Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

Hah. I know this means nothing to you, but I drove into downtown Norfolk today to go to work. I lug all my shit to the 4th floor of this building. (Compressor, hoses, cords, guns, chop saw) I had to install one wall of baseboard in two offices. The project manager measured for me and told me the height on the base was 4 1/4". Cool so when I found the base at the lumber yard, they only made it in 5 1/2. No biggie. Yesterday I got that shit home and ripped it all down to 4 1/8 so I would have some wiggle room when tying in to the old shit.

So fast forward back to today. I go to slide my base into place and donk it’s 5/8" too tall. What the fuck? I go into the next office over and donk it’s 3/8" too short! Are you kidding me right now? These offices next to each other have two different base heights and the project manager didn’t get either of the measurements right. Okay… That’s my fault. No biggie. So I back track to Portsmouth across the river and grab some more base. I then back track home and rip this base to the appropriate size. I load up the van and then cruise back to down town Norfolk. This time I brought my table saw in case there was anymore foolishness. There was not anymore foolishness.

The company I did this job for is still waiting on my certificate of insurance for my vehicle. It’s been several weeks now and I have emailed my agent several times to get this show on the road. I gave Sally a call at the business and asked if she had heard anything yet and she says NO. I’m like that’s cool. I’m in downtown town Norfolk right now, I’m gonna swing by their office and find out what their fucking problem is. I pull up on their building and I’m hella confused. I’ve never been here before and it looks sketchy as fuck. I open the door to the place and I’m in some back alley Doctor clinic scam pill mill type shit. I’m looking around and I see some raggedy door that’s closed off to the side that has my insurance companies name taped to it. I’m getting hella better call Saul vibes from this dump hole when I feel a hand grab my shoulder. I see some watery eyed old guy with a stethoscope around his neck. He looked hella sick and he asks me “are you looking for the insurance people,” in a soft and strained voice. I nod yes and he continues on “they don’t work from the office anymore…” Yeah no shit. This place is sketchy as hell. He slowly extends his arm towards me holding a business card that looks to be 40 or 50 lbs as he trembles from its massive weight.

It’s a card for some one in the insurance office. I grab the card and as I’m looking around I’m regretting that I didn’t mask up before crossing the threshold into this probable disease pit. I thank him as I turn on my heels and bolt for fresh air. As I hoist myself into my creeper van, I pull out my cell phone and call the number provided. It goes to voicemail, and why wouldn’t it. I leave a voicemail full of long hard sighs and disappointment. I hang up and head home. Not 5 minutes later I get a call from my agent. She doesn’t have any idea what’s going on or who I am or why I’m upset. I told her to look at her emails and everything she needs to know is in there. She Okie dokies me and says she’ll take care of it right away.

Fast forward to right fucking now. I get cc on an email from my agent to this company. Friggin sweet! It finally happened. My wife opens the email and instantly says “why the fuck did this retarded bitch send them a copy of our insurance policy from 2020?”


Pray for me.



Dude, drop the saw and the pellet gun. Rent a home in Redbud, Vermont and write! Maybe get some geese and a dog. hehe, I kid but for real. You’re a great writer.

Sounds like a craptastic day. At least you have agood sense of humor about it :v:


It’s the steak of hot dogs!


Lol see your ol lady is already on it! She’s gonna get some shit done! But man for real you need to start making videos the story was good, but for real now I want to see the movie lol!


go back and re-read it, but this time use the voice of the blue guy from HappyTime Murders


Guess who’s going to VA Beach this weekend! This guy!! :sunglasses::+1::rofl:

Still planning it out, buy I’m gonna hitch a ride like a flea on a shaggy dog :rofl::rofl:


Yo. I appreciate it. I have always enjoyed the process of writing. I’ve been toying around for years with the idea of writing a memoir. The working title is Middle Man: the life and times of a complete asshole. Based on a true story, as I remember it.

@Hotrods_and_hounds the book is always better. Bull shit ass FCC is gonna shred my movie to pieces.


Nicole Kidman plays me in your movie. :popcorn:


Shit. Now I have to find some one else to play me.


How about kid rock? :thinking::thinking:


Kid Nicole Rockman?


Nicole kid rockman


Idk it sounds better that way lmao


Nicole Kidman in the most challenging roll of her lifetime

Nicole Kidman is… AMERICAN BADASS

Kidman pours out a 40 of Bud light while shooting off a Roman candle into the air, fur coat blowing in the wind.


What kind of fantasy is that? :rofl::rofl:


It’s not a fantasy it’s Merica!!


Dang Nicole Kidman is a baddie. I like elder Nicole way better than young Nicole. Old Nicole is giving Bree Van de kamp energy. I’m here for it!


I’ve always had the hots for Jennifer Aniston. She can be my friend anytime :rofl::rofl:


I bet you watched the entire series of friends didn’t you! Lol


Starting my birthday off right by sending stupid as fuck emails lol my wife is over here having a complete melt down over this fucking lady and her incompetence.