Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 4)

outta likes for the moment cuz lol :heart: :heart: :heart:
yep it has been a bit, welcome back to the board! Hope everything has been ok with ya?


Morning everyone.
Y’all have a wonderful start to your week! :wink:


Aw c’mon now cuz, lol how could it be anything other than wonderful?! lol
The suns is rising, the birds are singing. Hell, I’m even feeling up to hobbling out to the ‘farm-inna-barn’ for a bit!


True that. Life’s great!

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lol Hell to the yeah! Ain’t it though?! I’m still making a liar outta them docs, by looking down at the daisies instead of up at em! lol :wink: :+1: :heart:


Thanks @JohnnyPotseed lots going on a work so day posting has lessened, car is giving troubles so my commutes add to my already high anxiety. All this built up and I spent most all of Sat eve through sun evening sleeping in bed recouping both physically and emotionally.

Though it mean’t putting on loud and fast music yesterday evening so I could get my ass moving and address all 5 tents that had a “time-out” due to my human needs :rofl:

To cope I “treated myself” to a 5 gallon washing machine on 4/20 so I can deal with my “too much flower” *problem". :rofl:


Hey, sometimes ya just gotta say ‘F-it’ and relax & recoup. Glad you’re good to go, not happy to hear car troubles though, that can be a PITA!


You’re going to love having a washer @Pigeonman, after 2 runs by hand, the washer made things so much easier!!! Enjoy what your flower puts out!!!

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Ok, heading out to the barn, times awastin! I’m not sure if I’d be up to it later this morning!
Be back inna bit

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Yep. Especially when it’s that the front break pads stay engaged with the wheel rotor when in drive… :man_facepalming:

I got work done on mostly on the issues with the rear tires and the issue seems like when I break when driving they make contact and then the calipers are not getting them back into their cleared position. But this is with the front tires so that’s another thing on top of the rear wheel’s repairs.

The kicker is i only figured this out by checking the wheels right away after parking and the pads were in direct contact with the rotors even without the parking break engaged! Not even a piece of paper could fit in there and the rotors were so hot I could barely tap them with a wet finger…

I went inside to have a stress-coffee and came out to take a pic and the pads were now off the rotors like they are supposed to be. :man_facepalming:

I hope they know what needs to be done now that I did all this work for them. They 100% missed this because by the time they would have looked at the front brakes they would have opened back up again!

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Morning folks!


Runnin on fumes!


Good morning OG!


I know it’s only been 4 days since my last update. But Damn, these plants are taking over!
So, here’s a few pics for yas to look at. lol
Up first is the Alaska ThunderFuck Rose took out of the tray/humidity dome, due to @MoBilly giving us the heads-up they were all males. We kept one male in the tray to milk the pollen when older, but these 3 little shits won’t quit! So we might keep em to milk also, and get a load of ATF dust!


Damn it, lol hit wrong button! .,lol now on to the rest of the update! lol
up next is the tray with ISS and Frankie

next is tray with ATF, God’s Space Needle, and a few more Frankie

next is a couple pics of the TriForce babies

next we have some PBB and to the right of pic is some Monkey Business

next is a SkyWalker and some Buddha’s Cane babies with some MB in the shot on the left

Up next is the ISS , getting too big for their britches, if ya ask me! lol

Now to finish this up proper lol a few bud porn shots from the budroom

That’s it folks. Thnx for dropping by to check things out!
Don’t even ask which buds are which strain, lol i just took some random shots of different plants/buds.
Everything in the budroom has been pollinated, so some foxtailing fluffy stuff going on lol
For size comparison, the shelves in the pics of the ISS were built in at 4’.


Good morning everyone. The start of a brand new week! May the enthusiasm last all week :joy:


This confuses me. I gave you the PBB not the ATF. lol
Can you tell if those PBB are male or female yet?


lol I’m sorry about that cuz lol I wasn’t thinking straight there i reckon! The PBB we seem to have all girls though. It was @BigMike55 gave us the ATF, and let me know it turned out they were boys. lol Thnx for getting me straight!


Is that one that @Oldjoints had live a male?

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Not sure, I know Mike brought the cuttings for us both, so it probably is.

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