HLVD virus rampant in CA farms

It’s never too late to change behaviour.
Change your way of thinking and everything else follows by itself when you’re patient.

Nature is in control.
Nature is in control of us.


Absolutely. :100:

I am going to get 10 in a week or so and I just have 5 strains but 2 bonsai moms of each. I also just few days ago received a clone that was made from tissue culture and tested. I am keeping it away from and non contact from my other moms until I know. The test vials can be stored refrigerated for up to a year and they will still test them since you have paid or them.
The biggest question I have and can’t find a solid answer to is, can it be passed to other plants simply by leaves touching plant to plant like potted clones sitting next to each other and occasionally brushing leaves with each other. I’m not talking about either plant just having been trimmed or cuttings taken leaving open stems with potential sap from trimming not yet closed like a cut on your arm.
Same as HIV type transmission that can’t happen through casual contact and no exchange of fluids.
Some say yes but seems most of the science says it’s unsure like the early days of aids.
I will test what I have and save the rest of the tests until I get results back. I have always followed the clean the tools afterward and will sadly ditch any that don’t pass and going forward won’t accept or buy any that have not been tested and will shout out if someone or vendor sends me something not clean that’s been promoted as tested.


Sterilizing seeds is a science and good practice.


and how does one sterilize seeds without killing them? inquiring minds…, too lazy…, and all that.

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Hlvd is a viriod. Viroids are smaller in size than viruses. Viroids infect only plants whereas virus infects all types of organisms. In viroids, a protein coat is absent whereas in viruses a protein covering or a coat called a capsid is present around the genetic material.
Viroids are single-stranded circular RNA molecules of 240 to 400 nucleotides which are pathogens of certain higher plants and replicate autonomously in the host cell.
Nasty stuff. I haven’t taking in a clone since 2008-9 because of all the associated risks.


H2O2. Also works to sterilize the medium to prevent things like damping off.


nice, thanx. i seem to recall hearing about that now that you mention it. i read a lot that’s why i didn’t want to go searching through past links.

wondering how the virus is transmitted through seeds if h2o2 can kill it? does it seep through the shell? or does it spread through casual contact? or do they not know yet? sorry about all the questions, just checking because of trading seeds.

i did read all the links and think they don’t know about the spread, but maybe someone has ideas and a hypothesis.

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“Low transmission efficiency has been reported through pollen transfer or by seed, with seed transmission not considered important for the spread of HpLVd in hop (Adams and Barbara, 1982). The role of these transmission pathways with seed or pollen have not been studied in cannabis. The spread of HpLVd in a hop yard or cannabis grow is predominantly localized to adjacent plants, through mechanical means including pruning and harvesting, rarely through physical contact between plants (Adams et al., 1996). No evidence has been seen to support long-distance spread by encapsidation in co-infecting viruses or aphid vectoring (Adams et al., 1992).”



h2o2 will not kill the hlvd virus/pathogen. 10% bleach at a minimum!


Is there any science to back that up? Seeds already aren’t a vector of concern for Hplvd, why would you soak them in 10% bleach?

If this thread had any more bro science it would turn into a String Theory believer’s convention. :rofl:


I’m pretty sure I’ve heard to sterilize tools with at least 10% bleach… but definitely not to soak the seeds in that solution lol unless I missed something

Scissors razor etc all need sterilization.


i think you need to do some research buddy.
h2o2 doesnt do anything for hlvd


If you’re trying to make a point, be an adult and do that. Make a point, if you’re capable, and support your point with evidence.

If you’re trying to be a passive aggressive child that adds nothing to the conversation, congratulations, you’re doing great. Now go play, the adults are speaking.

just read! i have!

Soaking yourself in 10% bleach makes you less of an angry person.


drinking it works well too i hear.


straight from TUMI
compost sick plants, as many pathogens survive for extended periods in soil and can
reinfect healthy plants through the roots.
6. Sterilize your cutting tools and hands between each plant
One of the most efficient ways pathogens spread is via contaminated cutting tools.
Viruses, viroids, fungi and bacteria can all be transmitted by dirty cutting instruments.
Because it is not always obvious if a given plant is diseased, it is critical to treat each
plant as though it is potentially infected. As you move between plants, scissors should
be sterilized in a 10% bleach solution for 60 seconds. You can have multiple cutting tools
in a single bleach solution and switch between them as you trim. Gloved hands should
also be sterilized between plants using 10% bleach in a spray bottle.
**Alcohol, heat, and hydrogen peroxide are not effective methods to remove viroid
contamination. More information can be found here (link to tool sterilization paper).

read the last sentence!!!



where’s the link? i want to see the source for more information.

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