InTheWoods Journal

Thats sounds good and great for outdoor with that early finish. First time hearing of Sweet Creek. Have you ran them in your journal?

The ultimate nighttime smoke haha.

Thanks brotha, Hope your having a great weekend :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


The Sweet Creek is a variety my brother and I chucked together when we were younger. It’s an unknown mexi sativa bagseed pollinated by a frosty broad leaf male bagseed of unknown origin. Back then the strains didn’t have names here. It was either “loud” or “mid” or “Reggie”. The mother was a seed from a bag of mid we got and the father came from a bag of loud. The mother had this sweet lime zesty thing going on but it flowered until early November. So we made some seeds with the broadleaf to shorten the flower time and add some frostiness. The male had resin rails on the fan leaves and was the only seed we got from that bag. The F1 seeds are almost gone. My brother had 8 seeds left, he gave me 4 and that’s what I’m running next to the Flashbang in my journal. I’ve posted pictures of the last time my brother grew it before on there…somewhere lol

Edit: it’s far from stable obviously, there’s still a lot of junk in the genetics from the mexi side. But when the fathers genes express, oh boy. Frosty sweet lime goodness drenched in resin :face_exhaling: it’s called Sweet Creek because 1, it smells sweet and we grew our crop along the banks of a creek and 2, where we grew it was a place called Souee Creek (as in the same word they yell at pigs) because their was a pig farm that drained pig shit into the creek about a mile upstream but we didn’t wanna expose the spot. The pig farm covered up any smell the plants had lol.


Yeah buddy! She’s done! A fast one!:rofl::sweat_smile::joy::rofl::rofl:
Congratulations. You know it’s a longflower when you start flowering in the spring and harvest in the fall time. Well done.

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Woo hoo! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:
Shes coming down in two days, Chopping a bunch today to give me space for the DDs.

SWK 5, LCH 6 ,9 ,10 :axe:
Letting LCH 1 and 11 go one more week. Photo update later.

Thanks again for the opportunity to run these brotha!


Good morning OG :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Lemon Cheese Haze @HolyAngel
Day 70F :axe:

Sweet upfront, something funk or b.o, rubber undertone.

Found a couple nanners deep the crevices of three of the lower branch colas. No seeds in the buds, may be sterile ones. Most likely will not keep her around. Possibly will cull her clones that are in flower now to free up space.

semi sweet, slight lemon, rubber undertone.
no issues on her.


Sweet funfetti birthday cake, rubber undertone.
Still trimming her up, by glancing over she seems clear. Ill post an update if she had any issues.

Many thanks again brotha for the opportunity to run them! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Saltwater Kush #5 @hoss8455
Day 73F :axe:

Robust earthy lemony gassy.
Singular Male part on her lowest branch. It was a busy couple weeks so I hadn’t a chance to fully look them over.


1960 F.B.S.C Lambsbread @Upstate @Roms

Week 20 completed | Day 140F :axe:
The longest lady I have been able to get to the finish line.
Vegged for about a month before flipping her on May 1st.

Full cycle in one gallon poly bag. I had some hiccups along the way, I feel it I didn’t have her in the small pot I could have avoided the nanners issues but I kept plucking and truckin along. Sweet fermented mangos scents.

Stoked to try her, Many thanks to Upstate and Roms for the opportunity brothas!

Time to start trimming her up. :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


That sounds delicious!

Congratulations, 20 weeks is definitely a long time, 16 is my longest flowering period so far but it was definitely worth it.


Good on you for getting to the finish line with that long seasoned plant @InTheWoods . Not an easy task indoors! I hope the smoke makes up for the wait. Rotting mangos sounds scrumptious!


Awesome pictures! Those are great looking buds and plants. I am green with envy…


Thanks brotha, I was hitting milestones with every week. previously it was 14 weeks as my max. In this run I had plants finishing from 10,12,13,14,16 and finally 20. I know I couldn’t have pulled it off had I not run other varieties alongside her. :joy:

Thanks brotha, It was a battle but I won the war haha.
I’m looking forward to trying some when she dries but plan on keep my hands off her until christmas for a nice long cure.

Many thanks brotha, I bet your greenhouse is rocking and rolling too. Hope youre kicking ass and gearing up for a bountiful harvest!


Awesome job, you are now a member of the sativa club, 20 weeks is showing a lot of love.


Good morning OG :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Its been a busy week. Later on today I’ll do an update on the Dream Drifter Males, A couple have started to drop pollen. I haven’t culled down to 3 yet. After work I will make my decision. Since the lights will probably be out in the flowering tent. Saturday I’ll do an overdue update on the Dream Drifter females.
DD males on day 23F
DD females on day 17F

LCH 1, 11 on Day 74F
Kilimanjaro, Malawi Gold, Metal Haze x DE 1,2,3 Clones - Day 53F
LCH 6,11,1 Clones are on Day 38F/ Day 19F
SWK 4,5 LCH 11, MH x DE 1 - Day 2F

Does it come with a sweet patch? :grin:

Thanks brotha, Hope youre having a great week!


:clap: :+1: :fire:

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What is this one?


That is one hairy bastid is what that is.


@GrowTheAtlas Haha, what a great story! I would have been too tempted to call it “up shit creek” :rofl:

@InTheWoods fermenting mangos sounds nice, all looking boom-ting top shelf man.



That would have been a better name :joy::joy: but with our southern draw, when you say sweet creek fast it sounds like souee creek lol


This is Kilimanjaro, Takes 16 weeks. Worth every week for it. :man_dancing:

Thanks brotha, Hope you had a great week.


@Tracker Here is a better shot of Kilimanjaro

Main Cola

Kilimanjaro Clones @Kidete
Day 54F



Having the same issue, Open to suggestions. Could severe drybacks cause this? I do have a bunch of airflow in the tent.

Malawi Gold Clone @Tejas
Day 54F
I think I over watered her or the H/sk1 pollen is making her hungry. I don’t see any seed forming, likely the former than the latter.

Lemon Cheese Haze @HolyAngel


Lower branch side by side 1 (Left) vs 11(Right).

Lemon Cheese Haze 11 Clones