High density Cannabis planting

that seems like an awful lot of work to plant the crops. it’s interesting, but i think i’d just rather plant them in the ground once instead of putting them into balls first.

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Watch at 10’min

Drone planting is becoming more common in my area and most times you can find someone to do it cheap or free from a university. Lot of grad students and extension agents looking to show off their toys

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way too much work for me. not to mention it only works on flat ground. at my place they’d all end up in the creek at the bottom of the hill.

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Seed bombs are GREAT ! I throw those little buggers everywhere. Especialy when I have to go to the courthouse. :wink:

after talking to some seed guys, the density you’re talking about is about half to a quarter of the density used in europe. they said a million plants a sq meter but no way it could be that many based on the spacing of 7" rows with 3" seed spacing. they have to mean 100,000 per sq ft or sq meter.

Pretty sure if you go to the atlas seed site it has a plant density calculator

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that’s for cbd not fiber.

It’s also thc. I figured we were speaking of cbd or thc.
You said a million plants per meter squared which I’m assuming you mean hectare.

Hectare or acre but definitely not square meter. That’s still very crowded with a million plants considering most CBD hemp farms are about 5000 plants per Hectare. Fiber hemp can sometimes have a million plants per Hectare so that’s probably what he meant

They were telling us between 20 and 27 thousand per acre for auto flower

well the guy said a million plants per sq m, but that is impossible. i assume it was per hectare since he said meters and the planting density is 50 lbs per hectare on their website. since they advertise a 75% germination rate and there are 25-35k seeds per lb that fits the math much better. i almost hate buying seeds off of someone who makes that kind of mistake on the phone but it’s not like i haven’t messed up before.

someone suggested a site for cbd seeds that i thought was selling hemp fiber seeds also. thing is, he was selling them at $45 for a pack of 12. how in the hell would anyone buy enough seeds to sow an acre, let alone a field, at that rate? i thought the samples were expensive but at $45 for 12 then i’d have to have about $100k rather than the $300 for a 50lb bag.

i got 2 half pound samples of french hemp fiber seeds for $10 each plus shipping, they just won’t ship until late march. i’m just making seeds in high houses with them this year since i can isolate them and filter the air so they don’t go hot then plant them next year. no way in hell i’d plant those chinese seeds at this point in time. i’d grow some out and have them tested then make my own, but not plant them directly. i’ve heard those are the ones going hot and causing the loss of the whole crop. if i get my high houses’ filtration system down i may concentrate on just producing seeds rather than stationary.

Heya in my country they said 200plants/hectare
For a good valorisation of the entire biomass plant

which country is that if you don’t mind me asking? that sounds low for anything.

France recommends as high as 400 plants/m2. Best balance of weed suppression and yield comes around 200 plants/m2 depending on environment. Recommendations for US grown hemp are around 100 plants/m2 to start. It really is up to each grower though, if you don’t care about an industrial sized yield you can plant much lower denaities

i was told it wasn’t about the size of the yield, it was the way the plant grows. they said nothing but stalk for the first two thirds of the plant like wheat. that’s for fiber, not seed. for seed it would be way lower but we didn’t discuss seed. there are a few hemp growers i know locally i need to sit down and talk with.

what you say about density for france being different from the us makes no sense to me. if they grow it four times as dense as we do there has to be a reason. i can’t see anyone wasting that much seed and effort if there was no gain from it.

The density is determined by the desired outcome. If you’re growing for fiber, seed, flower or extracts, and then the environment they will be growing in. If weeds are an issue close planting will shade them out naturally. I’ve seen really high yields for flower grown in dense planting. With the average plant being a single cola on one main stem. Almost always this method will produce higher yields compared to bigger plants more spaced out. Also some states require a certain amount of spacing for plants grown for CBD to allow inspectors to have access for testing purposes


@Chara nailed it. I love the high density flower plantings, legit fields of quality smokeable plants just stanking!!!

The density you use depends on what you are trying to achieve and probably the cost of seed. Seed is much cheaper in Europe because of decades more experience. Hemp is also just a rotational (mostly) fiber crop in Europe, they didn’t have high value CBD plantings until relatively recently. They also have different pesticide restrictions that likely make the weed suppression from high densities more valuable and adds value to following crops.The US suffers from varieties not bred for our climate, so growers play around with recommendations from Europe to find what works best here.

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Britain france

Its low but the plant the plant Can develop itself more bigger