In search of fruity pebbles

I’d have to say the fpog … has always been since I’ve known of its existence something I truly wanted… I remember way back… Paris Hilton had a pic taken in the back of a limo… she had a colorful bag of weed… it was fpog… I was amazed as soon as I saw the colors. I’d have to say… we have got to find a way to locate… or recreate this… absolutely amazing looking strain… truly looked like a bag of fruity pebbles


Guys a simple google search of “medman brand forums” will show you a review of his seeds on other forums.

While he may be correct that alien probably did not create fpog, he doesn’t offer proof that he created them either. medman says he has emails of him and alien to prove that he sold seeds to alien which then alien sold as fpog. I couldn’t find those emails.

Do your research. If you want fpog, I have said this before on the other fpog thread, your best bet is probably alien or jaws. The idea that cookies used his fpog as cereal milk is laughable at best lol.


I was biting my tongue, it’s the holidays and I didn’t want to bring any negativity…

BUT do your research. Period. There’s is so much out there about “medman”. Very good chance you’ll take your business elsewhere…

Ps this is not directed at you @grief
Also, not to be confused with “medmen” of the US


Took your advice. This was one of the first hits

Not too shabby for an f-1 release


don’t know where jaws got his fpog… don’t care
People speak high praises of the plants they get from those seeds.
The kicker… Jaws has never sold his Fpog, the only way to get it is to request it as a freebie when ordering his other seeds. Not sure if there is even any in stock anywhere.
He just a few months ago tried STS on the Fpog he holds because a great many people were interested in a fem version. He was not going to do it to sell the seeds either, just offer them as freebies.

If anyone wants to send me fpog seeds… I’ll do a seed increase for the community. I’m gonna check with some friends and see if there are any of the Jaws seeds around. I know he will not care if the seeds are used to freely give away.
Don’t want to be part of any drama and I don’t care to be involved in any discussions on the origins. period.


That’s a great way for jaws to leverage other seed sales

Ironically that’s a sales model I’ve used as well. Smart guy

I have a ton of f3. There’s def no shortages :slight_smile:

Me to alien - alien to jaws… pretty sure he bought the f1 at auction. Or knew alien and bought direct?

Thanks for reaching out



Either way… just for someone to be able to enjoy as the true fpog… please let me know if you’re holding… I’d love some… or if they get recreated in bulk . Let me know!!! Just something I’d truly like to try as a viable original


Yeah i would also buy the Fruity pebbles from medman again. Loved those plants and all the good qualities of the plant is dominant so they are easy to pass on to your own hybrids.

Pz :v:t2:


Do PM and let me know what you’re asking for a Pack, or two. I’m interested. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: NOTE: I DON’T SELL SEEDS!!!


He seriously doesnt!!! Same for me… or a possible trade or something…


Haha that has what to do with what? Cherry picking much?

By the way…" Including ready set grow in winnipeg where sacred works"
…this would happen to be a form of doxxing wouldn’t it?..pretty bad form…but honestly i wouldnt expect better from you. Good thing that information is not accurate at all.


Calling the kettle black is never good form

What’s worst form is taking a gift. Using it then denying credit not with silence. But a made up story lol

Look at the success sacred has had w my genetics. You aren’t going to find any confirmation bias with your one sided ramblings lol


This goes far beyond Sacred or fpog. You are not OverGrow material. OG is about sharing, caring and positivity for the most part. You are none of that. You’re an awful person. You have ripped of countless medical patients. You’ve scammed many. You’ve defrauded. It’s your history that I want the members here to look into before supporting you, because you are far from what they believe in and I know they wouldn’t support you if they knew…

That’s it. I’m done. I’m not speaking on it again. DO YOUR RESEARCH


You’re only choosing the positive reviews brother. There’s mixed reviews on your gear.

I used to grow autos and was a member over there at afn. Some real honest people over there. There’s also reviews of your gear on rollitup.
I’m not trying to stray people from your gear just giving them facts and hopefully they don’t waste time and get headaches.
I agree @Fitzera . I used to go to AFN a lot and they are good people too. Look up his seed testing over there. I’m not making stuff up. This guy won’t take responsibility if you get herms. I am also done speaking about this. Be warned.

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Ask rebel yourself.

I sent in testers. All f1 hybrids that needed growing.

Here’s another one from the same site. Best master kush ever grown. Time to balance out only focusing on the “negative” brotha

I was actually invited to og when it luanched

I thought i had a profile but either disnt post and it got erased. Or i did it wrong…

I truely think the only one that needs to do some research is from the horses mouth: you

Nothing more awful then the only person that did free online medical licensing consultations on icmag that turned eventually into 45k scripts that turned into legalization

Nothing more awful then the only guy in the industry that shared all his award winning method for free that most everyone uses: the med-man method

Nothing even more awful then spending a combined 15 years with my 2 awarded students for Nothing

Saving medical patients up to 90% off what everyone else was charging

Maybe it’s time to start practicing what you preach on here: share and care. Becuase right now the only example of awful in this thread is yourself with the self diluted slander and rumors.

Time to wake up man


The medman method, law of 4

Grow seeds, keep a mom
Take clones
Grow the ones that rooted
Veg, flower the ones that don’t look like shit

I’m not even trolling, the revolutionary method everyone uses.

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It was people like you calling it a hoax getting my threads binned before the hightimes article blew up all the forums like an atomic bomb.

Still one of the most used awarded ripening process. Saving energy in the procedure. Increasing nose quality and output lol

What is your contribution? If any?

I’m not saying the steps don’t make sense, simply that saying it’s your method is a stretch… these things been around a long time man.

And me? I’m just a dude with a watering can :wink:


Cereal milk pheno. 2 weeks from shock flowering (48 hours of pitch black to trigger)
