Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

Haha. It’d probably be more like “we’re just out here following these girls… To make sure they’re safe! To make sure they’re safe!”

“If I step out of the vehicle I’m gonna lose them!”


Deposits to Roths are after tax , so basically a savings account. Supplies for your dog is deductible as "security maintenance " :laughing:


But I feel like there is a way to roll over your 401k pretax dollars into a Roth IRA after tax account for maximum tax avoidance. Either that or you get super smoked by a giant tax bill on that transaction. But the equivalent could possibly be dumping 100k into a super savings account that you can only put 5k in per year.

I’m not a lawyer. This is not financial advice. Consult with someone that’s not posturing.


You get taxed before the rollover and penalized for early withdrawal. Those guys are pretty sharp. I’m not anybody to listen to either.:grin:


I thought there was some wonky stuff depending on states, like I was always told South Dakota was a tax haven state. That’s why a lot of rich people have that as their primary residence and condos all over in other states?


Some states have no income tax , like Florida. State income tax is a small amount of real business cost though.


I need to get better with tax codes, I priced an accountant out a few months back and they are damn expensive.


Even with rentals , you buy a property and rent it out. Sell it for twice what you paid. Well rental depreciation makes you pay a load of taxes when you sell it. It’s the profit from the sale + the overall depreciation you pay capital gains on. Never borrow to buy rental property, it’s not profitable, you then have to add mortgage interest to the costs.


I learned alot from the ones I’ve had , not many "tricks " they haven’t seen lol . I still keep a tax accountant.


That’s kinda depends on how long you plan on holding and also age. If you do a 1031 exchange you can keep putting it off but you have to do that till you die and pass the properties on to a beneficiary. Forgot what that was called once it. Gets past but the called it a step up of something or other.

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There’s is some parts of the 1031 exchange that can be helpful, somewhat. There is no getting around an established depreciation and Capital gains ,even with a revocable trust.

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Yeah, but the capital gains are a personal tax they don’t get passed with the property, think it’s called a step up in bases? I’m not 100 on it . But if it was as in a trust the trust would technically be the owner and still have the the capital gains. But when the property is inherited it gets passed at current market value vs purchased price. It’s probably a better strategy for more commercial property than say residential, like apartments or condos. You just keep upgrading your complex.


This is how the farmers do it around me. They have an LLC that owns their land or the houses used as rentals on the land they farm. When they die their kids don’t have inheritance tax, the company just gets a new CEO. The kid (or wife).

There are life estates too in Virginia I know nothing about


The revocable trust does that too, the remaining trustee is still responsible for all Capital gains. The living trust does help with overbearing inheritance taxes though. LLCs are mainly a sort of insurance to keep your assets protected from liability issues resulting from your farm/ business.


That’s kinda how they do it out here, last I was told by one of the old timers they had a S-Corp setup that owned Al the different LLCs some something about breaking up liability and saying that if one of the Llc got sued it would have a maximum amount it hit. That’s a bit out of my range of understanding how to tie them together. But he said at 1.5 million in equipment or land and so on they all get their own Llc.


I met up with @Gadarien and @ix3u yesterday. I have 5 weeds to try.:laughing:


You should make a kamikaze joint! All 5 in one!


Damn Bluntosaurus, I tell you what!


Yeah… And I have like 8 to try :joy::joy::joy::joy:


Damnit y’all. I just had a 2 hour nap. Damn sugar breakfast made me crash out.

I sat down with my parents financial advisor years ago and I said some shit to him that made him sit up straight in his chair like I had brought up some shit that was so out of left field he had never considered it before. I think it had something to do with having your company pay out the entirety of their profits to their owner in the form of a loan. The loan repayment schedule could be a penny a year for the next trillion years rinse and repeat every year and never hold anything of any value in your name personally. I said what happens to all of that owed money once you die?