Kasper’s Pollen Chucks

Beauty! :ok_hand:

Any smells coming out yet?

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Ya they are smelly. Mostly sweet but smell really good. I’m really bad at smells


She’s definitely bulking up nicely :green_heart:

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Took 4 clones of the Ayahuasca purple x sugar belts (purple) so i can put the mother outside to see if we can’t get some more of that purple to show. Starting to cool down at night pretty good

Man what is with this 1 Pic at a time upload cap. Not sure i can hang with this


Plants are looking good!

I’ve always uploaded one pic at a time, so I can remember what to write about each plant :joy:.

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Like 3 at a time would be perfect. :disguised_face::man_shrugging:


I need something very Blueberry in my life. I may run some of the very blueberry blutooth from okcalyxx.


Lol, I have troubles with 1 sometimes :joy:

Man, if there wasn’t a border between us, I’d send you a cut from my blueberry mom. From about halfway through flower to when you first jar the buds, the smell is 100% blueberry, I honestly don’t even smell weed. After a little more curing, it’s coming out like blueberry liqueur now… I’m sooo happy I took a mom! Lol


Awesome! Does it have the Blueberry flavor?

I’m horrible with flavours when smoking, I mostly just taste ash… On the very tail end of exhaling, I do get what could be considered a blueberry flavour for a second though. Moreso from my vape.


I’ve been super into whiskey for a long time and taught myself some smell/ taste techniques that somaliers use when tasting whatever it is they are a Somalier of. Most of our sense taste comes from the olfactory senses, about 80% I think. When you exhale or after inhaling draw in air slowly through the nose and mouth while simultaneously smacking your tongue against the roof of your mouth. Like when you just tasted something good and make that smack sound? This part is always so hard to explain :pensive:. But it’s a thing we all do subconsciously. I wouldn’t recommend exhaling the smoke itself through your nose. I find the most flavor after exhale on a fresh hit.

Also when smelling spirits or anything really to pick out notes. Bring whatever it is your smelling towards your nose while breathing in gently with your mouth slightly open. In a natural open position, were not making funny faces here. When smelling whiskey I bring the glass near and then away several times to find my way around the ethanol. Then move it from nostril to nostril near and far and just inhale, not sniff. If your forcing air into your mouth and nose it blows past your olfactory passage and you just get ethanol burn in your nose.

Being able to pick out smells and flavors though comes from training your pallet. Learning the technique is the first step to that. I used to go to the grocery store and just sniff stuff so I could build a mental catalog of smell and taste notes. You don’t realize howany smells you know that you know, but can’t identify until you go down that rabbit hole.


I grew some ewok cross that was an unmistakable Blueberry flavor. It was even a purple color. Didn’t know it was so rare at the time. :man_shrugging:

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Ya that sounds like some good tricks. :+1: tho i gotta tell you sometimes the smells/ tastes terpines are easily found without standing on your head. :joy:


Dream Blush reversal i think is on track, tho this is the longest reversal I’ve ever done (and only one).

These have been getting diluted soldier fly leachate with labs only recently (tho i did have dry ammendments mixed in the soil) and they seem to be fine tho i will be adding some dr. Earth flower girl real soon.


Yeah I’d say it’s a bit easier on weed. Things are more one note most of the time. Whisky and wine people get pretty wild when it comes to their tasting and nosing notes. Common weird ones in whiskey are, leather, wood, burning rubber, iodine. I’ve heard some out there descriptions. “On the front end I get candied pecans fresh from the pan at Grandma’s on Christmas, it evolves into grand dads old dusty leather coat that hung in the barn for years, on the back of the pallet I can hear the rain as I taste apple pie and smell wet grass…” Then they find out theyre drinking some bottom shelf.


I went to a wine tasting once where they had jars of all kinds of crazy crap in ledges all around the room. As we sipped a particular vintage, we were encouraged to to open up the jars and smell the aroma, and see what smells matched what we sniffed in our wine, sipped it and the after taste. While those descriptions are out there, I can honestly say have personally experienced a similar thing… Berries to smell, leather, some coffee in the middle and finished off with licorice… :person_shrugging::joy:


Ya i used to do wine tasting when in the restaurant business and most of the time it seemed everyone had a different idea of what they tasted until everyone kinda came together and said"oh ya i taste that" in my opinion not too unlike weed. :joy: i do see how you could eventually fine tune your palate tho. :+1:


Most tastings I’ve been to are people hemming and hawing until someone begins to say what they smell. Then all of the sudden everyone gets the same notes and some new ones. The power of suggestion can sway peoples perception.


Looks like some pollen sacs peeking out on the reversed Dream Blush :sparkles::sparkler::fireworks:

@Tracker @InTheWoods


AP x SB taking to the outside good.