How'd you get your screen name?

So how did you get your screen name? I guess ill go first, RIS is a result of my attempt to sign up as Risix on RIU. The name made sense to carry to overgrow as i had been using it for a few months. Now in case youre curious where Risix came from, that would be a username that was given to me by a friend in world of warcraft, 2005 i think. Prior to that i went by some random generated name, i dont even remember it now.

The friend that gave me the name was the same person that i got a tattoo for. WoW Related (You might know what it is from a seed giveaway). The name stuck since i then had to create other logins for similar games. Unfortunately he passed of leukemia at 24, some years back now. I have never gone by another user name… Until RIS, Im not sure why i feel so tied to the username, maybe it’s the memories it holds more than the name itself.

Anyway, What’s your story?