Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

Yeah. Who started this fumigation anyway?!


er… :scream: :crazy_face: :+1:


Nice! Going back to work with a smile. :slight_smile:

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Gotta make it out to the barn to feed the beast
ditto on ‘later’


I missed this post. Good thing I backed up before quitting. lol
Unfortunately, edibles are ineffective on me.

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I hear that now and then with edibles. Folks can’t tolerate them, or get much effect. With my smoke, I rotate strains no matter how much I like a particular one. Really helps keep my tolerance where I can smoke myself quite stupid.


I get zero effect. I’ve eaten enough to make Snoop and Willy both comatose… nothing. It bums me out more than just a little. Mushrooms are the same. I’ve tried some given to me by one that knows shrooms. Nothing.
A lot of things are not available to me because my liver will not process it into my blood stream.
I really don’t even like the process of smoking. I had planed to exclusively use edibles when I started using pot for medicine. Smoking is the only way I can do that though. Now I don’t mind it. Learning more and obtaining a better grown and cured product has much improved the experience. I’m still taking smoke into my lungs but at least it is a flavorful and smooth smoke. After two years I’d say it’s actually something I look forward to now.


While I don’t get ‘zero effect’ I don’t care for what I DO get! lol A straight up
body buzz… which with my equilibrium issues, doesn’t sit well. Smoking is the only way for me to get what I need.


Yeah if it was only a liver problem then you could keep an edible under your tongue until it absorbs because I heard it bypasses the liver and goes straight into the bloodstream. If it still doesn’t work then it would be a DNA issue then and you wouldnt be able to change it I bet

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Personally I love them but I know ppl that say they don’t feel them either :man_shrugging: I have tremendous arthritis pretty much every where in my body and I ache like crazy. Especially when any change in the weather. Some days it gets bad and I do take pain pills but a lot of days I take no pills just a ridiculous amount of gummies and thank goodness they work great for me. Took me a while to get dosing down started out trying reg ppl doses then moved up to enough to tranquilize an elephant lol. I am an extra large fellow with a crazy tolerance to everything. Whatever floats ur boat I reckon. :smirk:


Is that like when I put Windowpane under my eyelid in 1973? Worked pretty quick.


back in the 60s we’d use an eyedropper to either put LSD25 on sugar cubes, or drop straight into eye. lol


Or my favorite, on an animal cracker. I ate a lot of animal crackers, lol.



I always liked 4 Way Windowpane. 4 of us. Me, myself, and I, and someone/thing I’ll conjur up shortly for company.


We used to drop it on sweet tarts. Also had sugar cubes. Never on a animal cracker but I like that idea


Put it like this… there were a LOT of ways to take it…just DO IT! lol
We also just dropped it straight into our mouths from eyedropper lol


Yeah, it was my favorite once upon a time. Double Barrel Purple Mikes, California Sunshine, Blue Unicorn, lol. 17 hits was my record and I turned out perfectly … well, I turned out.


Christ. The double barrels were like candy. Lol
Surfing Jesus was a killer blotter along with the Woodstock ones with the bird from snoopy on it…and zoomers. Could never Remeber their name but the only drug I’ve ever fully hallucinated on… What a trip


lol I saw Mickey Mouse coming round a mountain road in the red car with big yellow balloon tires, and tried to hitch a ride. I was standing on flat land…

But, that’s all I can ever remember about that trip!


I think my best trip was taking 3 California Sunshine microdots and then we drove from Edmonton to Calgary. The aurora borealis was in full swing that night, was one hell of a drive.