Holy's Garden (Part 1)

Well it looks like I forgot to take root pics when I was pulling them out :confused:
They looked the same as the Godberry root pics I posted before though, the mats filled each 10 gallon tote and were about ~3" thick.

In other news, been stuck in trim jail for a bit now that the 3x3 tent is two weeks into drying at ~75F/65RH
So far I’ve filled 6x(1x RS/5x PMAC) wide-mouth quart jars from only this 3x3 tent and still have this much left to do

:eyes: :sweat: :heart_eyes:

That Purple MAC ranges from baby diaper to pure rubber to straight gas depending on where the bud is on the plant. Some weird tastes too. Stuff is straight night-time herb and will put you down if you’re not careful. Even just a toke or two is enough to make you not wanna do anything for the next couple hours. Great for relaxation/tension, decent pain killer, but sleepy af. Could’ve named this one ShutEye :rofl:
Here’s a crappy pic of some rando buds from it

And still waiting for this FSxCDLC to finish up!

We’re at day 83 from sprout, 56 days from first flower.

That top looks about done but I need these two lowers to finish up…

Thinking next weekend or some time this week she’ll be getting the chop.

The NL5HSS/FLC are basically looking the same, new growth is looking mostly good, had a pic but I guess it didn’t save for some reason. Those burnt/deficient leaves got super crispy and flaked off but it’s not getting worse anyways…


Well I went ahead and chopped the Forum Stomper x Creme De La Chem last night. Meant to get a picture of her but chopped and then thought about that so no :rofl: She was basically drying on the plant. Chopped at day 86. 60 Days of full on flowering. Should be good stuff for the ounce or so she produced. Think I might pop a Northern Cheese Haze x Sour Bubbly in her place but haven’t 100% decided yet…

In other news, the girls are coming right along.

They seem to be pulling out of the funk they were in, think I just need to transplant them sooner from the plain solo cups to the amended mix. Not too sure. Been playing with PH and epsom salt, figure worst case I have a bunch of nutes, can always take clones too but I think they’ll pull through just fine. Think I’ll give em a few more days and then take the lowers for clones to sex and thin em out a bit. Few more days after that I’ll transplant into the 3 gallon pots and flip to flower once they start growing in the 3’s. Want to flower before they hit ~16-18 inches so I’ll have plenty of room.


They have definitely regenerated nicely, you can tell by the new growth. Those old leaves that got damaged never recover and always sort of look strange. Makes sense the plants were root bound the damage always starts from the bottom leaves and works it’s way up.


Ya I had some root rot. Not fun. I have a pack of francos lemon haze have you grown it before?
My plants halted all growth because the heat too and just took off again. It’s a good time of the year to go into flower.


Thanks for the comments guys :heart:

@Hugh_Glass I have not grown or seen the franco’s lemon haze, only this lemon cheese I just started and it’s my first time. Already murdered two seeds of it so I only have two left after this run :cry::rofl:

I cleaned out the 2.5 x 2.5 x 5 tent yesterday and moved these NL’s and FLC over last night. Had to raise the lights a bit, I moved the 2x QB288 4k boards into the tent as well. This tent already has 2x 22" 3k Samsung F-Strips in it that I used to flower the FSxCDLC. Figure it’ll basically be like a single 3500k light between the 2 boards and 2 strips. Should get em a little taller before flower too :crossed_fingers:

So far I’ve had them on 24/0 lighting since germination. I think I’m going to switch to 18/6 for the next couple weeks before flower to add to my height and maybe help sex these a bit quicker. Will be taking all lower branches off over the next few days to try and maintain the bushy factor, and I need to try and get some clones going for a couple other medical patients if have a girl or 4 in here.

Here’s to hoping growth continues just fine, I’ll transplant to 3 gallon pots in another week or so after cuts and growth resumes.







@ToddMcC These NL5HSS are some beautiful plants man! I might actually have to keep at least one back they look so good! If you see Mel anytime soon please pass my regards :blush:

#1 has 11 blades on the leaf at the 5th node or so.
The rest are at 9 blades but #5 might get to 11 blades soon(runt)
#1 and #5 have some leaves with double serrations.
#5 has the thinnest leaves so hoping for an NL5Haze leaner but doesn’t matter.
#5 is the runt of the group but also the one I think is a girl.
I think #1 and #2 are both males(fastest growers)
#4 has mostly grown out of the funk it was in, unsure on sex at the moment.

Think I’ll need to transplant to the 3 gallon pots soon. Might have to take clones in the first 3 weeks of flower… see what happens. I’m trimming all the lower branches off in an attempt to keep them closer to sticks and not bushes…


Those look very interesting! Love the leaf shapes, and those serrations.


Right!? Me too. Was just taking a peak at them this morning and the leafs just happened to catch my eye, I had to take some pics and make a post. Hoping for at least a pair! :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:


I’m glad you are enjoying the seeds, it is a beautiful variety and your plants are looking great.

I grew it last year and selected a fine female and crossed her with an Original Haze male in order to get something closer to the NL#5 x Haze from the 90’s that I loved so much and those seeds are available at my site.


Yeah I need to pick up some of those…

My current plan is to cross one of these with the Franco’s Lemon Cheese to hopefully bring in more of the haze and get that cheese in there too but we’ll see.

If you manage to get anything up for sale from those 35yr old NL5’s from Greg, I’ll definitely grab a few packs of that for sure. Thanks for all the hard work and effort you continue to put forth.


You should definitely cross Franco’s Lemon Cheese with Original Haze.

As for the NL #5 seeds I got from Greg, I have sprouted some of them and they are looking beautiful, he gave me full permission to work with them and replicate them, but that will be some months down. I hope to work with him to sell the NL seeds that he makes.


those look very healthy and :blush: great job


Oh wow, I didn’t know were posting here @ToddMcC. Respect to you sir. I’m going to roll a two gram joint in your honor.


