Holy's Garden (Part 1)

I make audio recordings of live concerts as a hobby. Before the Internet and file sharing, everything was stored on physical media (cassettes and compact discs). To make sure a unique artifact wouldn’t be lost, it was best practice to give copies to other collectors as a backup. They would do the same with their recordings. If something happened to an original, you could get it back from your circle of archivists. It’s nice to see that happened here!!!
I’m paranoid of bringing pests into my garden, but I still give away cuts of everything I grow to a handful of local growers. If there’s a strain I lose but I want to grow again badly enough, I know I can get it back.


100% this. The timing of me asking for the cut was just pure luck haha. And my experience with killing tons of plant has gotten me pretty good at triage, happy I was able to apply it something of value here and get those plants healthy after their trip.

It is appreciated on my side too, truly. :+1:


Thank You Holys garden a n d many thank you all Ogers
…May I ask where can I purchase ,Triangle Kush . Hopefully a steady strain…
To tell the truth ,I’m taking a life line Learning Green Codes from mother earth…Ogers are Teacher share an share alike…
OverGrow The World with Lobe ,Peace


All the best cuts have close-call origin stories & a series of lucky coincidences involved. Pretty friggin interesting & spooky if I’m being honest.


Ah I’m out of cuts on her for a couple months. Still trying to get a mom back in shape.

FarmerJoe has her and that’s where most of us got her from. like $150 per cut I think.


Boo to slightly blurry pics, my bad guys :pensive:

12x - Black River OG @SamwellBB (and one SSDD F2 #1 in the tupperware)

All nice and spread out now, for now anyways lol. You don’t happen to remember any traits/smells I should look out for ya do you? Everyone is on the second node, working on the 3rd. Everyone seems to have 5 bladed leaves but I have two with fat 7-bladed leaves that touch/overlap. I at least have the pre98 bubba to be able to compare to but unsure on the huckleberry and sugar black rose traits. Regardless, should be good.

In other news, the rest of those JOTI Northern Lights got composted for herming in veg. I’ll start soaking another 20ish SSDD F2 beans this weekend in preparation of the full moon, to try and find that male this fall/winter.


Salmon River OG has landed! Thank you :pray:t3:


NICE! Good luck on those bro!


So stoked! Thank you again


He’s got quite a few things that we all need but I just can’t afford those prices


PM is wiped out easily with elemental or micronized sulfur. Just takes a day to kill it off.


I’ve been using the sulfur like you suggested to me a while ago when that problem came up. Besides that catahoula which was a seed I popped, I didn’t have any special cuts, since most of my finished stuff goes to other people it felt like i mine as well restart at that point to play it safe. But I have been using that sulfur here and there, even now because I do trust it’s the superhero for pm and pm is what I’m most scared of now :laughing:


Excellent news! I’ve been working hard to spread the news on killing it off. Used to be a real problem!


Well day 22 here and definitely nothing that looks like bubba in these Black River OG

I do see some OG features though, and a lot of NL. They’re all telephone poles currently with no side branching. Haven’t checked stem rubs yet. Should start getting gender reveals in the next two weeks. Hoping these are stable :crossed_fingers:

I still have a bunch of left over nutrient brands lying around, salts and bottles, so I’ve been trialing new veg feed for the last week using the old Megacrop 2-part, aka Jack’s Ripoff.
Part A = 5-12-26
Part B = 15.5-0-0

So I’m running all the veg and mom plants on ~4grams part A to ~2grams part B per gallon, and nothing else. So far color and whatnot is looking good. EC is right at 2.0 and I didn’t have to PH anything with my tap water, came out to exactly 5.8 so that was nice.


Check out this SSDD x (OGC x CJ) girl my buddy has outside. Looks like she has 5 blades leaves going on. I’m gonna stop by there this weekend to check her out. @HolyAngel


ooh :heart_eyes: that looks nice! OG coming through for sure on that one!
And that fat freakin stem in there :heart_eyes: Always interested in any pics/info you got bro!


I’d love to be able to run things outdoors. I wanna pop those but still need to look through the rest of the ssdd beans for males first, that needs to be my main priority. I really need to pop the m29 asap tho to check viability as it’s been reported they’re dud’s. but what I really wanna do get the swiss thai nevil 2’s started :star_struck: Sadly, not enough space at all for all these things :sweat_smile:


There has only been a Single Leaf with a Dot of PM this season so far.

Fair to say Joe, 20+ plants sprayed = zero issue

Thanks again @JoeCrowe for that preventative tip


Looking healthy and flourished. :sunglasses: :metal: I’ve been using Meg A and B this year in the gauntlet with their sweet candy. You need to grab a bag of this shit it’s legit. 0-27-27. I just started baby-bumping their Bud Explosion this morning. 0-34-34.
I’m really impressed with Greenleafs products. Just make sure and mix the A first and then the B. :sunglasses: :metal: :peace_symbol:
I never have to PH it either.


there still looking good but i guess you were hoping for a bubba leaner eh… hopefully you find something that ticks some boxes at least

i been feeding my plants 4 2 1 jacks you think the 1 gram epsoms is to much ? i went 18 8 4,5 into 5 gallons and got around 1480 ppms.