Introduce Yourself @OG (Part 3)

Doug I’d just like to say your generosity among the community is amazing! I hope to run some of the fire being shared around here. Thanks for the welcome!


That is more my personal speed. I just started Silver Haze and Pincher’s Creek (AKA Green Crack) along with the wife’s God’s Gift. My interest is in green stuff to get me moving without warping time and space too much.


Welcome to OG 2.0, I’ve spent the last 20 years, finding solutions for my wife’s sleeping issues.
Sent you a PM, over posting in the welcome thread.


was having the same problem 3or 4 hours and up again try and look into edibles of some sort i use honey oils and melted chocolate in dollar store silicone molds dollar store chocolate bars double boiler on the stove slowly melt and i mean slowly it seems to be the only hard part if you get the chocolate to hot to fast you temper it and it will not flow or run into the molds and do not lick the spoons and bowl at cleanup :star_struck:


Welcome to OG, @Topdecker, @cjm840 and @Cookiefarms! I predict you all will like it here. And I mean you’ll like it a lot! Couch jumpers


@Sintax , @Papageorgio , @Cloud9 , @PaperTech , @SargentPiff , @Neoknight , @Buckeye420 , @CraneCityCannabis , @Topdecker , @cjm840 , @Cookiefarms , Welcome to OG, y’all! Hope you’re enjoying your time here so far. It’s just about the best damn place on the internet, and we’re all glad to have you onboard. For every new, earnest grower, we all get stronger and better at growing. Saw some great intro pictures up there, too. I hope y’all find the time to maintain growroom diaries, and look forward to any of em.
Damn glad you meet you
Stay up


Welcome Home @Topdecker @Cookiefarms !!:seedling:

I find that ingesting cannabis helps me sleep much more than flowers and concentrate. I don’t know if the wife has tried that as well but thought I might mention it! :pray:

Welcome back to the hobby bud! Lots of good info here, along with skill! Great people here with a willingness to help! Stick around and stay a while there’s plenty of good info! :pray:


I have the same issue in a way. After a few hour my back starts to bother me and wakes me up and I cannot find a comfortable spot to fall back asleep. My doctor used to recommend smoking a nice couch lock / Indica strain right before bed and at the same time eating an edible. That way when the smoke starts to wear off the edible is kicking in. It does help me. :v:


Thanks bud, glad to have you with us. :v:


Hola @DougDawson

I just made a new batch of gummies
with rosin They are 60mg each
Just take one before bed and
wake up with cottonmouth



Welcome to OG


Hey @GigaChungus_69420 welcome!

Happy to have you look forward to saying hi in the future too.

Edit remove link. I did something weird trying to reply on another thread.

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Hey there! Thanks for the welcome.

A little bit about me: Been growing at home in the PNW for the last 8ish years (4 strictly outdoor, in 2019 started an indoor garden as well) and have been working in the cannabis industry the last 5 years. in that 5 years I have 1.5 years of commercial cultivation under my belt (1-5 gal pots, netafim drippers & jacks 3/2/1; cal nit/epsom) & have also worked in extraction (barely 6 months) and finally for the last 3 years have been GM of a retail dispensary.

I’m excited to get to know you all & bounce ideas off each other!

I’m definitely a Pheno whore, I love to hunt for those cuts that have a super distinctive flavor that follows through to the very end of the bowl/joint. Not entirely done with your avg ‘kush-y’ flavors, but definitely more attracted to the fruity side of the spectrum.

Currently have around 12 moms I’'ve ran in the past & another 8 plants that are new. I am always battling cuts against each other. I have maybe 5 plants I consider absolute keepers; the rest get ran between 2-4 times while I determine if they’re keepers or not!

I have done a mashup fertilization style for the last 4-5 cycles, using light synthetic inputs for the trace minerals, with the bulk of the feed coming from organic sources in 15gal soil containers. I affectionately call this ‘SynGanic’ and have had great results! I also like running classic Coco w/ hydro nutes, or living soil beds. I run LED’s at my home, and have used Double Ended HPS for work when I still grew commercially.

Any questions be sure to ask! Stoked to get to know some people on here, and I’m always interested to trade cuts!

Peace & much love you OG people :cowboy_hat_face: :cupid:


Welcome @GigaChungus_69420 glad you are here and look forward to hearing more about your adventures


Welcome to OG, @GigaChungus_69420! All OGs, it seems we now have a large Chungus amongus! :+1: And I predict that you, my friend, are going to love it here! Pot leaf hopper Welcome home!


Nice to meet you @GigaChungus_69420, welcome to overgrow.:peace_symbol:


Welcome to OG @GigaChungus_69420 :slightly_smiling_face:


Welcome @GigaChungus_69420


That’s the thing - I have found keepers after killing the clone because I didn’t wait long enough. So I’ve run a few phenos 2 times to be sure too.


Welcome to Overgrow !! @GigaChungus_69420 Glad to see you here.