InTheWoods Journal

Metal Haze x Dragon Energy @boatbum325
Day 41F

Seems like some pollen took on #1 and 2. I didnt put any one 3.



Couple Dream Drifter females.
A good reference of the two common plants found in them.
1st Deep Jurassic serrated. My guess is the Ohaze/sk1 side. Sparce double serrations. (2nd pic)

2nd Shallower serrated leaves with an abundance of double serrations. My guess would be the Dream 6 side. More stinky than Jurassic. (1st pic)

3rd would fall In between 1 and 2. Semi Jurassic, Shallow serration with sparce double serrations. (second pic bottom right plant, under the big jurassic leaf)


Nice garden bro. You are one prolific mofo. I need to start using a black background for my pics. Really makes the buds stand out. Beatiful work, man.


Good morning :sun_with_face: @InTheWoods and friends. I know that I have not posted much lately as my wife is in the hospital :hospital: and I am reading :open_book: and lurking :eyes: here in the background. Your grow @InTheWoods are looking really good and @Upstate you are looking :eyes: really good as well. Hope to be able to get my wife home :house: sometime real soon. See you guys later! :facepunch::+1::blush::wink::partying_face::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Oh man, I’m sorry to hear that! I hope she gets out of there quick and in great health! :muscle:

Plants are looking great @InTheWoods ! Even the stems in the flowers on that 11 are gonna be worth smoking :yum:

That 9 and 10 catching my eye a bit tho now :eyes:


Thanks @HolyAngel for the well wishes! :+1::facepunch::wink::partying_face::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Watered too deep and my watermelon split but it was really good. :smile::smile:
1 semi successful watermelon, my first.


Ooh yeah that looks great! What line of watermelon is it? Crimson?


Thanks brotha, I used to just take them up against the green wall but the black helps a bunch. I just got out of work and im beat lol. Moved 10 yards of soil yesterday and spread it around there yard. I felt it today. Hope you had a great day.

Wishing her a speedy recovery and hope youre keeping you head up as well brotha. :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Haha I dont know what I’m doing different this time. I hope I can keep her this happy the whole way through.

Give me the word and they can join you again :joy:.
Clone zone is a jungle. I really need to chop them back or take new cuts and flip these. Most likely the latter in 7 days.

Very Nice, Bummer it split but the watermelon was eager for you to enjoy it! :grin:


Sweet lemony earth you say? Got my mouth watering ! Damn that sounds delicious! Looks very nice!!!


Even on the one you got flowering now

Wouldn’t even bother taking the stems out :joy:


Haha Im basking in the scent. Number one is more sharp, nose tingling lemon earth. These Saltwater kushes are carbon filter killers. If you get em, Run em!

I meant more on the meristem. vs branching on cuts. She a pretty gal! Seems like she could fall into the 11 week finish range. Week 10 end on 9/16.
Very little white hairs.


Good morning OGs :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Hope everyones coffee is deliciously smooth and strong!

Dream Drifter Males
Day 15F

Down to five, Looking to cull another two or three. So far the front three males are the stand outs as of yesterday. I will have to make the call soon. Back two males arent stinky, muted stem rubs.

The one male I just want to use is the middle front one. Very similar to the DD lady I found already. To keep the options open, I’ll collect from three males if I don’t like how the offspring turns out with this middle male.

The females are day 18F and will do an update on them at week 4.


Who, dude, you stopped by my little grow journal and I had no clue you’re an OG in this shit! A 4,000+ post journal? I got some catching up to do :face_exhaling::v:


Very kind but I still have my training wheels on brotha :joy:
So much more to get better at and learn. Also, many other members on here with
10x more experience than me. Overambitious one could say haha.

Hope you have a great weekend!


How long you been growing man? I see you took a decade hiatus. I’ve been growing for 11 years so your break from it was my entire career :joy::joy:


I grew a couple plants in high school mainly bagseeds. Young smoker never let it finish lol.
Would veg with a CFls and eventually flower with a 400w HPS but stopped as I got into skateboarding more and was easier to just buy it. Picked back up now and I’m trying to get my reps in now for all the lost time I wish I was growing.

Haha basically.


Fellow skater in the house :call_me_hand:t2:

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Nice! I do my fun old man runs now. Occasionally I try and learn something new.

In that decade of growing which would you like to see again, or miss?
Seems like I missed out a bunch of cool older varieties back then.


I grew mostly bagseed or cuts from old timers in the mountains until 2017. Most of it was old hashplants and skunks (none actually smelled like skunk, they were sweet skunks) we had this really nice Hashplant from the mountains that didn’t have a name but it was a floral hash type deal that was done by mid September. It yielded really well and was pretty strong weed. It almost looked exotic by today’s standards. But mostly it was bagseeds for me and my brother. Bagseeds are what we used to make Sweet Creek.

Edit: To answer your question I’d like to have a huge bag of the SC father, whatever strain that was lol. It was really strong weed. You really felt it in the shoulders and neck, then your legs turned into noodles and wherever you were when you smoked it, you stayed there forever lol. It’s the only weed I’ve ever smoked that made me feel like I was in a dream.


Testicular fortitude is building on them boys. Nice job.