Oh that’s a good idea! Sounds like I’ll need to place a big order with ya here before too long ^^

Those NL’s are looking great! Excited to see what you get out of them! And I hope you and Greg can work something out for some type of release of those later on down the road. Please think of me if you get to :heart: I’ll try and keep an eye on your IG and such to stay informed. Thanks and best of luck!


Looks like I lucked out! The NL5HSS turned out to be 2 males and 2 females. This is the pattern.

#1 - Male

  • 2nd fastest plant, shorter than #1
  • double serrations on some leaves
  • 11 blades, thinnest of all 4
  • Asian seasoning/peppery stem rub

#2 - Male

  • Fastest grower of all 4
  • normal leaves
  • 9 blades, bit wider than #1
  • Strong Pepper stem rub

#4 - Female

  • Has hated life, 3rd fastest grower
  • normal leaves
  • 7 blades, widest leaves of all 4

#5 - Female

  • Was the runt of the group but caught up quick
  • double serrations on some leaves
  • 9 blades, they resemble the #1 Male

I’ve always heard don’t breed with the fastest/tallest male and I’m kinda feeling the same way here anyways. I think I want to select for the double serrations and higher blade count. From what I’ve found, the Sensi Star’s tend to have 5-7 blade leaves that are fatter with normal serrations. Haze tends to have 9/11+ blade leaves and can have the double serrations from the Columbian genetics.

This leads me to believe breeding the #1 Male to the #5 Female should give me the F2’s I’m searching for. I’m undecided if I should toss #2 male now, or keep it and cross it to the #4 female to have kind of a separate line of seeds :thinking: Either way #4 is getting grown out.

Pics tomorrow!


And by ‘tomorrow’ I of course meant 3 days later :rofl:

Got everything transplanted into 3 gallon fabric pots. Cleaned out the 3x3 and moved em in there under the 4x QB288 RSpecs. I’m still not positive on the sex on #2. Definitely thinking male but the sites look weird so i’m not 100% positive yet

Going to give them a few more days or maybe a week to get their feet wet and then I’m gonna flip to 11/13. The extra hour of darkness really sped up flower initiation(2 weeks instead of 3) on the last run and also added to the stretch so I’m hoping I’ll get the same result this time. Plan is to heavy defol the lower branches while leaving fan leaves.

In other news, since I’ll be tossing at least one male within the next month or so and the 2.5 tent would be empty, I couldn’t help myself and started a Northern Cheese Haze x Sour Bubbly.

Had her in a solo cup but if I have to transplant I might as well do it once. So I stuck her in a 7 gallon fabric pot. Top 3-4 inches or so are the base soil mix from above, the rest is all the amended mix. Hopefully she’ll get taller than a foot or so like the FSxCDLC :rofl:



Yep, forgot to mention yesterday that I used up all the soil I had made, for these 6 pots. I still have a bunch of amendments and peat left so I think I just need to get some more EWC, stuff is a bit hard to find local.

Last batch I used some Detroit MI municipal EWC mix as that was literally the only thing in town. It’s seemed to work okay but I’ve always heard/read to NEVER use the municipal stuff… I have found some Cow Manure/Compost and some Mushroom Compost over at lowes… anyone know which would be preferable of the two? Mix of both? Neither? Or should I just order some known-good EWC from the net? And if so, which is the best to order and where from? Not really worried about price, just want quality for a reasonable cost…

And then I’ve been having hella mag deficiency with this soil mix. Been watering every time with 1/2 tsp/gal of Epsom Salt. Not sure if that builds up or not though and I should stop at some point?

My only amendment that could possibly cover mag is the Dolomite Lime. I know I can add straight epsom salt to the soil mix but there doesn’t seem to be any good info about doing so, only warnings that too much can ruin your soil. So from what else I can gather, maybe gyspum would do it? or some type of rock dust? any ideas? and/or amounts to use per cubic ft or something would also be helpful…

I’m not having any other issues, just leaf taco’ing leaning into interveinal chlorosis if I don’t add epsom to the water.


Dolomite lime is nice, it contains both calcium and magnesium. You can also get langbenite. It’s sulfur, phosphate, and magnesium. Gypsum is calcium and sulfur, no magnesium.

Are you sure its magnesium not calcium defficiency? Are you using a coco base? They are similar looking in symptoms, but the plant uses way more calcium than magnesium.

My soil living soil recipe leans heavy on calcium with gypsum, ouster shell flour, and crustaceans meal. I also use basalt rock dust for minerals, but has no magnesium added. I occasionally water in some langbenite.

I would take the mushroom compost over the cow compost personally.



I mean, I think it’s magnesium :thinking: The leaf taco’ing I’m like 100% positive is magnesium but the interveinal chlorosis though, that could be calcium instead.

I’m using a peat base, no coco at all. Just followed your base mix recipe without the Greensand as I can’t source it locally, made two batches of this:
7.5 gallons of peat moss
4.5 gallons of perlite
3 gallons of fresh EWC or compost
2.5 cups of dolomite lime

Amend with
2 cups bone meal
1 cup blood meal
1 cup kelp meal

Pretty positive I added the full 2.5 cups of dolomite lime :thinking: I know the taco/chlorosis has stopped since I’ve been watering with epsom salt but maybe they just needed to get enough roots into the amended mix… I’ll take some pics of a couple leaves tonight and post them and hopefully can figure this out.


Actually, I think it’s all good and I’m thinking over nothing.

All the new growth has looked good, only the one plant (#4) is always taco’ing at the top and she’s always complained while the rest look pretty much fine. I’m also vegging in this mix and not flowering yet which could be part of my issue.

Will try and get pics up in the morning.