Magic Spirit Seed Company Mexican Melon, Bodhi Black Triangle and Lucky Dog Chem Fuego

Dude, for real. I was just saying on somebody’s thread,”I barely ever do IPM, maybe a neem foliar a couple times; most of the time, I don’t do anything at all,” thinking to myself,”Yeah, that’s right, you’re just a better grower than everybody else…” haha. Fucking dipshit. Lesson learned. Never again. Never letting my dog in the room (that’s a new thing and I thought it was cute that he had suddenly taken an interest in my grow), never letting any friends in the room. Nothing.


nah if you can remove anything infected and wash the area down, you could only be down for a day or two. I know you know I just had to chop everything and start over myself, same deal. At no point should it take months unless you’re keeping infected stuff in there and trying to spot treat limping things along instead of going nuclear.

If there’s plants you wanna keep going you can dunk them for 20min or so in a separate area free of bugs/pets/people. Clean out the room, wash everything. And then wash the stuff you’re chopping, you should be back in business… I thought it was insane too but tons of guys on here and elsewhere growing outdoors do this every season.


While it might of been the dog it could have been your clothes as well. So don’t blame him to much hahaha



I’m chopping everything today. I looked closer at the Melons a couple minutes ago and they’ve got those fuckers on them, too. Not as bad, but they’re there. It really sucks, just because they were the plants I was most-interested in. Early harvest is not ideal. But yeah, I mean, I did tell you to chop everything and tear it down a couple weeks ago haha. Gotta follow my own advice.

I’m just wondering, should I toss all the soil that the plants were growing in, too? I recycle, as you know. Will there be dormant eggs in that dirt?

I’m also trying to figure out where exactly I’m gonna hang everything, especially after a wash. I’ve got room to hang four plants at a time, but that’s when they haven’t been dunked in water haha. I could probably hang three wet-ass plants in the drying area. Which means I gotta figure out room for four more. I thought the tent, but I mean, I’ve gotta get in there and scrub that shit. Plus, there’s probably aphids or whatever in there, too. Doesn’t make any sense to chop the plants, wash them and then put them right back into the same space.


Ehhhh, just smoke em before your gym routine — free Protein :upside_down_face:

I’ll show myself out…


I’m shamefully not as versed in IPM options because it’s been two years since I last had a pest. But neemcake and lacewings won’t save your soil for the next run? Please somebody school me. I learn from the misfortunes of others…. Because I know one day those bastards will find me too.


It was not my clothes. I’m extremely OCD about dealing with my plants. I actually take off everything except my shorts and scrub the shit out of my hands and forearms before I water etc. I’m very aware of anything that might accidentally brush up against my plants.

Also, my dog has been getting more and more bold every time I water. Last time, a couple days ago, I was watering one of the plants (I take them out of the tent and set them on the table each plant) and I noticed something to my right and he had gone like halfway into the tent and was chewing on the Black Triangle #1 haha! He loves fresh weed leaves; I’ve been picking some off here and there and feeding them to him while he hangs out with me in the room (again, probably something I shouldn’t have been doing).

It was almost definitely because of him. I LOVE HIM, though haha. Not mad at him at all. I’m fucking mad at myself. Straight-up hubris. Like I said, lesson learned. I used to be craaaazzyyyyy OCD, way more than I am now, about my grow. Showered before I went in there and I’d usually go in in just clean boxers or even just naked, right out of the shower. Probably gonna get back to that. I do not wanna ever see these things again. My girl was like,”Those bugs are grossing me out,” haha. They’re grossing me out, too.


No, dude, for real! Like, is it really that bad if I smoke some aphids? I truly do not know. I figure I smoke cigarettes, I fucking smoked crack like twenty years ago. Are aphids bad for you to blaze?

I’m only asking because I’m really considering the whole “bud washing” thing and weighing the pros and cons. The risk of losing this entire grow to mold (if I wash) is really making me nervous. I do not know how difficult it is to maintain a freshly-chopped crop of soaking-wet plants haha. Never done it before.


Yeah, there’s neem in my soil. And the soil from this grow won’t be grown in again for at least three or four months. I’ve got plenty in bins in the garage. I was just wondering. I don’t really wanna toss any soil, but I also don’t ever wanna see these things again. Should I just throw it out and err on the side of caution? I don’t know.


Wash the shit out of them and hang like normal if you can control the temp and humidity at 60 f and 60% 12/14 days they will be ready to trim . Lower humidity or higher temp will just mean there dry sooner.


well I use a vegetable sprayer to wash the buds off then try and shake the water out if it’s post harvest. The aphid shit is water soluble. Tastes sweet as well like pure sugar.


You know what I actually think it might be from? My girl and I were just looking at the three plants I had brought out into the kitchen and we noticed the bugs were also on the bamboo stakes (also on the floral tape. And the bottom of the pots). I’ve NEVER staked and tied this much; I usually don’t do it at all. I’m thinking they might have come from the stakes. Anyone ever heard of anything like that happening? I wiped them down with rubbing alcohol before I put them in the pots, but it’s not like I got into every nook and cranny.


My plan for my new space involves a clothes change on entry. no more fucking hair. I hate picking it out.

Its the cute face that does it. I’ve got a pair of droopy bastards and I cant let them anywhere near my stuff. They try to eat the plants, drink the water and I even caught the dozy bastard trying to eat my compost. Love them anyway though. I’d post a pic but it inverts for some reason.


I definitely cannot get it down to 60 degrees right now haha, but I can control the humidity. Probably be like 74-78 degrees in the drying area. You think that’ll be okay?

Ugh. I’m just like tripping out right now.


Good thinking! I got fucked by fungus gnats when my lady brought in a plant last year. Anything from the garden thats organic and has lots of crevices could be a source.


Why’d you delete the pic of your dog? Haha. That’s a good boy (or girl haha). Dog pics are definitely welcome on my thread.

The thing about it is, Bowie (our boy boxer) was TERRIFIED of the grow for years, both at our old house and the new one. He wouldn’t go near it. And then, all of a sudden, like six months ago, he just started walking on in and hanging out like he’d been doing it his whole life. And sucker that I am, I was like,”Haha, awwwww, isn’t that cute? Bowie wants to hang out on the grow room!”

I really do think these fuckers came with the bamboo stakes, though. In any event, it doesn’t matter. I just turned off the lights, everything’s getting chopped today. Gonna run over to Lowe’s, grab some big-ass trash cans and then go get some baking soda and lemon. These fuckers are getting washed, the grow room’s gonna get bleached-the-fuck down. I’m killing everything.


Yeah, we don’t have any living plants inside our house, for exactly that reason. I’m telling you, I’m extremely OCD about shit. Anything that might fuck up my grow, I eliminate it. We’ve got a lot of fake plants inside the house haha, but no real ones.

I really am mystified by where these things came from. I have to assume it’s the stakes.


All you can do is eliminate possibilities. Needle in the haystack.

Just fighting with the photo uploader. I swear at websites prodigiously drives me nuts.

Don’t worry I have many. Haha.


What aphid shit? Do I need to spray “aphid shit” on the plants that I’m about to chop? I’m chopping everything and I’m gonna do the “dunking/wash” thing. Do I need to apply the “aphid shit,” too? And if so, what is it??? “Help me, Obi Wan Kenobi, you’re my only hope…” haha.


Awwwwww, good dogs… Fucking love bloodhounds! But they better stay way-the-fuck away from my grow haha!