Late flower trich development?

Anybody had a strain that looked pretty sad till very late in flower and then got it’s trichome development on?
I’ve got this old Williams Wonder F2 that doesn’t seem to have any real trich growth. I’m holding out hope, but dang what a waste this is gonna be.


Provide photographic evidence? Close ups of buds + entire plant including pot.

What grow method are you using? What fertilizer? Etc.


I find some plants don’t “look” like they have trichomes, but in reality the trichomes are 100 microns tall. The human eye has real trouble seeing anything less than 500 microns tall(half a millimeter).


46 days, 2 gallon bucket, blumat, GH and mix of individual elements based on what I think I’m seeing. Using Hydrobuddy and Bruce Bugby formula as base.


I see trichomes on those buds. They are not very tall! Do you have a magnifying glass or microscope? Those help!


I do and they are so pathetically small. You look at any of those flowers in the picture section and this thing might was well be naked.
Also other plants I have or had growing, have quite a bit more frost than this.

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Fear not: they look good.

We are conditioned to think that trichomes must look like giant mushrooms on giant stalks. They don’t.

Some of the best weed I’ve ever smoked has had a glasslike sheen of mini trichs instead of the ones I just mentioned.

Plus it looks like they’ve got quite a way to go development wise so I wouldn’t rush to judgement yet.


She looks decently frosty and like she’s definitely gonna yield! Reminds me of an NL5Haze look. Frost doesn’t mean much. I’ve seen stuff so caked in frost you’d think it was 50% THC but when you smoked it, nothing happened. And I’ve seen bap, reggie, schwag, brick weed that would knock your socks off in a single puff.


I think @JoeCrowe has a good explanation for this phenomenon. :thinking:


Dont judge a bud by its cover :slight_smile:

I feel the same as the previous comments. Sometimes they just aren’t loaded with trichomes, but they can still have great potency.


Good old Willy’s wonder weed! God I loved that shit! Been a long time (15 years plus) since I’ve seen it smoked her. Very very cool, hope it turns out killer, I wouldn’t worry about the trichs, I’ve seen stuff that looked similar THROW DOWN in the high department. This is what I’ve been researching myself in fact , terps, THC etc and the whole entourage effect. Looking forward to seeing the finished product :facepunch:t2: