I've been hunting unicorns "Da Lat"

@upstate I dont know what happend to landraces. I mean i have some ideas what MIGHT happend. I already wrote them just before. It could be zero selection. Cause if people selected for wrong desires like profite, that doesent fit the picture of modern SE Asians so very well. They are all still very thin and longflowering… well i havent seen endless many old lines, so, hard to make comparion, but some 70s SE Asians were just as fat as modern ones. Actually fater…

it sounds way more realsistic to listen to Steves (source of Sunrise Thai). Who lives there since the 80s . He said they have such harsch laws, that they simply couldnt care (breed well)… and if there was a Plantating of old genes, it was probably busted one day. and all seeds gone from it.

i mean i seen myselve how drastically weed Changed in Switzerland as laws changed. It went from Gold to nothing good… Thats where i got my trippiys weed, in Switzerland… Our level was THAT high we even got oldschool Thai SOLD. As long as it was legal.

Once illegal for a while, all we got was not breed at all, it was just random bagseed put under some lights , to be sold… Atleast thats how it looks. Not breed at all… I have experienced that change, so, i do think its rather no selection that happend in Vietnam. Random planting of whatever you can get ahold of… Shure some lovers might have some better lines going, very save in their own gardens… Who knows, but if all structures are gone, there is a good possibility of their crop getting contaminated and there its goes… (Structures means: it was like wineyards today, just carefull with love, and separation, selection) or they get busted…
or they cant keep a LandRACE as is with their to three planties…

Thats a situation we “Westeners” are in, our Raw Landracees we westeners propagate can definitly loose power too… probably loosing it to inbreeding depression, or any other problem… Man its two three plants… Before it was a freely shared and cultivated CULTIVAR. Breed and handled with care…

Thats all imho.
I think old Landraces were like any other regional Breed, exchanged selcted from time to time. Its imaginable how illegality probhibited any free flow, and destroyed it. (Shure you may find evidence of Mafia interbreeding Afghani, but i dont find that explonation applies in many places. I see the same pale look in any modern Landraces like a red Line trough and trough… so i suspect a very overall truth)


In the freezer


All those reasons plus another will be the bottlenecking now and newbies wanting to try their hands of chucking.
Letting hermies pass for breeding material.
I’m sure I’ve missed some.


Im just saying. I bet you have all kinds of hidden treasures in there. And if you decide to open that door again i would love to be there. I think last time you opened that door i scored a bunch of snowhigh gear and i was very pleased


Didn’t take it any other way, were all good.
Freezer just my preferred way is it.


Someone said the one from CBG is also the same one sold by tropical seeds co as “70s Durban Poison”. Very sativa. I don’t think it was hybridized with an indica.


@lefthandseeds , i heard that too… I did find out that terpentine is a Durban smell, which is the terpene Cannabiogen Durban had when i grew it. I was happy to hear that. I want to grow a few more, but the F-2 sativa looking Cannabiogen Durban from you and triple Durban are calling me. Hard to choose!
@romanoweed the best weed I had was long ago too. Powerful, long lasting highs. Stoned silent for an hour per hit. A mini bowl stoning 12 people, or two people unable to finish a bowl, even when determined to do so. Everything is so mixed up now. If you find a good plant, you have to clone it, because its offspring will be nothing like it in most cases. I’m looking for that old majic too.


Oh god I would have to micro-micro-dose that. :joy:


These days I would too! But I would like to test myself LOL


Back in late 70’s it was one of the ones we were experimenting introducing ruderilious into it.
We didn’t know much better back then trying to grow durb in the midwest sunlight.


When was the Durban finishing for you? I guess I should ask if it was finishing? Were you finding the very fast phenotypes like Mel Frank? Good mold resistance? What was the result of introducing the ruderalis genetics?

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All this that we had back in the day wasnt done in Oct, just starting to bud nicely.
So end of may thru Oct. Not done.
After shroomers got out of the wood we went in.
So it didn’t get done.


The introduction of the rude to the Durb.
Still wasn’t getting the job done, mightve had to cross it more than we did, we went 2 generations.


(ok a last post about durb)

after years of beeing on icmag and of corse hearing that the real Deal Genotype from Those Sattie countries is shure longflowering. Ok,
but it started simpy with 13 Weeker Hoa Bac, beeing praised by Bushweed (wich only grows Thai) as the best Sativa on Market.So i got suspicios.

instantly something came to my Mind aswell: that Big Sur Holy Weed. I remebered a discusion if its pure or not , and the Discussion was pretty in Depth, but it ended with someone telling he knows the PErson that first had it, and it was collected as that what it still is , and then the discussion stopped.

So, i was under the impression bigsur is really as collected in Mexico.
Doesent mean anything… But shortly later i recalled the same tory from Durban. Someone said he smoked a nerly hallucinogenic smoke that (if recall right) finished in 9 weeks.

On top of that i seen multiple 13 weeker Vietnamese.

It doesent mean anything…
but its interesting, cause none of said Strains is weak. pretty crazy stuff.

its also that on icmag nobody was to convinced in any Theory. It was always: Mexican MAY been outcrossed at Source, Thai MAY been outcrossed at S.
It just makes me wonder.
Especially as i try to find solutions to inbreeding Depression, and i may need like two different Phenotypes to interbreed them. Slightly Indica with fullon Sativa, to erase mutations wich are suspected of inbreeding depro.
its atleast super interesting and a possibly a part of the geenpool.

Shure the longflowering ones are the realdeal trippy stuff, probably the only pure stuff, . Thats the save bet. But what creates the trippy stuff may also be found in the fater Individuals as a Part, Backbone of the real Stuff. Like said inbreeding depro, erasable trough different Genotypes imho… Cause if only one of bouth parents carries the mutation, wich is the case in further related Lines, then the mutation gets erased or Masked! And that is a hyphothesis about inbreeding depro.


I didn’t start with plants that head inbreeding depression, but I have been able to avoid it by keeping parallel lines. Keep seeds from different plants separate, and grow them for a few years, and then recombine them, and repeat. I’ve read that you should keep lines separate for five generations, but I don’t think I’ve stuck to that myself. So if you find a different Hoa Bac from somebody else, you might be able to reinvigorate it.


How long is the growing season where you live? There’s bound to be some 20 week plants in that batch of seeds you got. Are you planning on forcing them? Love to see some of those Southeast Asians grown Outdoor.


Hey man. I’m mixing up some new soil, and I want to give yours a try. :slight_smile: I have all the nutrients, I got some Soft Rock Phosphate from A-Zon.

I ordered that cover crop mix from BAS for my outdoor spot. I’ve been intending to do that anyway, but I’ve been slacking, so thanks for the boot. :slight_smile:

I also bought a BuildASoil v2.0 Mineral pack. It has all the mineral components you listed except Andesite:

BuildASoil Basalt - Our Favorite Rock Dust for trace minerals. Highly paramagnetic.
Gypsum Flour Pellets - Calcium and Sulfur
Oyster Shell Flour - Calcium Carbonate
Glacial Rock Dust
BuildASoil Premium Montomorillonite

I found Andesite Mineral Complex at a couple of places online, but they’re sold out. Where do you get your Andesite from?

It looks like a solid recipe. I’m also gonna add some Neem meal, powdered Malted Barley, some granular Humic/Fulvic acid, and some mykos.

What do you think? :grinning:


3lbs for like 8 bucks i like buildasoil mineral pks i will add some to top dress right before flip on long veg/flower cycles. Was humic not on my recipe? It is a must i have recently been trying it and bio char and love the results so far. I like mycos and azos in soil every transplant. I dont like neem. But a lot of people do.I will tell you something else I’ve been doing the local pet shop sells Oceanic water for saltwater tanks put a cup of that in every five gallon bucket of water. Thats when the da lat started turning pink on top a lot of minerals in there. I feel like I might have been a little vague with you about your breeding questions but here’s my theory especially with long flowering sativas but it works just as fine with all hit them early whether it’s open pollination or you’re brushing it on soon as you see a good little cluster of white hair hit them with the pollen thats what I did with the da lat and I harvested 4 plants the other day I got 2500 seeds none of them were over 2 ft tall in 1/2 gallon containers and started off about two weeks went straight from 11/13 a week later10/14 8 weeks later seeds are ready I’m sending that pollen out tomorrow again want me to send you a hundred of these Da lat with it? Sorry for the novel.


Are you shittin’ me? :laughing: A novel that ends with, “I’m sending that pollen out tomorrow again want me to send you a hundred of these Da lat with it?”, is my favorite novel. :slight_smile: To answer your question, hell yeah I want you to send 100 DaLat seeds with that pollen. Just put it in a padded envelope :grinning:

I ordered that Andesite. It’s $15 for 3lbs now, but that’s fine. That was the last thing I needed. My Rock Phosphate will be here tomorrow, and perlite Saturday. I’m not sure about BAS, but it was free shipping from them, so I can’t bitch too much.

So, just to clarify. On the DaLat, you popped the seeds, vegged for 2 weeks, then 8 weeks in flower, and that netted 2500 DaLat seeds? Holy shit man, I think my activity level just went up. :grinning:

It was a very informative novel. :vulcan_salute:

I don’t know much about biochar, other than it’s supposed to be kick-ass for soil. What “brand” of biochar do you use, and how much do you add to the mix?



I’d say pollination was a success great job also didn’t mind the novel.