Magic Spirit Seed Company Mexican Melon, Bodhi Black Triangle and Lucky Dog Chem Fuego

It’s pretty badass, cannabis is surely one of the more resilient ones. I have a bunch of house plants that are harder to keep happy than weed :confused:

Haha, short term memory loss and all that. Yeah I grew out three females and two males and made F2s of the Black Triangle to revisit sometime in the future. Hash, Piney, Onion BO Funk smells, maybe some fruit buried down in the smell somewhere. Good smoke, relaxing but not too stoney.

Sound like some good picks. The Bandaid Haze sounds like a crowd favorite, very curious on how that one turns out for you. You started some Soar beans before right, or grew some out? Have you grown any of Freeborn’s stuff yet?

Yeah, it’s been the trend lately, everywhere I go looks like the shelves are empty and lots of product missing. My original plan was to mix up some of my own soil, which I will probably still do… but the guy I was gonna get worm castings from is on vacation until September, so I’ll have to source those elsewhere. I may just buy some KIS Organics soil pre-mixed to get me going, even though it’s pretty pricey. With everywhere being out of certain items it makes it hard to get all the shit from one place, but I’m sure I’ll piece meal it together over time. Just need something to get me started, haha.

Portland is fuckin cool. It’s really awesome I can walk out of my house, down the street to some badass food carts/restaurants/whatever… pick up some weed, find some good fuckin beer, and then just walk my ass home and pass out. I used to have to drive everywhere.I really like the vibe here, despite what the news will have you believe. I mean, yeah the homelessness is an issue (I saw two homeless dudes fighting in the street on the way to the grow shop yesterday :sweat_smile:), but any big city is going to face problems like that. At least cannabis is so accepted here that I don’t have to worry about it anymore… definitely trying to connect with the local scene here and get to growin’!


Welp, I’m fucked. Opened the tent a second ago and one of the Black Triangles was COVERED in these little off-white-colored specks. They weren’t moving or anything, couldn’t tell what they were (I knew it was probably bad, though). My girl took a pic with her phone and blew it up and it’s two different things. Definitely alive, though. I’ll post the pic in a minute. I suspect that it’s aphids. Probably from letting my dog come into the grow room (that’ll never happen again).

Anyway, both Black Triangles and one of the Feugos has them, looked at the other plants and didn’t see any. But I’m sure I will soon. Goddamn it! I’m so pissed right now. Definitely not moving forward with the planned Bandaid Haze/Soar/Skycuddler grow until I figure out what it is and eradicate it.

Does anybody know, like, how to chop and hang plants that are infested with mites or aphids or whatever the fuck these things are? I usually hang them whole. Should I chop off all of the fan leaves or something? What should I do? I’m, like, on the verge of tears right now haha. Never had an issue with anything before.


Most aphids require living plants, so fan and drying will make them all leave usually. If it’s mites it could be different.

You could always just copy what is done outdoors and wash the plant. Not ideal, but this is likely a regular issue in that environment.


Well I was already planning on chopping everything but the Melons and one of the Fuegos today (gonna chop that Fuego today, too, now). But is it okay to just hang a plant that’s got thousands of bugs on them? Where will they go? Will they just die? The drying area is in the bathroom of the grow room, so same space, basically. This is a fucking disaster.

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That proximity is an issue with that plan for sure.

I’d say try washing it. Little to lose and from those pics yesterday, not so much damage.

I hate this feeling in a grow, potential disaster is the worst.


Damn. Sorry to hear you got invaded. I hope your able to save the smoke.


Here’s the pic. Not blown-up. Blown-up, you can see that there are two different things on the leaves. You can kind of see it in the pic, not blown-up, but you gotta look pretty close.

Pretty sure the larger things are aphids. I don’t know what the smaller things are yet.

Should I just chop everything right now? I thought I might water the remaining plants with a heavy dose of Og Biowar Foliar. Maybe see if that’ll help the Melons? There aren’t any on them yet. Or not that I could see, anyway. But I know they’ll be there soon…

But if I chop everything right now, maybe it won’t be such a problem? And then just scrub the fuck out of everything and not grow for a month or so?


How much longer do the melons need to go ideally? if its not long, fuck it chop them.

otherwise. I’d remove all infected plants asap. Check the under sides of leaves and stem junctures. If there is nothing on the melons run them as long as you can.

Since you run during the day, move the healthy ones into a lit room for 40 mins. Scrub the tent in that time. It’ll give you the best shot at getting more time as you’ll at least remove any that are not already on those plants.


That’s kind of my question, though. Like, if I was already planning on chopping today, does the fact that there are whatever-the-fuck these things are on some of the plants mean the crop is ruined? Can I still dry and cure as planned? I’ve never really researched this shit, because I’ve never had a problem with pests before.

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A couple weeks, at least.

Okay, yeah, that’s a good idea. Thanks. I’m gonna water the Melons with the Biowar Foliar, chop everything else and then scrub.

And pray haha.


I think I’ll also remove all of the fan leaves and any bigger leaf from the plants I’m gonna chop before I hang them. I’m sure these things are everywhere, but they are ALL over those. Fuck…

A few days ago, I thought I saw some damage and was like,”What is that? Is that from bugs?” But then I was just like,”Dude, you never have issues. It’ll be fine.” Fucking denial…


If I had to guess I’d say mites. No sign of webbing yet?

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Not that I’ve noticed, but I haven’t really been looking, either. I did see an actual little spider crawl out of the mulch when I was watering the other day haha. Do spider mites come from spiders? I really should’ve researched all of this when I started growing, years ago. I know absolutely nothing about pests and how to eradicate them. Time to start reading, I guess. Fuck…

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Yeah looks like aphids and some big ass mites of some kind. Least not thrips.

Where’s @JoeCrowe when you need him? :joy:

My bet, fill up a trashcan and dunk the plants for 20-30min, bugs can’t survive drowning and it should ideally knock them off the plants, scoop them out and then pull the plants. Or do full 3 part bud wash


Good luck!

Yeah I dry my plants whole as well. Just save what you can, you’ve got a good shot given how late this happened.

Complacency is always what fucks you. At least it keeps growing interesting


Aphids! Get caterpillar killer in the usa or BTK in Canada. Spray em down good. It’s an extinction event.


Even though I’m gonna chop them right now? Sorry, man, I haven’t had time to read, just been chopping every leaf that has a single mite on them off. I’m only here now because I’m taking a smoke break. I’ll read that article ASAP. And then I guess go buy a huge plastic trash can? Haha!


For harvested plants, though?

Like @JoeCrowe said, I just see aphids and their casts.
If it was me, I wouldnt be worried about them impacting the finished product. The live ones will feck off when the plant is chopped and no longer provides them with food.
Quick wash to remove any casts or traces of them.


Alright, I just read that article. This seems INSANE to me, but I’m gonna do it. Yeah? Right? I should wash the buds? I’m just trying to wrap my head around the idea. Will this also help prevent future infestations? That’s all I really care about. I woke up this morning all like,”Yay! It’s September 1! I get to plant some seeds today…” but that shit’s out the window now. Sitting here thinking,”How long is it gonna be before I can start a new grow…?” Stanknugz had to shut down for months; I dunno if I can deal with not growing for three or four months.