Holy's Garden (Part 1)

@Gpaw @ReikoX
Thanks guys! Glad to know I didn’t go wrong there :sweat_smile:

Any thoughts on the Azomite?

Nothing new on the pics front really, they’re just stretching out for flower. #1 Male is starting to grow out his balls so maybe get some pollen here in a couple weeks. Still no roots on his clones, I split the stem of one clone in the hope it roots. The bottoms of the cuts look like they’re wooding up otherwise… If they fail I may see if I can reveg him. I don’t want to lose this male if I can help it.

I picked up a bunch of 0.2ml vials, bout 200 was the smallest I could order :smile: I figured they would work perfect for some single use pollen storage and it looks like they will.

Wanna try and see about getting a list together of people here that may want pollen. Will be my first time trying to collect pollen so can’t guarantee anything.


Never used it, a lot of people bash it for being high in aluminum. I prefer glacial or basalt rock dusts.


Ah ok gotcha. Was not aware of the aluminum aspect. Only got a lb of the stuff so no real loss there at least. Thanks!


Well we’re 5 days into flower. I forgot to take a group photo :man_facepalming:

NL5HSS #1 - Male

This is the male I’m going to use. Think he’s close to 2ft. Can’t find my measuring tape ugh…

Structure nice and open. I’ve kept the light at a lower intensity than I would normally run it to try and get them to stretch a bit more than they would have otherwise.

Getting ready to do his thing, couple more weeks and should have more pollen than I know what to do with. Will move him out to a smaller tent before he pops so I can try and collect as much of it as possible. Also want to at least have some herb to try from these girls :rofl:

NL4HSS #4 - Girl

Think this one must be a NL and/or SS leaner. She has those fat crinkled leaves. Not as many blades. Could also be nutes from the soil that didn’t cook very well. Or she just hates life :smile:

Also similar structure, would expect that with the lineage. Definitely got some hair on those stems.

NL5HSS #5 - Best Girl

She’s been the easiest plant of the bunch. Least complaints shown. Her leaves very closely resemble the #1 plant in both blade amount and shape. Double serrations too like the male.

Franco’s Lemon Cheese

Definitely should’ve waited a bit before flowering this one… and could’ve mixed her soil a bit better, but she’s at least over a foot tall 5 days into flower :smile: At the least I should get some seeds to mess with so no complaints there. Maybe she’ll be like that NCH that was just bud from top to bottom.

So far no complaints with this soil mix really. They’ve seemed to have grown out of most of whatever issue’s they had. And I never really had any with the #5 girl. I know I didn’t follow things exactly right this first time and that likely caused most of my early issues. And maybe figuring out ratios in the early transplant stages. I will say though, being able to just do water-only like this is a godsend. Saves me so much time compared to DWC :heart_eyes:


Welp… forgot to take pics :sweat_smile:

Still no luck with the two male clones :confused: Been like 10 days and not a root nub to be seen…
Foliar Sprayed them with a bit of maxigro yesterday as they’re starting to yellow up. Hoping that’ll give em a bit of a jump start and they’ll start throwing roots. Worst case I can try and reveg the male when I’m done collecting pollen here in a couple weeks…

At absolute worst case, I picked up and just received 6 beans of (NL5HSS)xOHaze that I was planning to use as a backcross, so hopefully can get a nice hazy male out of that to use. Also have some Starlite and some Mr.Nice NL5xHaze to work into these too at a later date.

The girl clone is doing great though. Just got her transplanted from a solo cup to a 1 gallon fabric pot and topped her. Wasn’t quite root bound in the solo cup but would’ve been given another week in there. Need to make a nice little bush I can keep around for the foreseeable future and take clones to run. Need to make a bigger cloner…

Also topped the Northern Cheese Haze x Sour Bubbly and that one’s looking perfect so far. Will try and get some pics posted tonight of everything.

We are 9 days into 11/13 flower on the NL5HSS/FLC and still stretching but already getting calyx’s at every bud site and balls forming all over that male. Think these are gonna be a 2x stretch, double in height, but we’ll see here in another two weeks or so.


And the forgotten pics :cry:

3x3 - Flower Day 9 - 11/13 On/Off - 74-80F/60RH

NL5HSS #1 Male

NL5HSS #4 Female

NL5HSS #5 Female

Franco’s Lemon Cheese #3 - Female

2x2 - Day 17 - 20/4 On/Off - 74-77F/60RH

Northern Cheese Haze x Sour Bubbly


very nice. cross breeding/pollinating is on my list of things to learn and do, but after my cloning exercise im not sure im up for the challenge just yet :joy:


And then there were three!

Wish I had better pics, maybe tonight. Left my phone in my wife’s car after work yesterday, thought I left it at work, so no chance for pics.

The male just started growing pollen sacks as of yesterday morning so I got him moved out to a 2x2x4 tent without fans and under my 2 samsung f-strips. After doing some breeding research, I think I’m going to flower out this male for a total of ~6 weeks, collect as much pollen as possible, and see what he looks like in full flower to try and make an assessment. Then try to reveg him. The clones still aren’t rooting and looking worse daily so hopefully the reveg works if they don’t ever make it. Worst case I got that other NL5HSSxOHaze pack I can pop to find another male to use.

