Introduce Yourself @OG (Part 3)

@Organical, welcome to Overgrow.


Hey OG! I’m so happy to be a part of this community once again! I used to on OG all the time when I was a teen dreaming about growing my own. OG taught me all types of things. I tried several times in my youth to grow with only one partial success grown under CFLs in a 2x2x5 cabinet vented with old PC fans precariously wired to old plug-in power supplies. My then-girlfriend and now-wife’s paranoid brother would unplug my lights when I wasn’t home. Got some pretty gnarly weed from it but never got to smoke it. Fast forward about 20 years…shit 20 years??? Really? Fuck… Anyway, fast forward some amount of time and I’m back here again!

Those few attempts at growing my stash lit the spark. Watching the plants grow from seed gave me so much joy. Since I couldn’t grow weed I started gardening. People said if you can grow tomatoes you can grow weed. So I did, along with other plants and veggies. Gardening has been my release from life ever since. When I’m in the garden tending to my veggies I am at piece. Even when things go wrong, I find great satisfaction in every triumph AND failure in my garden. I am the creator of this realm, here I am not in control but I am a god. I Bring life to this place and I am its caretaker. Without me, it will wither. Without it so will I.

Last year I was afforded the opportunity to grow some cannabis. All my experience I learned from old school OG and over a decade of gardening definitely helped. I had no major issues other than towards the end. I was unfamiliar with the nuances of outdoor growing since I had always researched indoor. Learned real quick what to look out for. Had very mild pests and a tiny bit of mold. It was the most fun I have had in my garden in year’s!

This year will be better. I learned a lot and can’t wait to get my second grow going! I grew some clones from a friend and ended up with seeds from my grow. I had no males. Not sure if there was some ditch weed near by or they hermed for some reason. So I will be growing those this year. A fellow OGer has sent a package with some new genetics that I am impatiently waiting for. I plan to start a grow diary for this year as well as a rough summary of my first grow.

I’ll add some pics of last year’s garden here as part of my introduction. So happy to find OG is back and more or less how I remember it.


Welcome to OG


Welcome to OG @Organical :slightly_smiling_face: and @BeardedMech :v:


@GigaChungus_69420 , @Jumbzz , @Organical , @BeardedMech - Welcome, WELCOME WELCOME and I hope your time so far in the best cannabis community on the planet has been solid, and full of warm welcomes and learning. Damn glad to meet ya, and hope to catch y’all out in the wild soon.
Stay up


Welcome to OG !! @BeardedMech and @Organical


Welcome @Organical and @BeardedMech welcome to og. Happy to have you.


Welcome to Overgrow @BeardedMech.


Welcome to OG, @BeardedMech! I think gardening is gardening. I’ve got a tomato and chiles hobby myself but it’s the cannabis that really motivates me for some reason. :rofl:


@GigaChungus_69420 , @Jumbzz , @Organical , @BeardedMech
Welcome to the community



Well hello og’ers it’s been awhile. Took a break for a few yrs. Now I’ve gotten the bug again. In the middle of building a veg /clone room. Lite by a 400 watt hps. Thinking of getting a tent to flower in. With a 600 watt dimmable hps Good to be back -DD


Awesome garden brother! Welcome to OG


Welcome to overgrow @Organical!


Welcome to overgrow @BeardedMech!


Welcome back to OG @dankitydank1976.


welcome back, dd76


I have great respect for people who can write. And grow good weed. :wink: Welcome back, brother. I’m new here myself. I look forward to watching you grow. Your stuff looks amazing.


Welcome to the OG community @BeardedMech and @dankitydank1976 :raising_hand_woman:t3:

:green_heart: :seedling:


Welcome to OG, @Organical & @BeardedMech, and welcome back, @dankitydank1976!


Hello everybody at OG, long time lurker here! I finally decided that it’s time to participate and start interacting.

I’m EmeraldBullFrog, or EBF for short. Back in the day I used to hang out on the marijuana dot com message boards, around ‘07-09 somewhere in there. My state recently decided to legalize home grow so I’m hopping back into things after nearly ten years away from it. Been a longtime enjoyer of cannabis so it is great to find an online community of likeminded people. I started my use recreationally in college and now I am a medical patient who uses the herb daily to help manage my chronic pain.

This site is freaking awesome! Over the past few months I’ve been researching tons of topics online, checking out lots of message boards, combing thru discussions on strain lineages, etc… anyway, OG definitely has the best vibe out of any forums I’ve ever seen. I am looking forward to not only learning here, but continually growing as a person and helping others to do the same for themselves.