Holy's Garden (Part 1)

The first dusting has begun!

Some random shots…
I hit almost all of the tops on each girl with what pollen I could initially get off the male tonight.

I have some more pollen and pollen sacks drying out with desiccant in a small container. I don’t think it’s even 0.1ml worth :rofl:

Figure I’ll keep collecting and dust more hairs as they come up or don’t change. Hopefully get a ton of seeds just from the tops, and a decent amount of herb. They’re all about 2ft give or take a few inches.


I’m not one that’s allergic to anything or has any allergies. Usually even in pollen season I don’t have any issues but man, having this dude around is starting to tickle the back of my nose a bit.

Pretty sure this tent is 2x2x4 and he’s ~8 inches from the top, I can’t raise the light any higher. He just shot up over the last couple days.

Can see my foil contraption to catch the pollen/sacks that drop. I’ll just shake it for a few seconds and close the tent back up for ~15min or so to let any pollen settle. From there I’ve been pouring into a 500ml measuring cup with some desiccant and then using a brush to pollinate. As of 24hrs later, I have quite a few orange tinged hairs but not as much as I’d like so I hit some of the tops again.

What’s the easiest way to collect as much pollen as possible before discarding the plant?

Just bend the plant over and shake it over something? Wait till there’s a bunch of open and ripe sacks and then harvest the branch and dry it over something or in a container and shake it? Don’t need to dry it at all? Just snip off the sacks and grind em, open or not? Any assistance there would be super helpful. I still can’t find much info written about it :confused:


Day 21 - 11/13 On/Off

NL5HSS #1 - Male

I’ve collected about 2ml worth of pollen, hit my 3 girls, and his clone’s are definitely pulling through with this CloneKing Aero Cloner, so I cut the male down today. Was not resinous at all anywhere that I could see or feel, but that black pepper+teriyaki-ish stem rub :drooling_face: his structure is nice too and pretty closely matches the #5 girl. Speaking of…

NL5HSS #5 - Best Girl

I’m just so happy with this structure. This plant speaks to me for sure, every time I look at her. I definitely feel like work was put in here with this pheno. Un-topped, she basically doesn’t need any tucking/LST, all the buds are already in the right places by default. Everything is spaced out right, not crowded but no wasted space. No droopy branches flopping around. Easy to grow, Easy to clone. Will see what happens over the next ~4-6 weeks and maybe eventually, what my F2’s will look like since both parents are similar pheno’s.

NL5HSS #4 - Emo Girl

I almost don’t even want seeds off this girl :rofl: She’s in the same soil as everyone else and she’s the only one complaining. Done so since sprout. The male I had(#2) that was similar to her pheno was finicky too but not as bad. She does look like she might yield slightly better than the #5 girl though and she has a real interesting pattern with the veins on her leaves. Will try and get an up-close pic of it later. Anyways, the hope is the male will fix some of these issues she’s showing and maybe still retain the interesting leaf patter :thinking: Should find out eventually.


She’s stretched up quite a bit which will be nice. Soil’s been just a bit too hot for her until recently. I also see a very similar structure to the #5 girl even though the only relation between the two would be haze. Regardless, should be good.

Still not getting much for smells yet but I can tell it’s starting up, so hopefully find out in another week or two. In the meantime I need to get some things ready and then start popping those Goji F3’s :sunglasses:


LOL!! Emo Girl
Glad I’m not the only one picking names for my plants. :+1: :sunglasses:

That is a fine looking male & Best Girl is fantastic. I see what you mean by ‘work has been done’, they look great. Nice work!




Still got a ways to go, so we’ll see how this goes. I’ve never made seeds before. Tempted to pollinate again as I wouldn’t mind a couple hundred seeds. Definitely don’t want to end up with only 30 :smile:

Speaking of seeds… Now that I have some room cleared up and just waiting on the flower tent to do its thing. I figured I’ll have plenty of time to veg if I start now so… @Sincy

Going to start with 5 and see how it goes ^^


Good luck with em don’t be afraid to help them out of the shell they’re super tough. The one f3 I have is looking better than the rest of the seeds I started as far as structure and has the craziest purple underside of the leaves. These should be some good ones I hope you find something you like.


@HolyAngel When you use a bubble clone it works best if you leave a 1/8 inch of the stem submerged . Letting the rest of the stem get misted by the bubbles. Looks great though.


Thank you! Will keep an eye on em and try and give em all the TLC without killing them with it :rofl:
Yeah that purple one you got is beautiful! Hope to find something similar but I’m sure I won’t be disappointed regardless. I honestly feel honored just to be able to run them :+1:

hmm I hadn’t tried that :thinking: My clones have always been super short cuts lately. I’ve had good luck with the ph at 5.4-5.6, but this aero cloner is even better. This is I think 5 days in with the new cloner(sorry for the grainy pic)

Just ph’d the water(~2gallons) to ~5.8, 1tsp maxigro total, and 0.3ml bleach total. I normally wouldn’t add any nutes at all but these clones were already like 2-3 weeks old with no roots when I put them in here.


Aero cloners kick ass. I love mine . I abuse the hell out of my clones and they root. I do add light nutes . They don’t root as fast maybe day two longer but they are allot healthier. Allot.
I get stem rot from leaving my clones completely submerged in bubblers but that’s why I stopped using them to clone too. Took to long for me .
Just passing along some knowledge that helped me . Your doing great with out my input though.


