Holy's Garden (Part 1)

No meter here either, no burning, no issues aside from those fucking bugs. I def don’t sit up in my grow area nerding out on every little detail. I try to be as hands-off as possible. I’m the same way about not wanting to potentially bring something I dont want into my grow. I had to cull my last 2 grows due to aphids and then spider mites. I should be sitting on a LB of SSDD right now. With this grow I only go up there for like 30 seconds every morning to check on them, and every other day they get watered/fed. I make sure I’m clean etc… before I go up there. I don’t want anything happening to these Prayer Towers. I might have a mental breakdown if I have to cull another grow because of bugs.


@HolyAngel was wondering what is going down with thebud cast? Have you heard what the deal is?


As far as I know, it’s continuing but, not on here and possibly under a slightly altered name. MCR was a previously banned user who technically snuck in under a new nick. Some of the mods knew that though, and were seemingly totally cool with it, considering the conversations that were had in the thread. It was apparently all good until one or two of the other mods realized it and lemonadejoe found out a banned user snuck in. Joe closed and unlisted the thread and rebanned MCR, despite his offering to sponsor and/or compensate the site through said podcast in order to be able to stay being a member here and continue with said podcast. He seemed to be an upstanding member under the new nick both before and after starting the podcast, but it’s not my place to know everything that happened nor do anything about it. Idk if and/or when MCR might make a thread about it on the other sites, or what exactly is going on with it but last I heard him and medman were still on for recording. That’s all I got :man_shrugging:


Thanks for the update, I did enjoy your episode and was looking forward to the next one. Must be more to it for LJ to ban him again…


@Mrgreenthumb I got some insight but don’t want to disclose too much for both parties sake. When the initial discussion with JL started, MCR tried his best but I don’t think it came across that diplomatic, which is super important in a circumstance like this. I don’t know if this was truly why the ban happened, one could only speculate. But I worked close with MCR to make a pod episode which was suppose to be a breeding guide for the OG fam. I’ve always thought about making a comprehensive breeding guide here on OG, but my dyslexia make it so extremely energy and time consuming for me. So I really tried to help MCR to stay here, but unfortunately failed :slightly_frowning_face:

Tbh, from what was said from the MCR side, I would also have done what JL did. I know MCR is a good guy, but it just didn’t come across in the convo between them.

Hope it clears up some thoughts about the matter.

Pz :v:t2:


If I don’t shower before going in my tent, then I at least take off shirt/shorts & wipe down my arms + hands with isopropyl. I’m not screwing around after seeing what happened to your SSDD run.


Forgot to post these up yesterday, was a bit busy at work :pensive:

4x “OG Kush”?

Jury is still out on the exact cut of this but got them all rooted, one in back was just uppotted this morning. Will flower out at least one in here soon.

And for the more exciting news:

My SSDD has rooted! She looks slightly sad/wilty and wet as she’s had a cup covering her up this entire time, until just prior to this pic, in order to keep humidity up. Looks like we’re good @potpotpot ! Thank you very much. You are welcome to anything I have, seeds or otherwise, anytime bro :slight_smile:

I still have another 3 snips of her trying to root. Soon as I can get a big mom going again I would like to send off snips to any and every one that would have her.


Is that the Blueberry Muffin pheno?


Awesome news!


Sour butter + Blueberry kush muffin. Before 60ish days its mostly Sour butter. After 60ish days, when she actually starts getting some amber’s, it’s more blueberry kush muffins. No chemy nor skunky stuff. She’s got nice dense flowers and she’s pretty potent too, I’ve seen some mids in the SSDD’s and she’s not that at all. She’s not as strong as the TK but she’s up there.

Nice styrofoamy nuggets of deliciousness that makes your body numb. Video is just a couple buds I had left with me to smoke that day. No cherry-picking here.


Oh it’s THAT one! Sign me up lol! I’d def be down to run the Holy Angel cut!


Yeah that one :wink: mom to the starshine, f2 bx1, daydream kush, etc. Will let ya know when I get there. Probably a month out or so, just in time for it to cool off outside ^^


Damnit why I gotta be cross border! Awesome bro


Very nice! Happy I was able to keep her healthy enough to send back to you.

Gonna have one in my next run, very excited to try her out.

I always knew people shipped clones, but it is still crazy to me that they survive it. 4 days in a box in the back of a truck would be too much for me haha. Plants are awesome haha.


Awesome news buddy, keep it coming! :metal:t2::metal:t2::metal:t2::metal:t2:

Pz :v:t2:


Awesome idea. Good medicine should be in the hands of many, not just to help as many people suffering as possible but for it’s long term preservation. Really excited you got roots :+1:
Oh & shout out @potpotpot you saved the day homie.


Agreed! If something’s special I love to see more growers and smokers able to enjoy it! And also I once had this catahoula mother I sent my buddy snips of just because I wanted him to try it, then a month or so later I took in dirty PM clones and got rid of everything, luckily he sent me that catahoula cut right back and I love the grow and smoke of it all around, my best yielder I’ve grown! I was so lucky to have given it to him. Anything special I’d love to get to as many people as possible. On a side note I just remembered this catahoula mother 2 years ago when I was first dropped the seeds and was gonna flip these big catahoula plants, I overwatered heavy and for a week still dropping hard so I got rid of all those plants but one big 5!gallon droopy plant I put in my bedroom where there’s regular lights on usually/windows open. I left it sitting in that room for over a month with. A splash of water here and there Lol randomly I took cuts had to be 1-2 months later and then eventually ran it and it was my fav cut I’ve personally grown. Then sent it to the buddy and avoided the Pm and all it was a miracle story for this one kinda! And the only girl I ran and saved from that expensive pack.


I assure you it was just dumb luck and good timing haha. Really, Holy saved the day for himself by being generous and giving me the cut in the first place. :+1:


No joke! It was mutual saving, really :sweat_smile: If you hadn’t asked for it, if I hadn’t sent it, if you weren’t able to get the cuts rooted and plants going, send em back, me get em going. It was a group effort in my book :joy: Still much appreciated :slight_smile:


@potpotpot and @HolyAngel - Wow, this is so inspiring to hear. This is something I wish we in Europe could do more. Spreading good medicine far and wide! It’s the movement of empathy and not the movement of greed. You guys rock :metal:t2:

Pz :v:t2: