Holy's Garden (Part 1)

That guy used to kick ass back in the Day “you jive turkey Mothasucka!”. Dolomite!

Reiko preaches the truth on soil. Its best to move on it quick. He got so tired of me harassing him he gave me the water only recipe.

I just made a batch of last weekend to get me through the winter and I swear to God man. Home Depot was cleaned out of compost and peat thank God I had gotten a bunch the last time but I swear to God you might have to do some light amending on that soil thats it.

Sorry to thread heist…:pray::+1:t2::v:


Alright here we go @ReikoX Let me know what you think if you get a chance.
I think I’m just seeing old damage and getting confused but would take any insight you or anyone else might have. I’m just barely getting my feet wet with organic soil research and basically n00b still.


#4 - Always complained - Most taco’ing of the 5

#5 - Looks the best I think of the 5

#2 - Has minor leaf burn but not seeing anything else really

FLC - Looks a bit heavy on the nutes for it but should be fine

And overhead angle


New growth looks good. The soil may have been a little hot for them at first. Did you let the soil compost for a few weeks before using it?


Yes sir, sat for a good 3 weeks before the transplant into the 1 gal pots, and 5 weeks or so before I put them in these 3 gallon pots the other day.

The soil never “Cooked” though as far as I can tell, I tried to keep it slightly moist and turned it once a week or so but it never got warm or anything… The blood meal smell has gone down quite a bit though.

There’s also a chance I added more amendments than soil. Wasn’t using a proper gallon measuring container to mix the soil, but I did have measuring cups for the amendments so… :rofl:


Yeah lets see if this sounds right.
I used a 2 gallon air-pot as my measuring device for everything but the amendments.
Two batches of the above mix came out to completely fill a 17 gallon HDX tote from lowes/home depot…
That sound right? Unsure how many cubic feet that is but I amended it as if it were for sure two full batches soooo… yeah.


Sounds like you are in the ballpark. A cubic foot is about 7.5 gallons, so you should have had 15 gallons from the mix.


Okay that’s good. Thanks for the help!! Think I’m just gonna stick with the LITFA and see how we do.

Didn’t get up in time to start the flower schedule today so maybe next week. Will let them get situated from the transplant too I guess so no harm and after trimming up the 3x3, I don’t think I’ll run out anytime in the next year :rofl:


Thats looking good bud. It looked like earlier your soil was a tad hot. I was noticing slight tip burn.

Letting your soil cook is a great. Imo it allows mocrobes to start forming. Once the fuzz dies down I get a 5 gal bucket and start filling my pots. Once again thats a small thing(tip burn). Honestly I think as long as you get your stuff under control when you flipping in the flower you should be pretty good I personally believe that anything that stressed the planter and flower is going to cut your bottom line which is bud production.

You can’t nitpick perfection. Great work.:+1:t2::blush::pray:


Yeah, definitely got some burn on the tips there. Some worse than others. Think I need to do a better job mixing the soil. I think if I had done 1:1 base to amended soil, when they were in the 1 gallon pots, then they might not have burned. Should be fine though, just slowing down the growth a bit. Least I’m not in a rush :sweat_smile:

I didn’t get any fuzz at all with this soil while it sat for 3 and then 5 weeks. And I even added Great White to it when I was mixing it up initially. The peat I used supposedly has some mycos in it too but yeah. Not sure if I need to stay on keeping it damp, or if I need to turn it more often or what exactly :thinking:
I watered it initially after mixing and then turned it with a hand tiller and watered it ~once a week after that when it started to get dry. Only enough water so it would barely clamp together when squeezed in your hand like most soil is when I have purchased it in the past.

When I first planted this run into the 1 gallon fabric pots, after having the soil sit for 3 weeks, it still smelled like straight blood meal. It’s only been in the last week or so(~6 weeks later) that it has just a good soil smell to it finally.

Honestly It’s my first time doing anything with soil really so it’s just going to take me some time and trial and error I think to figure this all out. I’ve always done hydro of some kind in the past. The total control just made it feel easy to me, but I can’t do all that work all the time. Doesn’t help that I started first soil run ever with genetics I can’t again :sweat_smile: but If it wasn’t for all the work you and @ReikoX and some others have documented here with this mix, and the extra help to me on top of that, I wouldn’t be doing this run right now much less be doing decent at it. Definitely appreciate it :+1:


Not much new for pics. Things still kinda slow going in veg right now. 3x3 plants are starting to pick up from the transplant at least. Noticing new growth as of this morning so only took ~4 days or so to bounce back from the transplant stress.

I’ve trimmed off the branches of the lower 2 nodes to try and keep things from bushing out as I just don’t have the room in here even if it’s just 3 plants that get flowered.

