Kasper’s Pollen Chucks

I’ve been reading about biochar for a while now. I’ve added the charcoal remains to past gardens before. I had really good soil in that garden. I didn’t know what biochar was then. An old timer told me to do it so I listened. I think I’m gonna dig through my fire pit. :joy:
Also you have inspired me again. I’m gonna start making my own LAB to incorporate into my routine. I really want to be free of any salt based nutrients.


Awesome!! The Labs is absolutely Tool #1 in my growing. The reaction alone from the plants when it’s used is very noticeable and it’s super good at breaking down those organics and keeping the soil in check. :+1: if you have any questions at all when making it lemme know.

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I have many questions.
It looks like you do jadam/knf style nutrients!?

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Don’t use grilling charcoal. Go to homedepot or Lowes to the garden secti9n and get horticultural charcoal


Yes. But be advised im just a noob at it. :joy:

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Yes this wasn’t grilling charcoal. It was from an old outside burning barrel. Actually just ordered a couple bags too as it’s not that expensive and don’t see myself burning wood soon.

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Oh I see you weren’t talking to me haha

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OK, mee too.

Forgive me I can’t remember all the acronyms.

I started with the JLF in a 44 gallon barrel and added 5 gallons of sea water, 5 gallons of mntn river water with the rest being filled during a hurricane. I added a pound of tea leaves and a pound of coffee grounds. I also made the forgive me brown sugar and dead fish ferment.

I have 4 plants in 25 gallon fabric pots with living soil about 100 worms in each bag. Soil is from the mntns, piedmont, coastal soils of the east coast to have a more diverse microbial soil culture. added Black kow soil, biochar, perlite, vermiculite, lava rocks and pumice. I use the Gaia brand Basalt and WOW mycorhizae mixed with stone milled yellow corn flower in my watering sessions.

I use a 50/50 of JLF and rain water on my plants and plan to add the fish sauce when I flip to flower.

I’m curious to the benefits of the LABS

Biochar into the soldier fly mulch.

Also Mixed in there is some ground clutter (leaves, pine needles)
You can see lots of egg shells in there
I’ll put more biochar in when it arrives


SFL getting big.

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mixed some SFL leachate with labs this time.


Getting a few pm’s concerning lactic acid bacteria (LABs). So I’ma post a couple links. No joke. Make this stuff!!

This is not new age, this is back to basics.

Just a couple quick links. There is allot of info out there. Great tool for organic growers


Reversal seems to be working. Plants finally going into flower. Seems to be some pollen sacks forming but not positive yet. :grin:

These are fed with JLF, SFLL(Soldier Fly Larva Leachate),LABS and Dr. Earth mixed in.


Next up clones and 1 new Dream Blush doing really good.


Here’s a very good easy to follow (what is biochar?) video.


Do you know if it’s in the orange jadam book?

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I do not. It is a knf staple. Tho i get jadaam and knf mixed up.


Man this new format takes a little getting used too.

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I find it’s a little more like the old desktop version…

I haven’t looked at the new desktop version yet, I wonder what’s different over there :grin:

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Outside dream Blush getting chubby.
I have no idea how far along they are

Cherry berry chocolate diesel.