a " union" break lol) with. ( gulp) GMO…" Huh???" GMO??? Naaaaaaa . I have some good smoke. Want to try some Oaxaca?" ( i know i know. I’m now a Sativa snob)
2 puffs and he forgot to make a second cut on his next tile. Had to scrape the mud off and cut it again lol. " yeah, that works " he says. :grin:
Yes it does. Every time. It’s not as strong as a modern hybrid( i mean the good modern strains home grown) but the high lasts much longer and if you smoke more you get higher. Easily as high as with a hybrid.


I’ve got to grow that one again. Even with my broken leg and the lack of attention in the last 3 months, they were still fantastic. I think they would have yielded twice as much if I had been able to feed them normally and baby them a little more.


Okay, Delta seems to be a boy, so I have a decision to make:
I can chop him and turn him into fertilizer, or I can collect pollen.
It’s way too late to pollinate Alpha x Delta, but Charlie x Delta would have plenty of time.
Then Charlie would have both Beta and Delta crosses.
So because this is a “choose your own adventure”, here comes another poll!
Participants will be added to the “eligible” list for any giveaways between now, and the next strain selection poll.

What is Delta’s fate?
  • Death by beheading
  • Castration for artificial insemination

0 voters


Diversity is the spice of life :crazy_face:

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If he lives, I guess that’s a chance to practice my selective pollination more :man_shrugging:

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Death by snu-snu !!! :rofl:


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Haha! Love me some Futurama!

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