Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

Good morning all!


Yep mornin here. Think I may leave the good off this one. Rough night :persevere: hope y’all have a good one tho give me a lil bit I’ll b feeling better (I hope)


Sorry to hear that, cuz. Hope today is better for ya


Good morning OG :coffee:

Hope everyone has a great day!


lol so far, so good… but it’s early yet!


Morning OG! Wide awake since 3am. Wish it was cuz I was excited to pop more seeds today. My neck is tweeked this morning. Well…AND I’m excited to pop some seeds. Right nowf I’m thinking I want 8 or 9 females at flip. I’ve got so many good choices.


Few good tokes and a couple 100 mg gummies got me feeling good now. Time to get some housework done :white_check_mark: I don’t have the luxury of a better half like some of u fellers. Y’all better give them ladies a smooch and appreciate them.


DONE! lol…


Never miss an opportunity.


Good morning everyone. Have a great day


@MoBilly speaking of clearing a room… lol reminded me of a goodun!
Rose’s grandfather passed, he was loved by the whole community.The small church was packed! I’m talking standing room only. Both side aisles and the center aisle, out into the vestibule and under the entrance canopy! Pews tight. It was elbow to elbow, and ass to belly… I happened to let one loose that was pure nasty. It cleared an 8’ space around us in ALL directions! lol I to this day, have no idea how or where them folks found room to squeeze away from us. I’m sitting there, looking down at Rose beside me, like what did YOU do?! She just shrank down in her spot…
To this day folks talk about that one, and you can’t convince them it wasn’t Rose!
:scream: :blush: :rofl: :rofl: :+1:

It was one of those EPIC ones!


That’s rich man. :rofl:
Hey you stoner! Having trouble editing? :laughing:


Always lol especially if I’m having a morning Frankie!


I had a mix of whatever I’ve been smoking the last few days. Whatever is left when I load a bowl goes in a 1oz Grove bag. After three or four days, that mix becomes “what’s on the menu” :slight_smile:


Oh! lol Just thought of another time. You’ll love this, brother! lol
\In a steakhouse for lunch, the wife n sons n me, sitting there eating. these 2 NewYork boys brought a couple gals with em into the joint. Giving the waitress hell, being obnoxious and rowdy. Loud talking, just plain buttmunchers. I told Rose n our boys… ‘watch this’. I got up to go get something from the buffet, I passed by the corner between the two guys, as I passed I raised my leg (the closest to them) and turned a rank one loose… on my way back to the table, I passed the same corner, raising my leg and turning another monster loose on em. They turned blue in the faces. They lost their appetites fast! When it came time to leave, the waitress refused a tip. they’d been watching and laughing. The guys didn’t utter a word of protest, either… Punks!

Rose is sooooo glad I had my gall bladder taken out!


I’ve got my jar I clear off my tray into. If I build up a bunch it goes in butter.


There have been a few epic ones that Rose & our sons still talk/laugh about, lol
Let me even act like I’m gonna fan the blanket, Rose quickly holds em down tight!

Too bad nowadays, nuttin but all bark n no bite!


Love it!

Okay. Here’s mine. Well, not mine butt I was there. Back when I was around 30 I was at Walmart with the bosses father. He was one hardcore individual bro. Had no ears to speak of. He lost them when he got blown out the top of a house when he was smokin a cigarette (gas leak). He was blown out the top of a tin roof building when he opened the door at the top of the stairs. Got blown over the next house and landed on a frozen canal. I mean the little dude was tough!
Anyway I digress. I was at one end of an isle and Chester was center isle standing next to a rather portly woman and her husband farther down the isle. Ol Chester, he cuts loose with a long growling ripper and I knew from being in the truck with him earlier what the stench must have been like. Chester says, loud enough to be heard three isles away, “DANG LADY!” and walks away. And you could hear the lady telling her husband loudly “It WASN’T ME!!”
I miss that old man. lol


I truly loved turning them SBDs loose and blaming someone else! Sounds like my kinda guy!


One heckuva topic first thing in the morning! :rofl: :rofl:
But hey, funny is funny, no matter the time!