How'd you get your username?

Luckily I was a few years older than you when the 90s techno and drug wave hit Germany and i was a bit more cautious but nevertheless had a few border experiences, especially when it came to coke, acid and mixing drugs. Age and maturity has definitely something to do with it.


I have been told I should write a book from a long list of people :sweat_smile: Iā€™m too private, lazy, and introverted to share most of it but some details have been shared and are lost somewhere in the threads of Overgrow and the internets. Sadly I am not one who appreciates attention and have no interest in monetization so it will never be.

Among others, I have grown out Steve Tuckā€™s (from his Hillbilly Dreams website), Sannies Motarebel seeds, and Woodhorse seeds Herijuana strains searching for something similar and never found anything even slightly resembling the Hero from any of those seeds. The Hero was highly psychedelic and gave you a purple haze across your field of vision. One hit would make you feel like you were coming onto a doseā€¦ metallic mouth and edgy feelā€¦ and if you werenā€™t a regular user a second rip might have you hiding in the bathroom or under a sink in paranoia (both happened to people, as well as one going to the hospital fearing she had been drugged :sweat_smile::roll_eyes:) before going to sleep for 6-8 hours and waking up stoned over with extreme munchies. It was a nexus bud in that one rip of would get people more stoned than six rips off of anything else and nothing I have ever come across has had the psychedelic purple fog effect. Anywhoā€¦ she was lost long ago and I spent many years growing out every commercially offered seed line searching for something to replace herā€¦ to no availā€¦ and I am still searching.


When I was young the older kids in the neighborhood told us not to go up on the mountain because the Mountain Ghost roamed the woods looking for children.

I put my first plants outdoors in the summer of ā€˜96. The first time I went to check them it was the middle of the night under a full moon. I went out during the full moon so I didnā€™t have to use a flashlight as I made my way through the woods. When I got to the plants, I turned on my flashlight to take a peak, when suddenly, something came running down the hill above me. I was frozen stiff with fear but managed to lift my flashlight to see two glowing eyes looking at me about 20 yards away. I realized it was just a deer, but thoughts of those childhood stories popped into my head. I laughed as my knees were shaking uncontrollably and told myself, what am I afraid of? Iā€™m the Mountain Ghost.


Fucking poetic.



As teens we heard a bunch of other high schoolers made a skate board park in the abandoned cheese factory and were having parties etc. So about 6 of us went in (door unlocked) and checked the plant out. Turns out the power was disconnected and some of the guys made make shift torches to see.

My buddy and myself were at the entrance as a lookout and noticed a suspicious car coming and called em out. I ā€˜thoughtā€™ from my own witnessing that all the torches were put out.

But sadly I recall someone flicking a cigarette butt into a giant pile of garbage.

Turns out the car was the police, with others in tow, we all ran but eventually throughout the day got caught all around the town.

Then told us of the arson charges and boy were we confused when that was slapped on.

Interestingly enough, we never made it to the basement as we went up to check the whole buildingā€¦ we heard music playing In the basement as we were leaving.

It was a rather large cheese factory lol


Iā€™ve lived in both and itā€™s a huge upgrade to end up in Jersey, both beat DE :laughing:

If it makes you feel any better I knew it was referring to the strain and I would imagine most here do


Now do we want to vote on the best story? lol, im going with @Pigeonman


residing over at planet ganja in 2005 with gooey breeder and Corey haim/feldman,me and gooey hopped ship together and went over to breedbay where I made up the name to gain membershipā€¦I have attn to detail in vegetative indoor growth which borders insanity and I like the word guerillaā€¦bit boring reallyā€¦lololā€¦but the name stuck and most ppl call me vegg for shortā€¦pigeonman gets my voteā€¦creased up reading thatā€¦lololol


@Ris , @anon80198312



I miss the good 'ol 1000 KB days :sob:


Me too, all my gifs were already shrunk to accommodate 1MB :frowning:


Same here. I had to re-shrink a few lately. I have wondered if the server was smart enough to deduplicate reposted material :sweat_smile:

A-Loc was something I started years ago back in 2002/2003. Started off as a tag I would spray up when me and a buddy got into graffiti. My names Aaron and my last name starts with L. So it stands for Aaron L On Cannabis. Used it back on the old OG than icmag. Ended up getting pinched in like 2012, had to chill from growing then started having kids. Finally started playing with outdoors again two years ago and decided to bring a-loc back once my state finally gave us grow rights.


I never used this name before joining OG three years ago. I was inspired by the Pot 100 list in the back of every High Times magazine (at least in the 90s - I havenā€™t seen one in forever). For the longest time there was always an entry for ā€œBarefoot and tripping in Murfreesboro, TNā€. I liked the sound of that but I donā€™t take psychedelics like I used to, so BarefootAndBlazed seemed more appropriate for a user name.

Plus, I have a shitty ankle/foot so I can never walk around without some kind of support. Thatā€™s my secret - Iā€™m never barefoot :sunglasses:


Iā€™m never inspired for these things, so iā€™m generally using what is directly around me.

I was soaking seeds in this tupperware when Iā€™ve created this account. Lucky me, it was available.

But something funny this year. Iā€™ve used a random typo found on google for the avatar. That is the logo of a motorcycle company of-a-friend-of-a-friend-of-a-friend, that got my previous seedā€™s stash. The guy was not happy to be linked with the green, iā€™m respecting that so iā€™m doing myself a new typo actually ^^ Letā€™s call that the butterfly effect.


So this is a close second lol, thats how i used to make my passwords.

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YUP, been there, done that, love a good true story, lol

Got this screen name with a random name generator, So many good ones popped up, but this one resonated for some reason, :wink:


Where thereā€™s a will thereā€™s a way :joy::+1:t3: