Kasper’s Pollen Chucks

Outside getting ready to flower. Looking healthy.

Diesel cross.

Dream blushes.


Next up: STS reversal attempt. Dream blushes.


Awesome!! Everything is cruising along. :+1:


Looking good my friend! Those sugar belts just look great. Do you feed any sweeteners or anything like that to help them frost up? I feel like I’m just not getting as much resin production as I should. I’m thinking it probably had more to do with the humid conditions but I’m still learning how to handle the flowering stage appropriately.


Man, that’s a winner!

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Well my ferments have sugar but haven’t really given them too much as I’ve really been working on the JLF. I did give a teaspoon of molasses shared between the 3. Honestly these sugar belts are just extra frosty beaches.


You knocked it out of the park with those Sugar belts brotha!

Your garden is always looking great! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Wow man, your outdoor girls are looking wicked! But your indoor ones, daaaamn, fantastic!! Well done :ok_hand:

So, do you wet trim or wait and do it dry?

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I usually slowly pre trim while growing the last couple weeks. The day before chop ill take off all the fans or most of them. Then just chop the whole plant and hang.


Bumble bee :honeybee: :grin: you can see a normal be next to her. There were several this morning.


Nice pic, that bumble is huge!! :honeybee:

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Ya they are so darn pretty!!

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Your sunflowers are beautiful too!


Thank you!! Super happy with them. Even tho I didn’t get a different color one this round they turned out amazing!

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We had a windstorm :sob:

My big one is very dead unfortunately, but there are 5 others around the yard, like the volunteer in this pic (and a few we meant to plant, lol)


Brutal! Pretty mellow weather this year in az. Haven’t had much windy storms or apocalyptic hail storms.

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Dream Blush clones. STS is mixed and ready to go.


I’m looking for ideas on what kind of strain/ seeds to pop next for indoor flowering in the tent. Definately going to grow a couple more Afghani autos as the one chunky pheno I had was insane night time smoke, the other was not as strong and a little too sativa. But autos are easy to fit in here and there.
Not looking to flower any more photos in the greenhouse(Autos and Veg only).
Like all yall I have too many stains to choose from :rofl:


@Tracker the dream Blush clones are #2 ,#1, and a not sure which dream i took the clone from. How large do I have to let them get before flowering them? And does it matter which one I reverse? #1 is still producing re veg leaves, does that matter?

Also #1 looks pretty monster cropped, should be really cool.


Since they are clones, they are already sexually mature. You can put clones to flower right away when they get established. Size doesn’t matter, only for the amount of flowers/seeds you want it to make.

Not sure if reveg situation matters.

If it matters which one to reverse… You’ll end up with either 1x2 or 2x1. I imagine the outcome of either would be similar.

You will get selfed seeds from whichever plant you reverse too. So would you rather have #1 or #2 s1 seeds?