Kasper’s Pollen Chucks

Here’s the chocolate cherry Berry diesel.

Dream Blush clones.

These three plants have been in and out of flowering all year.


Watermelon. Whooo hoo !!

man I can’t believe how much chickens love Labs curds . :joy::joy:

And more on the way.

The liquid in the bottom (whey?) Is the serum for LABs (lactic acid bacteria)


One of the jlf buckets.



Fabric pots? Maybe salt from your nutes? I had it mine, it looked exactly like that.

They may take a while, but they’re beautiful plants man👌

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Possibly scale build up. I get it too and have hard water. But also possibly beneficial fungi or bacteria. A friend of mine had introduced a type of benificial fungi to rid his soil of a fungus that was damaging roots. His pots looked like that afterwards. He said it’s the fungus growing.

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Yeah, fungi makes sense in there too…

Just to compare, here’s a pic of mine with the salt build up… Just thinking, comparing might rule this out :blush:

I had actually posted on here somewhere, asking for ideas… Turned out to be the pH down I was using 🤷. I switched to a different one (pH down to an acid buffer) and it went away.

Whatever ya got, it doesn’t appear to be hurting the plants, they look great :ok_hand:


I don’t use any salts tho or I’d totally say that, not even cal mag. Just curious more than anything.

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Next logical step in organic growing in my opinion seems to be biochar. Going to pick through some high heated ashes. Actually looks pretty good. Ended up getting about 3/4 of a coffee can filled.


Gotcha, right, that makes sense with all your liquid (:nauseated_face:) fertilizers, haha…

Hmm, curious… At least my idea can be ruled out! :grin::ok_hand:

What are you making the bio char from…if I may ask…??


I think it’s mostly mesquite honestly. Just delving into it, so ill be making some soon enough. For now I’ll pick through this outside stove.
If anyone has any favorite ways to char im all ears


Not sure but we’ve had rain lately and my only guess is super water logged.


Coconut shells could be mixed with the mesquite…if you can find it.
That plant does look like a root bound plant I had :slightly_smiling_face:

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What about straight bbq charcoal from the store? Does it need to be burnt?


Needs to be heated to like 600 degrees in the absence of oxygen depending on the type of wood so regular charcoal is not the same. Still in the early stages of reading and such. I don’t have coconut shells tho so I’d rather find something that’s readily available @globalhead . Probably be messing with mesquite or some other chopped wood in the yard. I wonder if dried cannabis stalks would be doable.


Last ditch effort


Ahh, gotcha… That makes sense…

As for coconut shells, that’s just coco man, ground up.

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This Black Velvet x pablos revenge x sugar belts by @Ottafish is probably the frostiest bud I’ve grown. Smooth, smells good, tastes good and nice long high.
Had a buttery sweet smell can’t quite pinpoint yet and a smooth taste.

Tho the Ayahuasca purple x sugar belts (purple) seems to be the house fave currently. That one is like a smooth lemon pledge smell and lemony flavor and just breaks your brain. Pics soon


Ayahuasca purple x sugar belts(purple) clone. Monster cropped @Ottafish

She’s perfect for and needs a net.


Bio char charging in microbes. (JLF, LAB, SFLL,) didn’t get a much as I thought but every little bit helps. There are so many benefits to this stuff (look up biochar for Gardening) and it doesn’t decay, lasts in the soil for 100s if not thousands of years.