The #2 plant, 11 bladed, I’m now 100% positive is a male and I do think I may just kill it off soon and use only the #1 plant, the 13 bladed male, for my seed making. The more I research these 3 strains the more I think that for sure the higher bladed leafed plants are leaning more towards the Haze than anything else. Every single pic of Sensi Star I can find, has 5 bladed leaves. NL5 seems to have 5 or 7 depending on the pheno, even checked the Starlite and some others. So as far as I can tell, Haze is the only thing bringing 9+ blade counts to the genetics…

I know Sensi Star is good but I’m trying to isolate on that NL5Haze high and terpenes. So to me, this seems like the best way to do that. Take the 13 bladed dude and hit all the girls with his pollen. I’m not trying to preserve this strain so much as I’m trying to get that pure NL5Haze(with maybe some SS goodies in there somewhere) and continue working it out.

I did get a couple clones rooted and planted of the #5 girl so I can keep her around. Only took a week or so to have a couple 1inch+ roots. I didn’t even do anything special for them. Just snipped and placed in a collar and into a small 1 liter tupperware dwc I set up. Used tap water and 1 drop of superthrive, after 4 days and little root nubs showing on the stems, I added 1ml of RapidStart and bam, two days later I had long roots. Gonna keep one back for me and then giving the other one to my father in law as he’s also a medical patient and only has some Seedsman white label seeds (he didn’t ask me ahead of time :crazy_face:).

And I just started trying to clone that 13 bladed male as of last night. The more I look at these the more my brain is just screaming at me to keep them around :rofl: Hopefully he roots too and we’ll be ready to have some fun with the Goji’s on the next run too :maniacal_laugh: Never seen a NL5xGoji :eyes:


Ah! Forgot the pics :rofl:

Full shot last night after haircut and just after lights on, they weren’t looking as sad this morning. I did over water them a bit after the transplant.

And here’s the Northern Cheese Haze x Sour Bubbly coming along


Looks good dude. Like you got em right in the pocket. Hopefully they transition nice I to flower. They look super healthy. They should giddy up without a hitch. keeping everything clean too.:grin::+1:


Here’s the first set of clones from the #5 Girl planted into solo cups with Ocean Forest as that’s all I have on hand until I can get to the local shops this weekend and pick up more EWC.

I know they’re not looking too hot right now but there’s new growth coming slowly so they should perk up here in a week or so and start looking normal again. Hopefully the OF isn’t too hot for them. They each had 2-3 roots that were ~2 inches long when planted. So I think they’ll be fine.

Got two more going of the #2 Male plant in my little tupperware cloner. Just need 1 of them for later. Will try and get some pics of the cloner and such tonight. It looks super jank but it gets the job done :smile:


NL5HazeA (Haze leaner) blades


Yeah that’s a haze leaner for sure!

We’ll see how these turn out. Starting flower today.
Not trying to get em too tall as they’re around a foot right now. If they double that’ll be manageable for sure, if they triple or more I can still deal with that.

Here’s that jank clone box, just an idea of what you can do with some spare things :rofl:

This is the general idea. Small 1.5 liter tupperware container, big enough for a small-medium sized air stone. This one is graduated at 500/1000/1470ml which makes it even easier. I cut a hole in the side above the water level to run the air line.

Could fit 3 clones in here with a better airstone but for what I have currently I can really only do two so I plugged the 3rd hole before finishing it. The clones are in 2 inch netpots with some foam collars I made out of some tougher foam I had for my aquariums.

Running sterile with bleach, a drop of superthrive, and the seedling rate of maxigro, starting to get root nodes forming after a week or so.

And the NCHxSB starting to pick up steam


Alright, local shop actually had some decent earthworm casting’s this time! Picked up a big bag, some extra perlite, and went ahead and grabbed some oyster shell power as I think I am seeing some calcium deficiency and not so much magnesium. At the least, I’ll be able to amend it into the next batch of soil but may try top dressing it a little in the meantime.


And Plant Cam is back!

Now that we’re flowering with the lights off from 730am to 830pm, it’s nice being able to see them in the dark, and look at the overnight footage to see how they’re doing. Also satisfies the OCD to wanting to be in the tent looking at them all the time :rofl:

I’ve used this same camera in the past, it’s an Amcrest IP2M-841B, without issue since I started, so not worried about any IR bothering these. I have a NAS at home I built using an old Dell PowerEdge R720 and a modified version of Synology’s DiskStation Manager, so was easy to drop in a IP camera for it.


Alright! Now I see what you guys are talking about with the soil cooking. I just got the order I made of Dolomite Lime and the elusive Greensand. Also picked up a small box of azomite :thinking: When I opened the tote of soil there was definitely fungus growing through the top soil and a nice soil smell, no blood/bone meal smell and it’s only been like a week. So think I finally nailed down just how wet it needs to be.

The dolomite lime I ordered I could only get in ‘Prilled’ instead of the usual flour/powder type I normally pick up. I assume this isn’t an issue since the soil is gonna be cooking for a good 2+ months or so before it gets used? I mixed up this batch with 3 cups of DL instead of the 2.5 I used for the first two batches to hopefully help with the cal/mag def I was seeing before.

I figured I could use the azomite as a top dress on the current plants for cal/mag and a little potassium. Does that sound like a thing or am I totally off? :smile:


Prilled is fast acting. It’s good shit.
Reference: Total Living Organics by The Rev.



I use prilled as well. :+1::seedling: