I've been hunting unicorns "Da Lat"

That’s probably where you’ll find it, but there’s also a chance it could’ve had origins in Thailand/Laos. Servicemen were known to bring back seeds from their stopovers in Thailand, and the people growing it were a cross-border ethnic Lao group. Since that was also the era of Thai imports, someone could’ve even gotten it out of a Thai stick.

Anyhow, the guy that gave it to you probably passed it around to more than a few people back then, so maybe someday a mutual connection will pop up with even more details.


if it was peacefull Experience, then i rather think its what he suspects. Old Thai is often very very electric. Shure you found calm Thai, i recall such reports, very few , but then often was still an earthy Experience (lets call it earthy). Cambodian Vietnam is where you find Weed thats more of a spiritual character, thai more a physical (NOT talking of Bodyeffect ) aspect, also spiritual. But Cabod Viet is only spiritual

Yeah coud be a Laos Thaistick you say, as laos is suspected to be one of the origins of Thaisticks. BUT as it came from a Veterean, it makes sense he just collected the seeds when he dicovered a Plantage. yobigdaddys report shows hundret percent similarity to other Cambod Viet…


Cambodian can still be bit electric, but nothing compared to Thai…


I just wish I had the experience to distinguish between them myself :laughing: It all sounds amazing.


Okay it’s been a little while couple quick pics of the da lat without seeds in her. Super thick leaves super sticky super smelly week 20 four more to go we will definitely be using this pheno for future breeding projects an amazing plant


Hey @YoBigdaddy. :slight_smile: That’s an awesome looking plant man. How tall is she? What kind of yield are you looking at?

I got a KNF question. I put that BAS 12 seed blend you use for a cover crop on my outdoor plot, and I got a little heavy-handed with it in a couple of spots. :slight_smile:

Would the plants in that blend be a good choice for FPJ? I can go out there in the morning with some shears, and collect enough plant material to make quite a bit, and they do grow fast. We also have some big areas of white clover around our place, and I was thinking of using some of that too.

Anyway, I hope all is well with you and yours, and I’ll TTYL8R. :grinning:


@Guitarzan She’s only about 4 ft but she’s pretty thick

Yeah that cover crop works great for FPJ as far as yeild goes I really have no idea some of those buds are pretty damn thick I’ll keep you posted the pictures don’t do it justice


Thats an epic plant! Worth the wait!


Your knf question is a good idea. I’m gonna do that


Sweeeet. Looks like I’ll be FPJ’ing in the morning. :slight_smile: It hasn’t rained today yet. I’m hoping it’s the start of a trend. As soon as it dries out, I’m gonna try making IMOs. I got my boxes made, and I got a couple of spots picked out to put 'em. :grinning:

She looks pretty good in that picture. If she’s 4ft, then those are 2 gal pots? That seems to be about the size mine get in a 2 gal. What’s the one to the left of her? She looks pretty hot too.

You know, I’ve said this before, but you killed this Dalat run man. I remember the “I think they’re all males” post, and to get from there, to where you ended up is just outstanding work.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


Well thank you for the kind words sir. Actually that one’s in a 10 gallon pot it’s just that particular pheno is short and stocky. The 3 behind it and next to it are some 1970s Vietnamese black that I pollinated with some snow high Viet black pollen that I graciously received from @blackcatgenetics . If there is enough seeds that will be my next contribution to The freaker’s Ball. Here’s a couple pictures of them

Make sure you put a pretty solid wire cage around your IMO box otherwise the coons will get in there and trash it.


The picture of the one by itself in the tent that’s in a 10 gallon pot and I received two different batches of pollen from black cats we didn’t think the first batch took that’s what I used to seed that plant in the tent by itself. The other three via black plants are under the big light behind the da lat. It looks like some of the pollen from the first batch took that’s the plant in the very back you can’t hardly see it. Here’s some more shots for you


Planting a Dalat in a 10 gallon pot is a ballsy move. :slight_smile: Those bud shots look awesome!


Wow great read, guys! I’ma gonna beg for some of that pollen (and prolly seeds, since I’ll be already begging) one of these days @YoBigdaddy !
Guess I should head off to the freakers ball thread, see what’s required of me :blush:


Ohh OK OK lol. FB’s more selective than b4 I rejoined. Well I can wait 120 days for sure


What you got hiding in the corner with them giant fan leaves? I’m curious what that is on top of your soil also


That’s FBSC 119: Manipuri. Fox Farm (wah-waaah) OF bag cutout covering. Cheap AF as they say moisture retainer.
I realize now it was this thread that triggered the change for the freakers. No surprise there; it looks great. :kissing_heart: for being my first @.


You might consider doing a Co-Op run in the interim. :slight_smile: The Overgrower badge will figure prominently in the Ball next year.

Just a thought. :wink:


That is exactly what I’ll do, thx! I’m in WA (15 limit) with 9 seedlings, maybe 16 weeks from chop. So there’s time to figure out where I can have a positive impact.


Switzerland went from gold to bad mainly during in the time shanti was growing hundreds and hundreds of killos of nevils actual clones and nevils f1 seeds and making selections to make seeds for mr nice. He flooded Switzerland and surrounding areas with tons and tons of weed for afew years, Chances are if you had fire weed or deadly saticva types between 2000-2004 it came from there ended when he probably lost all the original plants.