Kasper’s Pollen Chucks

Awesome! Thank you for the insight. I’ll probably do my first spray here in a couple days. Then 5 days later flip. Don’t need a ton of seeds but I want enough to be able to spread the love with a couple hundred. These are large enough for that. :grin::+1:


Ok treated these ladies with some bug control as I saw a few more mites on these last week. Had another mix with rosemary in it that I used a few days ago and drenched in labs before that. Didn’t see anything recently but figured I better douse them anyways since the new stuff came in. :crossed_fingers:


Reversal time! Sprayed a few top nodes on the Dream Blush #2.
5 days till flip. :+1::crossed_fingers:


Some garden pics.

Going to dig up some potatoes. Cucumbers are going crazy and looks like I missed a couple hanging under the sunflowers. Hopefully the tomatoes have a fall round of fruit in them. That tomatoe plant inside the mesh is gargantuan. One of @BeardedMech s tomatoes is also getting some size on the other side of the the gargantuan one. That last sunflower got to almost 10 feet tall. Jalapeños and chillies producing pretty good and the chickens digging the soldier larvae and other bugs outa the compost.


10’?? Daaamn :grin:

Very, very nice garden. Do you ever grab a chair and sit in the middle of it and just, smile? :grin::metal:


:rofl::rofl: thank you!! And

Every chance I get :rofl:


Pretty mushrooms. :grin:


Berry Cherry Chocolate Diesel. :rofl:

Dream Blushes(not sure what to expect from them all but one being in flower/veg all summer)


Mushrooms opened. I believe these are flower pot parasol mushrooms.

And a grasshopper chilling before being consumed. (Not by me)


Come on @Kasper0909 just take on bit and try that grasshopper just dip him in some chocolate :chocolate_bar: :joy::joy::joy:


It’s not time. :rofl:

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Tonight is flip time for the Dreams. Spray
Second sts spray tonight. Last night I soaked them in the herbal ipm. That stuff looks to do good. Haven’t seen any more mites but just to be sure.

Little burnt tips from last sts.


Research JADAM KNF orange book

if you don’t wanna pay for fertilizer…make your own.

I’ve already scaled down their measurements if you need help.

Basic fertilizer…coffee grounds(unboiled), tea leaves (out of the bag), banana peels, egg shells, weed leaf clippings.
Mix in water (1 gallon) let soak for 24 hrs, DILUTE TO 2 GALLONS…water happily


Currently use jlf and ferments (labs, ffj, fpj, etc) Also running soldier fly larva composting with chicken poo and kitchen scraps among other things. I buy some amendments like blood meal, bone meal etc. I also use Dr earth dry fertilizers sparingly.


Seems you’ll love it here. :+1::facepunch:

Horn worm on the tomatoes.


Dream Blush reversal project.

Flipped and sprayed 2 days ago.


Soldier Flys have taken over the kitchen scrap bucket.
There are holes in the bottom to drain their liquid into another bucket and holes in the top for adults to enter and final stage larvae to crawl out. The liquid is pretty rad and gets dumped into the JLF bucket. The final processed food remains gets mulched and picked through by the chickens to get any bugs out. The final product would be insect frass ( because of all the larvae stages of a soldier fly, there are many casings with the castings) and mulch which is great for keeping plants defense up against attacking insects. Not to mention the microbes

Next time I’m going to dilute the larvae liquid with just water and feed it to a plant to see if there is any noticeable reaction

Thought about tossing these critters in there already but I’ll wait a little longer. Supposedly the larvae will consume them in a couple days but I’m skeptical at this point in their lives.

It would transform them into a much safer/ healthier protein but for now they are trash. I’m sure allot of ppl think im crazy for not just feeding them directly to the chickens but.

Also I need to take a picture of the larger larvae further down.
Another important note is I add allot of fresh chicken poo to the kitchen scraps and larvae go nuts over it. Daily added to bucket


Go buddy Go, love a good science :test_tube: experiment :microscope:, you got this wizard :mage:‍♂! :wink::facepunch::+1::sunglasses::v:

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@Kasper0909 what STS recipe are you using? Have you used it successfully before?