@HolyAngel & @Hugh_Glass
Do the aerocloners work on a timer or are the always spraying?

Bubble cloners operate w an airpump and stones, aerocloners are w a water pump and irrigation/mister nozzles or tips, right?



And this particular one did not come with a cycle timer and the instructions recommended leaving the pump on at all times 24/7. However I did pick up a cycle timer and set it to run for 1 minute and off for 3 minutes and it’s been perfect!


Looks good in there dude everything is looking awesome save some of that pollen and put it up, if you can.:grin:

Got some nice looking setups man I didn’t think that one bar up there would rock that plane like you did but that’s a cool little deal looks like one of those one bar hlg.:hugs::v:

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Thanks! Yeah I got a few vials of pollen saved in 0.2ml vials with desiccant in my seed fridge at around 40degrees. Unsure how long it’ll be viable for but I saved the male in clone form so should be able to get more within 3 weeks or so anytime. Can send you a vial if you want just pm me your address ^^

And yeah the HLG’s have been rocking it for sure. When it comes down to it, I basically bought two separate HLG 260 kits without actually buying any kits. I didn’t like the fact HLG’s kit put the boards long ways on their heatsink so I bought all the components separately and rigged it up myself to see. I ended up putting two the same way HLG does it in the kit :man_facepalming: and two short ways. Works really well. I have 4x QB288 RSpec boards on a HLG-320H-54A driver and yeah, rocks it, don’t even need to max the driver out.

If I could do it again though I’d be buying samsung f-strips, save like half the cost for more light of the same quality.


You probably have the same one as me, black BN-Link? . I found My cuts to root faster by making the off time last longer . My off time is 15 min off 1 on. All of our conditions are different and this what works for me .
I also use mesh netted bags doubled up , that go to pond pumps . I havent had a clogged nozzle in forever.

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Absolutely dude That’s my goal is to get everything changed to LED and use HID for big warehouse lighting You know what I mean I’ll get there whenever I get there lol. But yeah man I’m going to start really getting in the building stuff and I’m pretty crafty so I can figure out just about anything My dad is a f****** mechanical engineer but he’s so straight edge that if I started asking him electrical questions he may f****** hang up on me. He knows what young Josh h as been doing.

I guess I could always buy what I could buy like the biggest driver that I’ll need for my own 4x4. Then just add the boards on as I get them. I got to start somewhere you know what I mean? I got a guy who lives right around me who’s got a four chilled LED set up with the driver and he said make me an offer I should have grabbed them b****** up probably. :grin:

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Ah yeah can definitely do that. Least to a point. Depending on the driver you get you may need to buy more than just 1 board to use it.

Like this 320H-54A driver can’t run a single QB288 board, have to run two boards or it’s way too many amps even with it dimmed to half which is the most the ‘A’ series drivers will go down.

Now if you get a ‘B’ or ‘AB’ series driver and put a pot on it you can dim those down to zero, that would let you run anywhere from 1 board up to like 8 boards depending on how you wanna go. I probably wouldn’t do more than 4 boards per 320h driver though if you’re doing HLG style stuff. Each board can handle 150w+ if you use thermal paste and a fan on the heatsink, around 120w without.

The F-Strips though are a different beast, would run as many of those as I can fit and if they’re a little under driven that’s fine, they’ll just run cooler. Though they can get just as hot as the qb’s when maxed out. They’re just as bright as the qb’s and have a better spread.

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Yep it sounds cool. I think I’m going to try in at the lower end with the bridgelux just to try them out. I’ll get when I get some more money for real I’ll get into building a solid LED light or probably just buy one flat out I’m not sure for real The high pressure sodium lamps kick ass but I have a plant that’s like 10 in away from the bowl with fans blowing on it It’s just overboard I couldn’t see it putting a thousand white light inside of a 4x4 I don’t use cool tubes either I heard that the glass can affect the f****** light coming out I have no idea.

Yeah maybe that’s an option though what are you guys think about cool tubes?

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Yeah the bridgelux’s are real good too, just need twice the amount of boards compared to the F-Strips. They’re like 1/4 of the cost of the F-Strips though so still save some money even compared to those.

The cooltube glass does filter out a lot of the IR that’s beneficial, and I think lowers the overall intensity of the spectrum. But if it’s that or burning plants you gotta make a decision or go with different lights, like led’s. I did MH/HPS back in the day and would not do it at all today if given the chance to use something else. Closest I would go for HID would be CMH.


Man… The more I think about it, the more I think I wanna just go home and dump a whole vial of pollen in the tent and get all the seeds I can from these. Then just take clones of the girl and run her out again to get some actual herb. Think I might do that. Then I should be able to give out some seeds to some of you guys if you want them.

The Franco’s Lemon Cheese has a strong Musky-Foot odor going on so I think I got the Cheese pheno I was looking/hoping for on that one.

The NL5HSS girls have just now started to smell and I’m getting a fruity smell that leads into a peppery/asian seasoning type smell. Maybe slightly incensy in there somewhere.


That seems to have become my default approach as well, lol. You could argue that it’s kind of backward making seeds before you can sample the goods, but sometimes you just know it’s gonna be good :yum:

I always sample the bits left over from shucking the seeds before I give any away, though :wink: