I've been hunting unicorns "Da Lat"

heres some more pictures of different dalat phenos, i mostly update my ig so these are a lil late




earlier than this? This is about a pinky nail size cluster…right when i like to pollinate when i want 10 or 20 seeds per budsite.


You can make your own bio char pretty easy. I am sure there is prob video somewhere. Just stack a bunch of 1or 2" sticks on top of each other burn from the top down and put it out before they turn to ash. Then you must activate it. Several different methods i use chicken poo.


Its coming together! The Freaks are seed Geeks! Awesome job @YoBigdaddy . Dalat was one
I thought I would never have the chance to grow just a short time ago. Big Thanks!


Yes i forgot to mention i like to have at least 8 bud sites like that. Maybe a few more


This is the last and the smallest of the phase 2 da Lats these seeds came from pheno_fiend. 21 beans repo from snowhigh stock. Planted 11 beans in dirt on dec.20th 6 males 5 fems. I harvested the first four plants 2 weeks ago for a total length of 12 weeks start to finish and probably could have harvested this seeds a couple weeks earlier this last one I harvested at week 13 and pulled 206 seeds off of it. I got right around 2,400 seeds off the other four none of which were more than two and a half feet tall. phase one ended up with six males from 11 seeds we got from snow High Direct no Fems. And phase 3 only yielded three fems and 4 males. These came from the rest of pheno_fiends stock he graciously sent me. One is still vegging and will be placed outside this year. The other two females RN week 4 of flower I’m going to let them build a little longer before I hit them with the pollen.


Awesome work! Chubby seedy buds! That last one is a beauty. Can’t wait to see one seedless!

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Did you ever pop those Mexican beans?

Still looking for that myself… last I had was back around 9/11 but then the hurricane came and power outage and heat went out lol so I lost it. Please please let me know if you find any I am definitely on board for a good 80’s stoning. I think the government killed off all the good shit when they legalized it WTF!

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Other than what everybody holds in their personal library.

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They sitting on that shit then for fear of reprisal (can’t say I blame them :wink:)

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Hey @YoBigdaddy. I wanted to ask you about Biochar. I got some to use in this soil mix I’m making, and I wanted to ask how you charge yours. I saw an article where they put a couple of inches of compost/EWC in a wheelbarrow, add water untill it’s a slurry, dump in your biochar, stir it up, and leave it for 1-3 days.

That’s certainly doable for me, but they don’t indicate how much biochar you can activate with that amount, or how much to use in the mix.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. :slight_smile:

I forgot something. I’ve got root aphids which is why I’m making new soil. What can I add to that mix to try and keep those bastards under control? Nematodes? Neem Meal? Anything?


I’ve heard several different ways of doing it for me I take 5 gallons of biochar put it in the wheelbarrow with 2 &1/2 gallons of worm castings then add 2&1/2 gallons of compost. Pour baking flour over top of it all. If i have l.a.b.s add a cup if i have molasses i add a cup. Then I put enough non chlorinated water in the wheelbarrow to cover everything swirl it around a bit Let it sit in wheelbarrow for week or 2 then I add it to my soil. I’ve heard some people piss in it I’m not there yet the flour is to feed the bacteria. I hope that helps you as far as root aphids thank goodness I’ve never had to deal with them. But I’ve always heard nematodes is the way to go. How did you know you had root aphids I didn’t think you can see the little boogers.


A week or 2? Damn, I was thinking 3 days was a drag. :slight_smile: How much do you add to how much soil? The manufacturers website says to use around 10%, so 1 cu ft per 10 cu ft of mixed soil. Sound about right?

Apparently they have a winged stage, and I started seeing these little white flies. The plants start yellowing, they look like they have a cal/mag, or a P def, no matter what I do.

Two weeks ago, I dumped all my old soil, flushed the plants, removed as much of the soil as I could from the roots. The roots were weak, almost like tissue paper. I repotted them all in straight Pro-Mix. For nutes, I’ve been using GH G-M-B, Cal-Mag, and Pro-Tekt alternated with water, PH is 6-6.2

The plants had been looking good until yesterday, when I noticed some brown spots on a couple of leaves. I gave the plant a shake, and little white files swarmed off of it. I sprayed them all with Azamax, and today there are no flies, but I guess they’ll be back tomorrow. My understanding is that they’re not only very difficult to eradicate, they’re also a bunch of horn dogs. :expressionless:

I read an article where they used a flush of 35% H2O2 @2ml per gallon of water to kill them in the soil, but it has the unfortunate side effect of killing most everything else in there as well. You can put back mycos and such, so it’s not the end of the world, but damn!

Anyway, I’m hoping I can add something to this mix to keep them under control. It’ll be next to impossible to keep them out of my room.


You can use it right away I just like to wait the longer you wait the more of a chance they got to multiply before you mix them with everything else in the soil. That mix sounds about right one to 10 I make between 10 and 12 yards of soil at a time and I put the whole wheel barrel in there.I’m really sorry to hear that about your plants damn bugs I hope you’re able to save them I would definitely invest in some nematodes


Check out the trikes on leafs and stems. Tall tight structure definitely my favorite so far no seeds. Sticky sticky sticky. Lemon pledge smell.


When i grow up mom i wanna be just like you.

Seeds ready


PUPPIES!! :+1:

feed me 2 feed me 2
