Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

Good Morning OG!


Good morning Johnny!
Good morning! @Greenfingers @CanuckistanPete
Good morning Circus dwellers and OG!
Have a great day y’all! :fist:t3::facepunch:t3::vulcan_salute:t3: :green_heart::heart: 🪶🪶


Good Morning OG :coffee: :sunglasses:
Hope everyone’s coffee is smooth and delicious this morning.

@Greenfingers I wonder if the birds got to them first, Do you cover them?


Two summers ago was the first time I ever saw one of these Japanese Scarab Beetles

This year they are wiping out raspberry and blackberry and grape crops…along with others.


Those damn beetles. I see them from time to time here in the Northeast.

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Walk by a berry bush and they’re just covered in them.

Dang, I wonder what predator would gorge on them?

Are they on your outdoor plants? Maybe they move back and forth after getting the munchies :grin:

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We have a grape vine that runs down our fence…they annihilated it. They don’t seem to like weed. (literally feet away) I’ve seen the odd one on it, but nothing to worry about…so far.


Is there anything you can do to mitigate them or is it a lost cause when you get invaded?

As long as they stay away from my cannabis…I could spray them but they’re everywhere.

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Morning fella’s.
Have a good one!


Lol Beatles with the munchies ( like John, Paul, George and Ringo) :joy:I have had plants tucked into them in the past, they’re a bitch to water you will walk away bleeding these will tear you up. They just get overgrown and don’t produce like they should. In the past I’ve burned them to the ground and they come back and give berries like crazy, I didn’t want to burn them this time so I’m cutting them back. Usually I have to have my friend come over to help pick and his wife makes jams and whatever else she makes from them, but not this season. I’ve been neglecting them bottom line. I let them go and it turned into a nightmare.


They sell bags that attract them and they’ll fall down in it. They work pretty well, I had them pretty bad a couple years ago and used bags then and last year, this year all clear. I probably tossed 6 full bags of them throughout those two years though, it was gross


Gooooooood morning everybody! Positive thoughts out to all!


Appreciate you holding it down in my absence :laughing:

Morning folks!


Many years ago, fairly new to tent growing I let 2 plants go way too long
by the time I harvested them there were volunteer seedlings growing beneath them (a few not many)
The plants both had seeds but not an extreme amount.
I planted the seeds to see what I would get, The same weed but ever seed was female, 20 out of 20 were fems.

We used those bags a couple times, it is gross. Japanese beetles like bean plants, grape leaves but they stay off cannabis. My sour grape is right between my bean’s tomatoes and peppers with no damage from them.

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Unusual, but I can see it happening lol especially if they got crossed. Nice for you though, however it worked.

You musta had some close to ideal growing conditions. That has a lot to do with the male/female ratios. In my barn most ‘volunteers’ are female also.

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Good morning everyone


Good morning all you pot smoking hippies. Wake and bake time!!!