For the girls I just defoliated the bottom leaves that weren’t getting any light and not touching the rest. Maybe i’llt try a side by side clone experiment on defoliating to see for myself but overall I’m still a firm believer in the majority of the leaves needing to be there for best bud production.

I’ve read for best seeds you wanna pollinate the tops specifically, does that sound accurate?
My original plan is to dust the top cola and then one half of each plant so I can still have some decent bud to try, but if I would have a better chance at more seeds finishing or just better seeds or something by dusting all the tops only, and just keep the lowers for smoke, I’d gladly do that instead. At worst I’ll find out myself here in a couple weeks :sweat_smile:

Anyways, other pics soon…


you can manufacture excellent hash from both the pollinated buds and the lower garbage buds. Hash made from pollinated buds doesn’t taste like popcorn :slight_smile:


Ok Here’s the male #1

This is day 12 of flower at 11 On / 13 Off

So yeah, those all appeared yesterday morning, so day 11. Think maybe another week and then pollen? Never grown a male before and documentation is a bit sparse but I think I’ve read/heard it’s usually week 2-3…


well you could have early individual flowers that open and pollenate before that but likely a week or more away. It’s the early individuals that reek havoc. Looks a worthy candidate … nice leaf serrations and structure


Ah ok gotcha.Will just keep keeping an eye on him and be ready with some plates or something to catch any pollen before cutting down the shoots for further pollen collection.

I do like his structure. Him and the #5 Girl are REAL similar. Fairly open considering the Christmas Tree Indica shape. Nice strong branches with no floppy tendencies. Some double serrations, but all serrations are pointy and clean cut. Very little leaf mutations if at all. High blade count, thinner leaves. He was the best of the two males I got out of the pack, albeit the slower grower but he was the first one to pop out of his shell. Really hoping I can get these clones rooted or reveg him.


Day 14 of Flower 11/13 On/Off

Starting to get a bit of pollen… Trying to collect it but I’m sure the majority will be over the next couple days/week.


Males get a lot of flac, but these are some sexy looking pollen sacks!


Right? I think so ^^

I’m actually flipping him back to veg today. 20/4 lights. I’ve read any sacks that are there will keep maturing regardless, and his clones still aren’t rooting. I wanna keep him around and think this is my only shot at doing so, see what happens.

The girls are a week or so away from optimal pollinating so trying to line all this up together. Seems the males should be flowered a week or so later than the females for same time/. Could pollinate now but it’s too soon imo. Barely started throwing out pistils. Gonna have to collect as much pollen as possible and hit all the branches I can for some seeds in a week or so.

Finally broke down and ordered a 36 site Clone King Cloner yesterday. Should get it tomorrow. It’s an aeroponic based system. I could’ve diy’d it but not in the time I need. Already picked up a cycle timer thanks to Mr.Sparkle. I’M GONNA SAVE THIS MALE :rofl:


And figures, the two clones got root nubs… like 17 days later and after I ordered the cloner and flipped the lights back to veg :man_facepalming:

To be fair, I’ve been spraying the clones a bit with maxigro and Bloom Khaos. And then the other day I snipped the ends off as they were kinda woody and brown. Snipped up to the green and yeah, now there’s nubs 2-3 days later.

They still look a bit rough but I’m thinking they’re gonna pull through. I just need one.

Undecided if I wanna flip the big #1 male back to flower schedule to finish out or not. What do you guys think? Think at least one should make it enough to have a father plant and I can finish flowering out the main one?

Here’s the #5 Mom I topped coming along

And the NCHxSB that I’m not sure topping was a good idea or not :rofl:

She’s showing sex now so thinking stretch should be starting hopefully… just recovered from the topping at just above the 4th node.

And the main tent starting Week 3 of flower

Top Left and Bottom Right are the NL5HSS #4 and #5 girls respectively. The Bottom Left is the Franco’s Lemon Cheese. The #4 just has a weird look going on like she always has, not as strong of a structure either she kinda flops in the wind with the fan at 1, out 3 speeds. The other two stand there and maybe a couple parts of a couple leaves move and that’s it. Make’s me even question hitting her with pollen… at the least going to keep her beans separate if I do.

Speaking of…

I don’t think they’re ready for pollen just yet, what you think? Day 15

Did I mention I turn the plants every day? I rotate the pots 90 degrees every day at lights on. I can’t do that with the dwc totes… might be able to with buckets tho :thinking:


Screw it, flipped the lights back to flower for the male and just gonna finish him out. Technically never got a night time for the “return to veg” so maybe he’ll just think it was a really long day :rofl:

Hope these clones make it!


LOL So do I!


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WTF? It’s official, I have heard it all and it only took a tad over 1/2 century to do so

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:rofl: :+1:
Really helps calm down the urge to go look at them all the time. I have the lights off from 730am to 830pm to avoid the hot part of the day, so I barely get to see them except for a few minutes in the morning and then a bit before bed.