I believe we have been using the term ‘phenotype’ wrong for decades

Genetics are complex. Some plants can be inbred for centuries and still retain a high amount of genetic diversity.


Regardless of how one member acts, it doesn’t give another the right to type out a giant diatribe of how dumb people are.

There are flag buttons for a reason.

Also this is OG not RIU… we don’t berate people for asking questions because they don’t understand something.


@Kabuddha man you gotta stop saying this stuff. Nobody has a bonsai mother with 100 cuts on it. If you did, you’d still need to take the clones off it and root them into 100 individual plants. It’s a useful technique, sure, but it’s not mass scale breeding, you’re talking about closet techniques and when Tom says that he means a farm field. They’re just not the same. I think an important part of the mass breeding you’re missing is seeing the individual plants grow through their cycle, seed to harvest, and observing their characteristics. How would I do that without a starting seed population to work from? Cuts on cuts is certainly a way to breed, I don’t think that’s what’s being discussed here. Please stop crashing into discussions based on science, observation and experience with theories and ideas that aren’t supported by evidence, it really kills the discourse we had going here that I was personally learning a lot from. Tom may be abrasive at times, but he’s also a guy who did preservation work so good that we’re still hunting it out many decades later. Maybe we could sit and listen if we’re not on that level of experience.


We are all forgetting the very important role of xenotype. It controls every aspect of plant expression.

This might not be popular but how it smells or tastes is well looow priority! I will grab a candy bar if I want something sweet, I can burn some incense if I want to smell something nice. Weed is to me a mind thing! I want something that can get me past my monkey mind and into the big picture. I have had so many awesome insights on a good psychedelic high while hiking and my wife always asks what I tried so she can pace herself for my old ass can double my distance from 4 mile up to 9 or ten. If you ask me if I want something that smells and tastes great but good only good for 4 miles or something that tastes nasty but you can log in 10 well… I feeel GOOD eating lighting so I can crap thunder :rofl:

I would take an IBL and breed the hell out of it!! Keep the genetics varied but keep pushing that line ever so slightly upward. Take good notes and tell your amygdala to go F off when somebody is telling you something you don’t like to hear. If your feelings get hurt because someone is being rude ask yourself this. Did this person hurt me or did I?? Only person that judges you is you so….


The amygdala is one of two almond-shaped clusters of nuclei located deep and medially within the temporal lobes of the brain’s cerebrum in complex vertebrates, including humans. Shown to perform a primary role in the processing of memory, decision making, and emotional responses, the amygdalae are considered part of the limbic system. The term “amygdala” was first introduced by Karl Friedrich Burdach in 1822.Wikipedia


Grown out thousands of seeds and still seeing new flowers.
F12 with me doing the selecting and still won’t grow the same flowers twice.
I don’t think cannabis settles down.


It’s like two people having kids , you will never get the exact same thing, there will be noticeable inherited traits but all are unique.


Yep… I kinda figured…LOL!
Draig and both our kids are “on the spectrum”… it’s what makes Draig so good at this: he remembers the genetics of the strains, terminology, grow times etc…his brother called him the Weedcyclopedia" once!
Weed is his obsession…reading or talking about it 24-7. Good thing too…my memory sucks and he keeps me in line…helps the grow!


Hey bro I wasn’t talking to you…stop butting into people’s convos thinking they would give 2 cents for your opinion. You definitely don’t know me and wouldn’t be talking down to me about established cultivation methods if you did. Who hasn’t grown out a million plants, or searched landraces…well I have. Leave the childish pissing contest at the door mate, this is about breeding, not our egos.



I can’t answer for Tom, but I am able to give you some info on male ratios…the male ratio in a pheno is the same in the entire population. So if a fem occurs 5% of the time a male of the same pheno will occures roughly 3% of the time. Finding the males is the most difficult step in hunting…


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One million plants, that’s that exaggeration that makes it hard to take your statements seriously.

Seriously bro?? 3 inch pots in 8x8 shelves 6 high, under floros…that’s 6000 plants.

Lots of plants, lots of work. Work being the :old_key:!



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This is a good statement. There are folks who keep “arsenals” of breeding stock. Lines not for consumption, but for breeding with. Like a painters various paints and tools, each cultivar serves a specific purpose in creating a final end product.



Thats why i say those of us who are inclusive breeders, like DJ, are better


Please elaborate for I have read his book and his theories make sense. I don’t know his background hehe but he has some cultivars that helped a lot of people out.

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Well to start, :sweat_smile: it’s necessary to understand that we are breeding for an end consumable product and that this process takes time. The end product is a homogenized line, not a cross to find cuts in. :moyai: Further it is necessary to have a defined goal, this is where the various cultivars come in. You use the cultivars to achieve your end goal.

Some goals are simple. For instance I want to create a Bubblegum Pine line. For this I could simply cross a bubblegum and a pine to achieve a bubble pine flavor in the homogenized end line. This is a simple goal, other goals can be more complex…

The essence of the “method” is to homogenize your chosen palette of cultivars into your desired end product.

These cultivars each pass on a desired trait or add an element to either the line or the breeding process itself. We use cultivars because they are breed, presumably by the grower, to be used in a specific manner and certainly not of least importance they are homogenized and highly stable. We can use our arsenal of cultivars to create an entirely new cultivar or to add to an existing line or cut.



And you have done that 166 times? At four rounds a year that’s 41 years of uninterrupted breeding. What are you doing wrong that we’ve never heard of your work?

The key my friend is running satis!!! You have to smoke test it too mate :crazy_face::thinking:!!!


We were taking about pheno hunting not breeding. You can run 2,000,000 plants in a 100 x 200 foot space (obviously). One run…get to work, smoking is work, smelling is work, work work work :sweat_smile::grin::grin:.


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Satis? Don’t know this acronym Statistics?