High density Cannabis planting

as i said, having no knowledge of it firsthand, i need to talk to some people who grow it and see what they say. the seed salesman says the stalk itself makes the stuff you want for fiber and that by preventing more branches you get more of the good stuff. he also said that hemp grown for textiles is done differently. i need to get more educated in it but since i’m only making seeds this year i have plenty of time.


If i had to do it for CBD flower
i will grow it in greenhouse to optimise the grow condition to achieve big plant like THC cultivation
To maximise the yield of quality / quantity of buds

The outer layer of the stalk is used for textiles and the inner parts are used for fuel like compressed pellets, bedding for farm animals and building materials like insulation or hempcrete


Your going for flower cbd right?

nope, paper. stationary sets.

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So your going for stalk. You have no worries about anything finishing or a bunch of concerns flower grows have.

@Emeraldgreen is correct. Fiber hemp will be pretty easy to grow. Make sure it establishes and after a week or so its gangbusters.

I understand and really appreciate the care and research you are doing on your project!! I am very interested in seeing how it goes, particularly the paper making process!

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Can flower stalk be used for fiber?

The flower stems can be mixed in with the bigger stalks. They don’t yield as much fibers as the main stalk but it’s usually included.

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