Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

Thanks for that @crownpoodle.

There is a legitimate warning Against using any Engineered or Machined Sand… ie: masonry.

It can form a layer and restrict airflow.

Natural Sand gets Mixed extensively when building soil and top-dressed with amendments, its Seriously worked-in.

Happy sprint to the Finish cp


That’s shitty man. If I can’t control pain with cannabis I add some ibuprofen. Not to smoke. Hehe.
I talked to my doctor about ibuprofen. He said for severe pain take up to four ibuprofen. Which is prescription strength. I do that and in concert with my smoke it works well.


Hey guys. Check out these buds. They are not Frankenstein but I’m proud. These are the nicest buds I’ve seen on autos.

Sorry Johnny. I’ll behave now. You may get a few likes on your thread, tho. So there’s that.


I eat my fair share of acetaminophen and ibuprofen. Probably the daily max most days.
Gonna have my guts fucked up I’m sure. :grimacing:

@CanuckistanPete - “togetherers”, hehe love it.


Boy can I relate @MoBilly . That’s a long chapter in my book, the pain meds. Book’s still in process. Thinking about you. Damn. Hang in there.

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Back at you bro. Back at you.

What type of total grow days we talking
from seed to finish? Nice buds

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We need a cannabis plant for Old injured folks, something to replace big pharms drugs that are killing us slowly.


Well, total grow days really depends on how long you keep it in vegetation. You probably mean flower days, right?

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It said 75-80 days seed to harvest. They are on day 53 today.

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These are Autos, bruh. Time is pretty much genetically set. These have been on 20 hrs of light per day since they popped from seed.


I ask how long because I saw they were autos
I know Photos well Thks Much.
Big Mike, can I inquire how much you are getting dry weight on the autos you grow, I have yet to grow a decent auto myself, even starting seed in 3 gal fabric pots

I used to keep my coco grows in almost 4 month in veg
Had a few indoor monsters

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Not really up on autos. This is my third attempt. And this is the best looking buds so far. Someone else may be able to chime in on that. I normally grow regulars. The bigger the better.


How were the ribs @BigMike55 ? As good as they looked? I’m thinking I need a new smoker. I’ve got a great big one I cook on but would like something smaller for the backyard. How u like that Oklahoma Joe’s? I’ve seen those around here before


Sorry I haven’t been jumping into the conversation here folks, lol I’ve been packing beans and just now took a break.
@STIGGY I believe that’s Frankenstein, not Frankenstein’s Bride… correct me if I’m wrong @MissinBissin ? Frankenstein’s Bride is another strain I made by crossing her with King Tut.
@MoBilly I’m sorry to hear you had such a rough nite, brother! But also glad you’re doing it like me, without the opioids!

@crownpoodle hell yeah, cuz! Perlite is much better than sand, IMHO.
@Sniklefritz, like he said cuz, I tried using sand (ONCE!) didn’t like it, and if the wrong stuff is used it can have a bad impact on your gals.,
@MissinBissin We have very natural soil here in this land, I still blended perlite into the holes I prepped when we did outdoor grow a couple years back.
@BigMike55 you post them pics all ya wanna, brother! I’d be bragging too! lol very nice looking, especially for Autos.
@STIGGY (We need a cannabis plant for Old injured folks)…lol I’m working on it, cuz!

Oh yeah, lol I didn’t get an invite after all to the rib-fest! i see how ya are Mike!

ok, lol i think I’m all caught up now, back on my head packing beans!


Haa haa ,back on your heads. The old gone to hell joke!


Hey, lol coffee break is over now.


@Hashpants I use that line a lot, not many catch the reference though, lol


Thanks for that @JohnnyPotseed. Perlite goes everywhere I agree.
Its just the fluke-luck of the Sand-Traps output, year after year Johnny.
No perlite on that barren Bunker lol of a garden.
I’m gonna keep adding both for a while yet, Fun is just beginning