Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

To any of you good people that have obtained Thunder Rose from us…
BE WARNED! This plant is gonna be BIG indoors or out! We didn’t have any idea of how she’d grow, so left her natural to see… Well, lol We SEE! And it’s beautiful to behold! lol BUT, she will definitely need training hard, if you grow her indoors!
We’ve found there are basically two phenos of her, one gets very tall, while the other is somewhat lower/bushier, but also gets fairly good height.
In this pic of the budroom, you’ll see what I mean, the two in front are TR pheno #2, that tallest thing between the lights is pheno #1

The male in the veg room (pollen donor) is almost into the 8’ ceiling…

The only difference? The tall one was flipped on 8/23, the two new ones flipped on 9/9


Hey @JohnnyPotseed !
Look what a mutual friend sent me when he found out I was a rock hound!
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Big Sur Jade.
I had thought I might polish her smooth as glass but naaa. This thing is beautiful just the way the surf made her.


Dang brother! lol ya just got my last like for a couple of hours! Love Jade! lol



This is a first for me. I’ve never owned an uncut specimen. Crownpoodle said it was okay to say where it came from. lol Sooooooo.
Thanks again @crownpoodle !


Always the great OG’ers here, giving to others! Just another example of why this site outshines any and all others!


I know where you can get some 2 inch wire rope, fairly cheep. May be overkill tho. Maybe not.


lol ya think, on that ‘overkill’?!

Outta likes, lol
:heart: :heart: :heart:


@JohnnyPotseed made a rookie mistake. After he tied her up, he didn’t talk mean to her and make her stay in her place.

A misogynistic person would say.

I’m just glad I’m not one! (No hate mail please)

I’m just trying to fit in!
OH, the peer pressure!!! I can’t take it!


Like-jail has me unable, cuz! lol so here ya go :heart: :heart:


@JohnnyPotseed where do you think the mold resistance’s in that Frankie come from?Id really like to use her for breeding stock to just make a plant that survives the mold here .You should see the PM pop up here in the last week my skunk #1 got it and toads one backpack got it and im going to have to take the one down early buds got so thick that bitch botrytis decided to pop in.So far Frankies still clean after having the plant lay on it.Will be removing whole budrot plant this weekend im not taking any chances she will got to full term if i have to cut a hole in the sky at this point


Honestly cuz… I can only attribute it to the care put into the breeding program, taking only the best of the best to proceed to the next level. Since at all stages/levels I chose only the hardiest growers. Starting with top shelf genetics also helped, I’m sure. lol


Ive got to get you a picture i had a full blown leaf loaded with spores like a powdered donut right on top of that baby.She is clean as a whistle ive never seen anything like it.Our PM always gets everything here its a nightmare i call it the one who always wins.What a goddamn monster of a plant sewn up from many.Thank you

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lol Thnx, cuz. :heart: I appreciate those generous words!


Im sure that white russian helped that was a tough plant and Probably my favorite of all time.Serious had thier shit together back then what a company and i mean every word.You dont know how much you just helped me


When I was into the breeding of her, if any clone plant could be stressed, out it went. lol that particular line of clones at least. I wanted something as hardy as I could make it, so no hermies allowed. lol
I’d bet a dollar to a donut, as many folks that have grown her out by now… someone has screwed the pooch a bit, and worried if the heried her. lol Only to find out she is like the Timex of Ganja, she takes a licking and keeps on ticking! She is about as impossible to hermie as you can find. Believe me, I’ve tried, many times!


My morphology took on a more open but complex bud structure here it stacks and makes spears at the same time but it has a little more open space to play with.Im learning that is a desirable trait next to a lake.Toads buds are so thick and heavy it will take at least two weeks to dry them no bueno here that moisture twords the end of the fall rains we get here is a recipie for disaster.The malted barley has them all at couldy trics so i will still have a harvest with them just trying to cut buds and foster what i can.If it has no signs of shit going on im going to take her 9 weeks and she will have the whole bed to herself to gobble up all the leftovers

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Not a sign of a nanner ever i repete ever ive been throughout that while plant with a head lamp on shes a straight shooter

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Sounds good, cuz! Let her go as long as you can, you won’t regret it. lol

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I miss that old White russian buzz glad you threw that in there homie

in '98, White Russian was in the top 10 consistent world class strains. I chose several from the top 10, then expanded to the top 20 for the rest

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